Chapter 68
Somewhere in the hall.

There were some elders in front of Lin Hao, they looked at Lin Hao with a cold glint in their eyes.

"Hao'er, tell me! What's going on! Who disabled your martial soul!" The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

"It's Su Tianling!" Lin Hao said with a sullen face, thinking that both himself and his servant girl's martial souls had been crippled, and it was crippled by the new disciple Su Tianling, which made him feel ashamed just thinking about it.

If the news got out, the disciples would know that he was number one in the inner sect, and that he was Lin Ziyi's younger brother, but his martial soul was disabled by a new disciple.

His face will be completely thrown into it.

"Su Tianling!" The middle-aged man showed a cold look, and said coldly: "Go and kill him now!"

"Don't kill! Now is the critical moment for my sister and Su Xiaoke to compete for the position of the young suzerain. If something happens at this time, it is likely to be caught by some elders of the sect. If Su Tianling is really killed, those elders will definitely tell Suzerain, it will be very difficult for my sister to sit firmly as the young suzerain at that time." Lin Hao said hastily.

"When your sister becomes the young sect master of the sect, it will be his death!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth. For the sake of the overall situation, he could only let Su Tianling dance for a few more days.

Lin Hao wanted to kill Su Tianling even more, but he and the servant girl went to find Su Tianling quietly, and no one else was present at the time. If Su Tianling denied that it was not him who abolished himself and the servant girl.

Before there is conclusive evidence, Su Tianling committed suicide without authorization, and some elders of the sect who supported Su Xiaoke would definitely catch him.

At this critical moment, there are no extra problems.

Lin Hao said ruthlessly in his heart, when his sister is firmly seated as the young suzerain, he will definitely let Su Tianling die!

Su Tianling was still drinking tea in the yard, and he didn't take Lin Hao seriously.

He was just thinking about how to wake up the sleeping martial soul in Su Xiaoke's body.

He remembered going to another world.

I only awakened the Emperor Wuhun when I was a thousand years old.

In the first thousand years, no one cared, and nothing particularly cared about.

until a thousand years old.

He has people he cares about and things he cares about.

However, the person who cared was killed.

Nothing to care about.

That day, he was angry, unprecedentedly angry.

After being deeply stimulated, the emperor's martial spirit awakened, and his strength exploded, and then he killed those people.

It was also after the awakening of the emperor's martial soul that his life began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Su Tianling drank the wine and already had a plan in mind.

"I went back to the past. According to the timeline with the other world, she hasn't been born yet."

Su Tianling's eyes flickered slightly. There were still nine hundred and ninety-eight years before she died!
These nine hundred and ninety-eight years are enough for him to recover from his injuries, and then he will go to another world.

Time passed slowly.

Several days have passed in the blink of an eye, and there are only three days left before the decisive battle between Su Xiaoke and Lin Ziyi.

Everyone is looking forward to the first battle in three days.

Although everyone knew that Lin Ziyi was the most likely to become the young suzerain, but still wanted to witness the confrontation between the two proud daughters of heaven.

I want to be the young suzerain.

One, is to defeat the opponent in the decisive battle.

Second, it needs the votes of the disciples and elders of the sect, and only those who win the hearts of the sect can sit firmly on the position of the young sect master.

If the two points are satisfied, you will definitely become the Young Sovereign.

Judging from the current situation, Lin Ziyi's strength is on par with Su Xiaoke's. As for network resources and appeal, Lin Ziyi crushes Su Xiaoke.

From the point of view of the situation, Su Xiaoke has no chance to be the young suzerain.

this day.

Su Tianling walked out of the yard. He set up a ring in the Zongmen's martial arts arena and hung a banner.

There is a sentence on the banner.

Hearing that the core disciples are powerful, I want to compete with the core disciples!
Just one sentence from this banner directly caused disciples from countless sects to come and watch.

Someone said in a low voice: "Su Tianling supports Su Xiaoke as the young suzerain, and now that this is done, it is obviously displeased with the disciple who supported Lin Ziyi's secret operation."

"Is this a declaration of war?" Some disciples shook their heads and sneered: "Do you think that if you defeat Jiang Sen and Yue Kou, you can compete with the core disciples?"

"Heh, Jiang Sen and Yue Kou are both mid-stage generals, and I have inquired about Su Tianling's cultivation before. Su Tianling is a late-stage general. It is nothing to defeat Jiang Sen and Yue Kou, but the core disciples are all late-stage generals. How could Su Tianling beat the core disciples?"

"The core disciples are here."

Someone spoke up.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately looked over.

Seeing a group of people approaching in front of them, they gave way one by one.

This group of people are all the core disciples of Zhijianzong, and they are all the strongest among the strong without exception.

In the future, these core disciples will serve as elders in the sect.

The core disciples glanced at the banner, and finally fixed their eyes on Su Tianling.

Leng Feng, the leading core disciple, looked at Su Tianling indifferently, and said indifferently: "I know you want to support Su Xiaoke, but the current situation has become the general trend, Lin Ziyi will definitely become the young suzerain, and you alone can't change it at all." What."

Su Tianling looked at Leng Feng, and said lightly: "You think that with the advantages in numbers, Lin Ziyi can be firmly seated as the young suzerain by virtue of the right time, place and people, but if there is a person with unlimited potential who can overwhelm the crowd and support Su Xiao But, who do you think is better able to sit on the position of young suzerain."

"Hehe, unity is more important than everything else, Junior Brother Su doesn't know this, right?" Leng Feng said leisurely.

"I alone can reach thousands of troops." Su Tianling stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the core disciples calmly, and said, "Let's go together."

Everyone heard the words.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Su Tianling.

Can I alone be worth thousands of troops?
Come on together!
There are a total of eighteen core disciples, all of whom are late-stage generals, and some core disciples have faintly touched the level of half-step martial kings.

With Su Tianling alone, how can he defeat the eighteen core disciples?To be able to become core disciples, all of them have invincible strength across small realms.

Even if Su Tianling was made of iron, he couldn't bear so many powerful forces at all, right?
The core disciples laughed, looking at Su Tianling as if they were looking at an idiot, to beat 18 of them?

Thought you were the Sovereign when he was young.

"When the suzerain was young, you could beat a hundred geniuses in the same realm. I don't know how much strength you have as the suzerain back then."

An old and powerful voice sounded, and everyone followed the voice, and when they saw an old man in white robes, they all bowed and said: "I have seen the Great Elder."

The core disciples and others also bowed one after another.

The old man in white robe looked at Su Tianling with old eyes, and a cold chill flashed in the depths of his eyes, which was difficult for others to detect.

"You said that you have tens of thousands of troops alone. If you can defeat all the core disciples by yourself, maybe Su Xiaoke can really be the young suzerain."

The old man in white robe glanced at the core disciples, and said indifferently: "Go to the ring!"

Leng Feng looked at Su Tianling, and said indifferently: "Fist and feet have no eyes, if you are crippled or dead, don't blame us."

(End of this chapter)

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