The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 56 I want to increase my strength!

Chapter 56 I want to increase my strength!

"You! Presumptuous!"

Bai Yunfei's eyes suddenly became sharper, like a sharp sword, he shouted coldly: "You, a servant, dare to touch the hair of the Young Sect Master, this is a death penalty!"

"Capital crime?" Su Tianling smiled playfully, pulled another strand of Liu Xue's hair, and raised it to play with taste: "Look, I'm still alive and well."

A monstrous anger rose in Bai Yunfei's heart, which was hard to restrain. He is the son of the Great Elder, and also the youngest military general of the Li Zong, who is also an alchemy general.

In his heart, Liu Xue's final destination should be him, it is his forbidden domain, and no one can touch it.

But now, a servant actually pulled Liu Xue's hair twice.

He looked at Liu Xue's beautiful face, which was calm without any waves, and his face suddenly sank. Why did this happen? Su Tianling pulled Liu Xue's hair, Liu Xue should be angry!

Why is it so calm, he can't even see a trace of anger!
"Young Sect Master! He pulled your hair!" Bai Yunfei reminded in a deep voice.

"I know." Liu Xue looked at him calmly, and said lightly: "He is my servant, serving my food and daily life, so there will inevitably be some contact, so what's the point of pulling two hairs?"

"You!" Bai Yunfei's face was ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "But you are the young suzerain, and you are a woman. If you let outsiders know that there is a servant by your side, think about how the outsiders will gossip!"

"The clear one clears itself. I don't care what outsiders say." Liu Xue said.

"Don't care? But you are the young lord of the Li sect and the face of the Li sect. Your words and deeds will be infinitely magnified by outsiders. What you do will only make the entire Li sect passive!" Bai Yunfei said in a deep voice.

"So what?" Liu Xue said to him lazily, and said to Su Tianling: "Let's go back."

"Okay." Su Tianling nodded with a smile.

Liu Xue went down first.

Su Tianling followed. When Su Tianling was walking towards the stairs, Bai Yunfei suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Tianling's left hand. Bai Yunfei looked at Su Tianling coldly, exerted force on his hand, and warned in a low voice: "I'll give you a day to get out of the glass sect. Otherwise, let you die without a whole body!"

Su Tianling glanced at him playfully, turned his wrist around, held Bai Yunfei's hand instead, and then exerted force suddenly.


Bai Yunfei's palm bones and fingers seemed to have been hit hard, and the bones were smashed into pieces.

"I want to see how you let me die without a whole body." Su Tianling didn't let go of his hand, he watched Bai Yunfei break out in cold sweat, enduring the severe pain, put his mouth close to his ear, and said softly: " Do you know why Liu Xue is not angry? Because last night... I bullied her severely, so what is it compared to pulling her hair?"

Su Tianling let go of Bai Yunfei's hand, and then walked down the stairs.

Bai Yunfei's eyes burst out with cold killing intent, has Liu Xue been touched already!
He looked at his right hand, the bones were all shattered!

He is an alchemy general, and he has an elixir specially designed to heal bones, so he didn't take this injury to heart.

What made him worry was, why is Su Tianling's strength so great, isn't it a one-star useless martial soul!
And he is already a general, if Su Tianling wants to crush his bones, he must at least be in the realm of a general in the later stage!

But how did a useless martial soul become a general?

On the way back with Liu Xue and Su Tianling, Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and asked, "Did you two have a rivalry just now?"

"It just crushed his bones." Su Tianling said with a smile.

Liu Xue frowned slightly when she heard this, she looked at Su Tianling solemnly, and reminded: "You crushed his bones, and with his heart, he will definitely find ways to trouble you, and even kill you. Be careful."

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget that I am King Wu." Su Tianling.

"You are the Martial King, but you are also the weakest Martial King! The Li Sect also has factions. Bai Yunfei's father is the elder of the sect, and the elder has his own faction. If he randomly sends a Martial King to assassinate you, what will you do?" Liu Xue.

"Okay, okay, listen to you, go back and take a medicinal bath first." Su Tianling said.



Liu Xue was soaking in the bath tub in the yard, and the medicinal materials in it were all prepared by Su Tianling.

"After a while, you will feel severe pain in your body and soul. You only need to endure it for two hours, and then soak in the medicinal bath every day for seven to 49 days." Su Tianling said slowly, he looked at Liu Snow, eyes are very clear.

Even Liu Xue's clothes were attached to her creamy skin because of the medicine bath, which outlined her charming curves.

It's so charming.

Of course, Su Tianling knew that Liu Xue might feel very painful after a while, and that kind of pain might be heart-piercing.

"Yeah." Liu Xue nodded lightly, she glanced at her clothes, which were clinging to her skin, which made her pretty face blush, pretending to be calm.

She secretly glanced at Su Tianling, and found that Su Tianling's eyes were very clear, she was startled, facing her at this moment, there was no trace of evil in her clear eyes.

Is she unattractive?
This made her feel slightly uncomfortable and began to doubt her own charm.

It didn't take long.

Liu Xue's beautiful face moved, as if she was enduring great pain.

"It hurts..." Liu Xue's face turned pale, her teeth were chattering up and down, her whole body's muscles were tense, and her fists were clenched tightly.

"Forbearance!" Su Tianling uttered a voice.

Liu Xue took a deep breath, trying to suppress the enormous pain.

But the pain in her body and soul became more and more intense, and Liu Xue couldn't bear it anymore. She had never experienced such pain in her life.

When Liu Xue wanted to stand up, she was directly pressed down by Su Tianling. Su Tianling released a burst of spiritual power to bind Liu Xue's body, preventing her from moving.

"It hurts..." Liu Xue's face turned as pale as a piece of white paper, and her whole body couldn't help shaking.

"If you want to increase your strength, you can bear it. If you don't want to increase your strength, I will let you out now." Su Tianling said.

Liu Xue fell silent upon hearing this.

As early as a year ago, she had thought about it, and hundreds of lives in the entire family were tied to her.

If she didn't have enough strength to sit firmly as the young suzerain of the Li Sect, then Dong Liu, the eldest prince of Dongsheng Kingdom, would definitely lead King Wu of the Xiao Clan, one of the strongest forces in the ninth class, to Qingling Town to destroy the Liu family.

Ever since Su Tianling abolished the princes a year ago, she and Dong Shengguo have had a big feud.

If it weren't for her becoming the young lord of Lizong, the lord of Dongsheng Kingdom would have sent someone to destroy the entire Liu family long ago.

To prevent the disaster from happening, she can only make herself better.

It can be said that the lives of hundreds of people in the entire family rest on her shoulders.

She can't count on Su Tianling, she can't count on a one-star useless martial soul.

As for Su Xiaoke, she can be counted on, but she is two years younger than her. In her heart, Su Xiaoke is like a younger sister. As an older sister, she can only carry all the burdens.

"I want to increase my strength!" Liu Xue's eyes showed firmness, her firm will collided with the inhuman pain constantly, as if she wanted to compete.

(End of this chapter)

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