The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 504 Did you hear me?

Chapter 504 Did you hear me?
Su Xiaomo gave her a blank look, and said angrily, "What are you thinking? I just want to increase my knowledge and see the world. I haven't seen how chic a woman is."

"I haven't seen it either." Su Xiaowu said.

"Then...go together?" Su Xiaomo looked at her.

Su Xiaowu hesitated for a while before nodding, "Okay."

"Let's go." Su Xiaomo turned over, and the tall figure had landed under the tree.

Su Xiaowu also fell down, and the two of them tiptoed, like bows and arrows off the string, and swept down the mountain.

The speed of the two is very fast. Although they have lost their cultivation base, their physical strength has not changed. Apart from being unable to fly, other things are hardly in the way.

A hundred miles away is a city.

The Su Xiaowu sisters did not come to this city, but went to a place far, far away.

It came to the city thousands of miles away before stopping.

The two glanced at the city casually. There are many things to play in this city.

There are gambling houses, pawnshops, art buildings, places for cultivating sentiments, and various places for playing.

This city is called "Xiaoyao City"

Just by hearing the name of the city, you can tell that this city is a place for playing.

Entering the city, the passers-by on the street couldn't help but look at Su Xiaowu and the sisters.

Judging from the appearance, others cannot tell who is older and who is younger.

On the surface, the Su Xiaowu sisters are only 22 years old, very young.

Passers-by looked at Su Xiaowu and the two, and it was difficult to look away after just a glance, although there are no ugly women or ugly men among practitioners.

All of them have good skin, but those like Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo are too few.

Su Xiaowu and the sisters have long been accustomed to the gazes of these people, no matter where they go, they will almost always be the focus.

Su Xiaomo walked up to a middle-aged man on the street with a smile, and asked, "Uncle, may I ask where are the chic girls?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback, and looked at Su Xiaomo in disbelief, where is the woman so chic? ? ?
He heard right! ! !
Such a beautiful girl wants to be chic!

This is unreasonable!
Logically speaking, such a beautiful girl must be pursued by a lot of people, how could she be reduced to a chic place?
The passers-by around were very surprised when they heard Su Xiaomo's question. How could such a beautiful girl go to such a messy place?
It's too out of place!

The middle-aged man kindly reminded, "Girl, you'd better not go to that kind of place."

Su Xiaomo blinked, "I just want to take a look."

"..." The middle-aged man took a deep breath, the girl now...

He pointed to the west of the city, "There is a family ten miles away!"

"Thank you uncle." Su Xiaomo smiled, turned around and led Su Xiaowu to the west of the city.

The two soon arrived ten miles away. There was a very large building with nine floors in total, which was very large.

The two looked at the plaque on this building, "Mandarin duck building!"

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that this place is definitely a mess.

"It's here, but why are there not many people in this half a mile?" Su Xiaomo glanced around suspiciously.

Since this mandarin duck building is a chic place for women, why are there so few people around?
Even if there are people, they are all women who wear veils or wrap themselves tightly.

Su Xiaowu gave her a blank look and said, "When you come to this kind of place, you must be quiet. If you let others know, it will not be good to spread your reputation. What's more, it is broad daylight now. Generally speaking, this kind of place There are so many people at night.”

"Sister, you seem to understand it very well. Have you been here before?" Su Xiaomo looked at Su Xiaowu suspiciously.

Su Xiaowu glared at her, and said angrily, "You can guess it with your brain."

"Let's go." Su Xiaomo chuckled, pulled Su Xiaowu and walked towards the entrance of the building.

When they first entered the building, the two were stunned for a moment. There are many young men in this building...

However, why are these young people like a bitch?There is still powder on the face!

A neat group of men was waiting for the arrival of the guests. When they saw Su Xiaowu and the sisters, their eyes showed surprise.

Such a beautiful girl also comes to this kind of place to be chic?
This is too rare!
No!Not uncommon!This is the first time I see you!

The guests who usually come here, although they are not crooked, they are not much better.

"Girl, my name is Bo'an, can you choose me? I guarantee that you will be satisfied with the service." A young man approached Su Xiaowu and said with a smile.

"Girl, my name is Shaokang, how about choosing me? Only half price!" A young man walked towards Su Xiaomo.

Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo looked at each other, what is this?
Just this quality?

Like a girl, with makeup on her face.

"Withdraw!" Su Xiaomo said, Su Xiaowu nodded, and didn't want to stay any longer, feeling a little queasy.

"Ai Ai, don't go..."

Su Xiaowu and the sisters quickly evacuated without looking back, and they were relieved until they had withdrawn from Happy City.

Su Xiaomo took a look at Su Xiaowu, and complained, "It turns out that this is where women are chic!"

"Hmm..." Su Xiaowu.

"Hey...disappointed." Su Xiaomo shook his head and sighed. He was looking forward to it, thinking it should be fun, but it turned out to be like this.

Su Xiaowu gave her a blank look, "It's better to go back to sleep, after a year and a half you can go home."

Su Xiaomo thought for a while, "It's no fun to sleep all the time, let's go eat something, I'm just hungry."

"Let's go, eat in a clean place." Su Xiaowu glanced at Happy City, thinking that there are unclean things in Happy City, she lost her appetite.

"Yeah." Su Xiaomo nodded repeatedly, and then left with Su Xiaowu.

in the void.

Su Tianling and the others had black lines on their heads.

They saw and heard what Su Xiaomo and Su Xiaowu did.

Such an obedient granddaughter, why is she so naughty!

Are you free?
Sure enough, people can't be too idle and mess around when they are free.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, "When we go back, we must discipline them well."

Liu Xue gave him a white look, and said angrily, "It's not idle, if you didn't insist on letting them find a man they like, would it be possible?"

"That's right." Xia Qingran seconded.

Su Tianling, "..."

Liu Xue looked down at the two granddaughters who had already entered the restaurant, and said to Su Tianling, "Xiao Wu and Xiao Mo are too young, especially Xiao Mo, who is too young to start a family. Don't let them look for someone who sleeps."

"Did you hear that?" Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling.

"I heard." Su Tianling nodded.

Liu Xue gave him a white look and said, "Go and take Xiao Mo and the others away first, and then go find the last Xiao Ye."

"Hmm..." Su Tianling.

"Let's go, let Xiaowu and sisters have some free time." Xia Qingran smiled, and the figures of several people landed outside the restaurant, and then walked towards the restaurant together.

(End of this chapter)

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