The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 505 Do You Have To Feed Dog Food Even After Eating Meals!

Chapter 505 Do You Have To Feed Dog Food Even After Eating Meals!
In the restaurant box.

Su Xiaowu and her sisters were drinking wine while waiting for delicious food.

Now I just want to eat something delicious soon.

Su Xiaomo took a sip of the wine, she looked at Su Xiaowu and suggested, "Anyway, we don't have much to do now, otherwise we'll just wander around and eat all the local specialties every time we go, how about it? "

"That's a good idea." Su Xiaowu said with a smile, "There is still one and a half years left, which is enough for us to eat in many places."

"Yeah." Su Xiaomo nodded excitedly, imagining the delicacies of every place in his mind.

At this time.

The box door was pushed open.

Su Xiaomo thought the dishes had arrived, so she looked over excitedly.

Su Xiaowu also looked over.

As a result...the two were dumbfounded.

what's the situation!
"Grandpa, grandma... aunt..."

Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo called out one by one.

Liu Xue glared at the two of them, and reprimanded, "Even if you two are free, you can't go to a messy place, right?"

Su Xiaowu and the two looked at each other, were they all witnessed when they went to Happy City before...

After Liu Xue and the others entered the box, they closed the box door.

"Eh...this is..." Su Xiaomo looked at Gu Xiaoxi in doubt.

Su Xuan looked at Su Xiaomo with a smile, "Her name is Gu Xiaoxi, she is my fiancée, please call me aunt!"

"..." Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo looked at each other, is this serious?

This Gu Xiaoxi's roots are only as young as he is!

Su Xuan is their uncle!

Do you want them to respectfully call a girl who is younger than themselves "Auntie"? ? ?
"Huh? Not yet!" Su Xuan said dissatisfied.

"Big... aunt..." Su Xiaomo found it hard to speak, she was clearly older than Gu Xiaoxi!
Su Xiaowu was speechless, looked at Gu Xiaoxi, who was younger than herself, and called out with difficulty, "Ma'am."

Gu Xiaoxi blushed, feeling embarrassed and awkward.

On the way, she asked about the ages of Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo.

In the end, they were all older than her.

There are two more juniors who are older than her, so awkward...

"Hello, niece." Gu Xiaoxi said.

"I'll fall!" Su Xiaomo was dizzy.

Su Xiaowu felt slightly sad, why is she so young?
"Okay, let's all sit down, just have a meal, and go find Xiao Ye after eating." Liu Xue said at this moment, and several people sat down.

Liu Xue looked at Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo, and asked, "You two have been together for a year and a half?"

"Almost." Su Xiaowu said.

Liu Xue nodded lightly, and didn't ask any more questions. She had heard the conversation between Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo before, and she also had a general understanding of the two people's situation in the past year and a half.

Su Tianling didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for the meal to start.

While drinking the wine, he watched Liu Xue and the others chatting there, laughing from time to time.

I think such a small life is very good.

Compared to before, after the matter between him and Liu Xue was resolved, the following days were much more comfortable, no pressure, no crisis, eating, drinking, and chatting every day was also very good.

Su Ye was short of time now.

After watching the last night, go back to the heaven.

Su Tianling drank the wine while paying attention to the movement of the boundary wall.

After a year and a half, the movement of the boundary wall has never stopped.

It seems that there is a force that keeps bombarding the boundary wall.

However, the boundary wall is very strong, even if it is bombarded by that force, there will be no cracks.

Su Tianling thought, the defensive power of the boundary wall is the same as his own defensive power.

In other words.

If there are other worlds outside the boundary wall, the strongest power in that world will never surpass him!At most it's just flat shoulders.

If the mysterious power outside the boundary wall surpassed him, it would definitely be able to blast through the boundary wall easily.

And the boundary wall was intact, which meant that the power outside the boundary wall did not surpass him.

Thinking of this, Su Tianling felt relieved.

He retracted his gaze and sipped his wine leisurely.

At this time, the door of the box opened, and several people walked in with dishes.

Seeing so many beautiful girls in the box, everyone was stunned, what's going on!Why is there such a beautiful girl in this box!

Seeing them staring blankly, Su Xiaomo couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "serve the food."

"Yes, yes, yes." Several people in the restaurant hurriedly put the dishes on the table, and after putting them away, they went out and closed the door.

"Let's eat!" Su Xiaomo's eyes lit up, he picked up the chopsticks and went to pick up the vegetables.

Su Tianling smiled, "Eat slowly, no one will grab you."

After all, Su Tianling picked up a dish and put it in Su Xiaomo's bowl.

Then, he picked up another dish and put it in Su Xiaowu's bowl.

On Su Tianling's left and right sides, Xia Qingran and Liu Xue put the bowl in front of Su Tianling.

Su Tianling was speechless, and picked up two more dishes, and put them in their bowls respectively.

Xia Qingran and Liu Xue nodded in satisfaction before eating.

"Xiaoxi, eat more." Su Xuan picked up a dish and put it in Gu Xiaoxi's bowl.

Gu Xiaoxi blushed and said, "You eat yours, and I will pick it up myself."

"How can this be done? I want to raise you as a baby." Su Xuan.

"..." Gu Xiaoxi.

Su Liyuan, Su Luo, and Su Yue felt their scalps go numb when they heard Su Xuan's words!Can you stop showing such affection!

"Tianling, eat more." At this time, Liu Xue put a dish in Su Tianling's bowl.

"Eat mine first." Xia Qingran also picked up a dish and put it in Su Tianling's bowl.

Liu Xue raised her eyebrows and looked at Xia Qingran, "Why did you eat yours first instead of mine?"

Xia Qingran looked at her speechlessly, "Then eat yours first."

Su Tianling felt very happy, picked up two dishes with one chopstick, put them in his mouth, and said, "Let's eat together."

Su Liyuan, Su Luo, and Su Yue couldn't help complaining in their hearts, can they still have a good meal!

Feed dog food for every meal!

Su Xiaomo and Su Xiaowu didn't care, they just ate.

Several people ate and drank for an hour, after eating and drinking.

Su Tianling stroked his stomach lightly and said, "I'm full, I'll find a place to rest later, and I'll go find Xiaoye tomorrow."

"Okay." Liu Xue agreed. After eating and drinking, she felt a little sleepy and wanted to catch up on a good night's sleep.

Su Liyuan said at this time, "I want to go to Xiao Ye first."

"I'll go too." Su Luo.

"And me!" Su Yue followed closely, she didn't want to stay here anymore, she had to be fed dog food all the time, she felt so uncomfortable.

"Then you go first." Su Tianling nodded.

"I'll go too, I'll go too." Su Xiaomo said at this moment.

"Then I'll go too." Su Xiaowu said.

Su Xuan thought for a while, "Since you are all going, Xiaoxi and I will go too."

Su Tianling was speechless, he and his two wives were the only ones left?

The only one who can accompany me is my wife!
"You guys go." Su Tianling said.

"Then let's go first." Su Liyuan got up, and Su Luo and others also got up one after another.

After a while, only Su Tianling and his wife were left in the box.

(End of this chapter)

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