The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 57 Maybe There Is a Way to Revive the Crown Martial Soul

Chapter 57 Maybe There Is a Way to Revive the Crown Martial Soul

The pain became more and more intense, and while Liu Xue endured it, she imagined the scene of disaster.

If she is dismissed as the young master of Lizong, then what awaits her is likely to be a disaster.

Perhaps, hundreds of people in the entire Liu family were slaughtered.

Her parents will also die under the ruler of Dongsheng Kingdom.

Even she can't protect herself and is likely to be insulted.

As for Su Tianling, he might die even worse.

Dongshengguo's hatred for Su Tianling will only deepen.

Thinking of this, Liu Xue panicked, she couldn't fall down, she could only stand proudly, only by being proud of all her peers, could she ensure that the people she cared about would not be harmed in the slightest.

"Snow, are you there?"

At this time, a soft and gentle voice suddenly sounded outside.

Hearing this, Su Tianling frowned slightly, this is a forbidden area, only Li Ran, Liu Xue, the lord of the Li Sect, and himself can be here, the rest of the people must never set foot on this mountain.

Those who step on will be severely punished.

Could it be Li Ran?
But Su Tianling's gaze penetrated the wall, and he found a young woman whose realm was only a general, not Li Ran at all.

"You continue soaking, I'll go out and have a look." Su Tianling said to Liu Xue.

Liu Xue nodded lightly, enduring the severe pain, her voice was trembling.

Su Tianling went out, and saw a woman in Tsing Yi outside the yard, she looked pretty good.

The woman in Tsing Yi saw that Su Tianling had come out of the courtyard. The courtyard was where the suzerain and the young suzerain lived, and it was a forbidden area for the rest.

She looked Su Tianling up and down, and then asked, "Where is the young master?"

"Bath in it." Su Tianling.

"Then I'll wait here." The woman in Tsing Yi said.

Su Tianling didn't say anything, and closed the courtyard door.

The woman in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, and there was a slight chill in her eyes.

After a full two hours.

Liu Xue came out fully dressed, she looked at Su Tianling and asked, "She's gone?"

"Outside." Su Tianling said.

Liu Xue walked out of the courtyard, saw the woman in Tsing Yi, smiled lightly and said, "Wan Rou, you are here."

"Yeah." Xiao Wanrou nodded lightly, holding Liu Xue's arm and said with a smile, "Let's go inside and have some private conversation."

"Yeah." Liu Xue nodded lightly, walked to the yard, she said to Su Tianling: "Go to the next yard."

"Okay, young suzerain." Su Tianling walked out.


Xiao Wanrou looked at Liu Xue and asked, "How can you let a man take care of your daily life?"

"Is there any problem?" Liu Xue asked.

"Of course there is a problem. Think about it, your majestic young master of the Lizong suddenly has a servant beside him. What do the sect's disciples think? What's more, it's time for you to get married. The only match for you is Bai Yunfei, how dare Bai Yunfei want you if you do this?" Xiao Wanrou said.

"Bai Yunfei? I have no feelings for him." Liu Xue raised her eyebrows.

"Bai Yunfei is so outstanding, yet you don't have any feelings for him? Think about the entire Lizong, who can make martial arts reach the level of generals at the same time, and who can also make alchemy reach the level of alchemy generals? The younger generation has no one other than Bai Yunfei. Come on, I think you should send that servant out of Lizong."

Xiao Wanrou said slowly.

"I don't think so, I think he's pretty good." Liu Xue laughed.

"Okay? He has a one-star disabled martial soul and no background, what's wrong with him?" Xiao Wanrou frowned, and said again: "I know you're thinking about the past, so you feel a little guilty for him. How are you doing with this?"

"No need." Liu Xueyue frowned when she heard that, Xiao Wanrou whispered in her ear that Su Tianling was wrong, and she felt a little sullen.

Xiao Wanrou's face turned slightly down, she really didn't understand Liu Xue.

"Think about it again." Xiao Wanrou shook her head lightly, then got up and walked out of the yard. She glanced at the yard next door, hesitated for a while, and then walked in.

She saw Su Tianling lying on a chair, chewing his food, with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

She showed a sweet smile, and said to Su Tianling: "My name is Xiao Wanrou, what's your name?"

"Su Tianling." Su Tianling didn't look at her and continued eating.

"Can I ask you a favor? I want you to accompany me to get something outside the sect." Xiao Wanrou smiled.

"No." Su Tianling.

Xiao Wanrou's complexion remained unchanged, with a faint smile on her face, she deliberately straightened her collar, and when she straightened, a ray of spring was faintly exposed.

Su Tianling took a look, and showed a moment of infatuation in cooperation.

Xiao Wanrou observed her words and expressions, and when she saw this look, there was a trace of coldness in her eyes, and she knew it in her heart.

"Then I won't bother you, I'll get it myself." After Xiao Wanrou finished speaking, she left.

Su Tianling kowtowed the fruit, he showed an intriguing look in his eyes, he heard what Xiao Wanrou said to Liu Xue.

What Xiao Wanrou said to Liu Xue seemed to be for Liu Xue's benefit on the surface, but Su Tianling always felt that something was wrong, especially when Xiao Wanrou was arranging her clothes just now, she deliberately showed some spring.

Are you trying to trick him?
Su Tianling's eyes flicked slightly, is it a trick?

"Perhaps there is a way to revive Liu Xue's Crown Martial Spirit."

Su Tianling walked to the courtyard next door, and asked Liu Xue, "Who was that person just now?"

"Her name is Xiao Wanrou. When I was in the ruins of the Western Wilderness, I was targeted by Dongliu, the eldest prince of the Dongsheng Kingdom. She helped me out of the siege, and then we got in touch with each other and gradually became acquainted." Liu Xue said.

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded and said with a smile: "It's quite beautiful, and the voice is very soft and pleasant."

Liu Xue's face turned slightly cold, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she didn't say anything.

"I'm off to practice." Liu Xue got up and left.

Su Tianling didn't say anything. He walked down the mountain and wandered around the sect. On the way, many people saw Su Tianling and whispered to each other.

Su Tianling didn't take it to heart, he sensed this Lizong, in addition to the king-level spirit gathering array in Lizong that can absorb the spiritual energy from hundreds of miles around, Lizong also has a spiritual vein in the ground of the sect.

Spiritual veins are a kind of thing that generates spiritual energy. With spiritual veins, a lot of rich spiritual energy can be volatilized.

A normal spiritual vein can support a sect for a hundred years.

"You are the servant of the Young Sect Master?"

A young male disciple came over with a group of people, his expression was cold and arrogant, and his eyes were cold.

"So what if it's me?" Su Tianling looked at that person. This person looked a bit like Han Feng who was abolished by Liu Xue before. Could it be a brother?
"It's nothing, I just want to see who can become the servant of the young suzerain." Han Liao stared at Su Tianling, shook his head and said sarcastically, "I've seen it now, to be honest, it's better to be famous than to meet you. I thought you were very talented, maybe it's because you have a whole body." The young suzerain only favors a good skin, but I don't think your skin is so handsome that it makes people suffocate, I really don't know why the young suzerain would choose you as a servant."

(End of this chapter)

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