The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 67 So, I'm an Ordinary Person

Chapter 67 So, I'm an Ordinary Person

The old man nodded and left immediately.

If the giants of the other four major forces return, then Ye Qingxuan, the suzerain of Zhijianzong, will also return soon.

Somewhere in the courtyard of inner disciples.

There was a young man sitting there drinking tea, served by a servant girl.

"Both Jiang Sen and Yue Kou lost to the new disciples. It's interesting, really interesting." The young man played with the teacup, showing a faint smile.

"My lord, do you want to teach Su Tianling a lesson?"

The servant girl was on the side and asked.

"Of course." The young man's eyes turned cold, and the teacup in his hand shattered. He said coldly, "If you dare to support Su Xiaoke, you are against my sister! If you are against my sister, you are against me, Lin Hao!"

The servant girl smiled and nodded, looked at Lin Hao with admiration and said, "If the young master makes a move, he will definitely beat Su Tianling to the ground."

"Looking for teeth all over the place?" Lin Hao said with a grim face, "I want to pull out his tongue. I dare to support Su Xiaoke at this juncture. If I don't give him a severe punishment, wouldn't there be more people?" People follow suit?"

"But his tongue was pulled out. This injury exceeded the sect's regulations, and the young master will be punished." The servant girl frowned and said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? As long as my sister becomes the young suzerain, this punishment is not worth mentioning!" After Lin Hao said, he stepped out, and the maid hurriedly followed.


Su Tianling is staying in his own yard, drinking wine, his emperor thoughts have been covering the entire Zhijianzong, paying attention to every move of the sect.

"Liu Xue's martial soul has awakened, and the only thing missing is my sister's martial soul."

Su Tianling was talking to himself.

If you want to stimulate the sleeping martial spirit in Su Xiaoke's body, you have to stimulate her emotions. The more she cares about something, the more you stimulate her.

What does my sister care about?
Power?Fame and fortune?Cultivation?

Maybe, but not too much.

If you don't care too much, you can't stimulate the atrium strongly.

he himself?
Su Tianling shook his head lightly and remained silent for a long time.

It didn't take long.

The courtyard door suddenly shattered.

Then two figures walked in.

Su Tianling glanced at the two of them, and said calmly: "Restore the broken door to its original state, and kowtow three times on your knees, that's all."


It was Lin Ziyi's younger brother, Lin Hao, and Lin Hao's personal maid.

Lin Hao laughed angrily when he heard the words, kowtow three times on his knees?Looking at Zhijianzong, who would dare to say such a thing to him?
The servant girl pointed directly at Su Tianling and yelled: "Do you know who the person standing opposite you is! His name is Lin Hao! He is Lin Ziyi's younger brother!"

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you point your finger at me?" Su Tianling played with the wine glass and said leisurely.

"Refer to you? Refer to you because I think highly of you! I don't even bother to point out ordinary people!" The servant girl sneered.

"So I'm an ordinary person." Su Tianling said leisurely, and the maid's arm suddenly burst into red flames.

"Ah..." The servant girl's cry pierced the space and spread in all directions. In just an instant, the servant girl's arm was directly burned into a pile of ashes!
"You dare!" Seeing this, Lin Hao shouted angrily, and a bright sword intent surged all over his body. The sword intent was intertwined into a willow sword, and he stabbed at Su Tianling with the willow sword.

His maid's arm was inexplicably burned. All this must have been done by Su Tianling. Although Lin Hao didn't know how Su Tianling did it, this is not important anymore. The important thing is that he wants to vent his anger!
Su Tianling shook his head lightly, the stabbing sword stopped suddenly, and Lin Hao's figure also stopped directly, as if time was imprisoned.

"You can go now."

Su Tianling's voice was accompanied by a powerful force, which directly destroyed the martial souls of Lin Hao and the servant girl, and then the figures of Lin Hao and the servant girl flew upside down.

dong dong!

Lin Hao and the servant girl fell on the wide ground of the sect. Seeing this, many disciples wiped their eyes one by one. Did they see it right?

Lin Hao and his maid fell to the ground and spurted blood!

"His servant girl is missing an arm!"

Some disciples exclaimed.

Everyone looked at it intently, each one was taken aback.

"I saw the servant girl's arm was still there yesterday, why is it gone now?"

When Lin Hao and the servant girl heard the words, they spat out another mouthful of blood in anger. Are these people idiots?Didn't you see them spurting blood?

Hurry up and send them to the doctor for treatment!
"Hurry up and send them to the doctor." A disciple said immediately without being overwhelmed by this scene.

When everyone came back to their senses, they immediately stepped forward and sent Lin Hao and the maid to the doctor.

The maid's arm disappeared, and the incident of Lin Hao and the maid who was close to her squirting blood continued to spread in the sect.

After hearing this, many people guessed one by one: "How did Lin Hao and his maid suddenly fall from the sky? Who did it?"

"Could it be that the two of them want some excitement? Standing on the back of a monster to make love?"

"Damn, you're talking nonsense. Have you ever seen anyone who is so stupid to play air combat? This is Zhijianzong. King Wu's eyes can see far away. If they play air combat, they will definitely be discovered."

"Then what's going on?"

Many people guessed, and more people were waiting for Lin Hao to come forward and explain this matter.

Zhijianzong's Medicine Pavilion.

The pharmacist checked the injuries of Lin Hao and the servant girl, and said with a deep frown, "Your martial soul has been abolished, and your cultivation can only stop."

Hearing this, Lin Hao's face turned ferocious, his eyes gush with cold killing intent, and he gritted his teeth: "Su! God! Ling! I, Lin Hao, will kill you!"

The servant girl's face was the most ferocious, her face was already distorted. To her, it was not a big deal that her martial soul was abolished.

Anyway, she is just a servant girl, just serve Lin Hao well.

However, Su Tianling abolished one of her arms, and the lack of an arm seriously affected the overall image.

How could her son Lin Hao favor her in the future?
After the pharmacist heard this, Su Tianling?

Could it be that Su Tianling, who has been widely rumored recently, did it?
The news that Lin Hao and the servant girl's martial souls were abolished spread at an extremely fast speed. This kind of news made countless people dumbfounded.

Many people have speculated: "Who on earth destroyed their martial soul? Lin Hao is Lin Ziyi's biological brother, and also the only biological brother. Dare to destroy Lin Hao's arm, is this tired of work!"

Everyone shook their heads. There were too few clues to guess. Although Lin Hao had offended many people, those who offended were those who could handle it.

No one would seek revenge on Lin Hao at all.

But Lin Hao didn't say who abolished his martial soul, which made everyone's hearts tickle.

"If Lin Ziyi knew that Lin Hao's martial spirit was abolished, she would definitely do everything possible to kill the murderer!"

"Lin Ziyi should be in seclusion now. It is impossible to know about Lin Hao's martial soul being abolished for the time being. Wait, in a few days it will be the time for Lin Ziyi to fight Su Xiaoke. When Lin Ziyi becomes the young suzerain, naturally He will take action and kill the person who has abolished Lin Hao's martial soul."

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

Now, we can only wait.

[Thank you, Wheat in the Wheat Field, and Guoer for your tip]

(End of this chapter)

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