The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 70 Want to kill me, do you deserve it?

Chapter 70 Want to kill me, do you deserve it?
The Great Elder's face became ugly.

When Su Tianling said this, it seemed that it was true.

The core disciples are all dead, and the future pillar of the sect is gone.

If Su Tianling is killed again.

Doesn't it mean that Jianzong will be in a situation where no one will be replaced for some time in the future?
Su Tianling looked away from the great elder, and said to many disciples: "Is there anyone who refuses to accept, and anyone who refuses to accept can go to the ring to compete with me."

When everyone heard the words, they were silent.

The previous scene kept reappearing in their minds, one beat eighteen, and they were all core disciples, and now they are all dead.

This has already proved Su Tianling's strength.

How dare they compete with Su Tianling?
What if he died.

"Since there is no one, let's go." Su Tianling said, and left in full view of everyone.

The great elder looked at Su Tianling's leaving back with a cold face, did he just leave like this!

If the law enforcers showed up and killed Su Tianling, it would be better to say something, but the law enforcers didn't show up.

This is already equivalent to the default.

Defaulting to the previous rules, these core disciples died in vain.

"Let's go!" the Great Elder said with a cold face, what happened today made him want to kill Su Tianling even more.

Su Tianling arrived at countless people from the upper sect alone!
With the strength Su Tianling showed today, he might be able to reach the realm of Martial Emperor in the future.

Martial Emperor, as long as he can become a Martial Emperor, he will be able to control the ninth-class regions.

A disciple who has the potential to become the Martial Emperor supports Su Xiaoke, which means that all the disciples support his granddaughter Lin Ziyi.

And he must let his granddaughter become the young suzerain of Zhijianzong!

When everyone heard the words, they immediately dispersed.

On the way to disperse, I was still amazed: "With the strength shown by Su Tianling, I am afraid that he can compete with Lin Ziyi and Su Xiaoke for the position of the young suzerain, right?"

"Su Tianling came to know Jianzong too soon, and the sect will not give him the qualification to compete for the position of the young suzerain." A disciple said.

"He is openly supporting Su Xiaoke now, and I think Su Xiaoke has half the chance to become the Young Sovereign." A disciple said.

"That's not necessarily the case! Everything will be known in three days."

in the dark.

Lin Hao's fists were clenched tightly at this moment, his fingertips had pierced the skin, and blood was overflowing.

He never thought that Su Tianling was intact and killed all the core disciples.

Lin Hao held his breath in his heart, and angrily smashed the stone beside him to pieces!

His Martial Soul has been abolished, and his cultivation has stopped at the level of a general, and it is impossible to go any further.

With the strength that Su Tianling has displayed today, if the suzerain knows about it, he will definitely cultivate it vigorously!
How can he kill Su Tianling then?

Somewhere in a secret room.

People from the lineage of the Great Elder gathered together.

"Before the suzerain returns, Su Tianling must be killed silently! If the suzerain knows that Su Tianling has this strength, he will definitely train him vigorously. By then, Su Tianling's status will rise, and the revenge of my son's martial soul being abolished will be very serious." It's hard to report!"

The great elder said coldly again: "Besides, he openly supports Su Xiaoke, and his vote equals the votes in the hands of all the disciples of the sect. In this way, it will be even more difficult for Ziyi to become the young sect master."

"Father, at three quarters tonight, I will kill him!"

A middle-aged man said solemnly to the Great Elder.

"Well, do it neatly." The elder said looking at his son.

"Father, don't worry, I will!" The middle-aged man's eyes showed coldness, Lin Hao is his son, Lin Hao's martial soul has been abolished, and he has long wanted to kill Su Tianling!

If it wasn't because it was at a critical moment, and because Lin Hao and the maid were secretly seeking Su Tianling to settle accounts.

Without more people witnessing, if Su Tianling denied it, Lin Hao would not be abolished.

They couldn't deal with Su Tianling without evidence.

But now it is different, Su Tianling is threatening them greatly now, even if they risk the sect's rules, they must execute Su Tianling.


After returning to his residence, Su Tianling lay down on a chair to rest, and he didn't count as going out for the next three days.

He waited until the day when Lin Ziyi and his sister had a decisive battle before going out.

By evening.

Su Tianling was still lying on the chair, with his eyes closed, breathing evenly and gently, as if he was already in a deep sleep.

Time gradually passed.

until late at night.

A figure suddenly appeared, staring at Su Tianling sharply, and then shot decisively, shooting directly at Su Tianling with terrifying sword power.

This figure sneered again and again, dare to destroy his son Lin Hao, dare to support Su Xiaoke, this is the end!

However, the next moment, his pupils constricted, and he was covered in cold sweat, and the force he blasted out disappeared strangely.

Is there someone secretly guarding Su Tianling?
Thinking of this, he immediately made a decisive decision and prepared to retreat!

When he was about to retreat.

He suddenly felt a power of death entangled him, and a colorless flame ignited under his feet, slowly burning upwards from the bottom.

"Ah... help..." He wanted to shout for help.

But when he opened his mouth, he was covered in cold sweat even more, and he couldn't even make a sound!
He couldn't even hear the voice!

"Want to kill me? Are you worthy?"

Just when he was terrified, a disdainful voice sounded.

He looked at Su Tianling, only to see that Su Tianling was looking at him with playful eyes.

"You..." He trembled, but before he could speak, his whole figure had been burned into nothingness by the colorless flame.

Completely disappeared from this piece of world.

Su Tianling closed his eyes and continued to sleep.


Somewhere in the main hall of the sect.

The Great Elder and the others frowned.

"Yuan'er has been away for so long, why hasn't she come back?"

The Yuan'er that the Great Elder spoke of was his son Lin Yuan.

"Wait a little longer." Someone said.

However, time passed little by little, and the sky was gradually getting brighter, but Lin Yuan still hadn't returned.

This makes everyone feel heavy!

"Could it be that something unexpected happened to Yuan'er!" the Great Elder said in a deep voice, frowning tightly.

"Go to the apse of the sect and see if Lin Yuan's fate card is still there!"

An elder ordered.

Someone went to check immediately.

When he came back, he tremblingly said with ashes on his face: "The life broken..."

Hearing the words, everyone showed pain and cold eyes.

Lin Yuan went to assassinate Su Tianling, but his life card was broken.

The life card is engraved on the life card with the soul as the imprint. If a person dies, the soul will automatically collapse, and the soul will automatically collapse, and the life card will shatter.

Now the card is broken...

In other words, Lin Yuan is dead!
"My son!" The Great Elder trembled all over, his eyes were misty, and his son died!
An elder had an ugly face, and said in a deep voice: "Su Tianling showed such a high talent, the law enforcement officers of the sect may have been secretly protecting him, and then Lin Yuan assassinated Su Tianling, but was killed by the law enforcement officers!"

"Enforcers!" The Great Elder heard the words, his eyes gleamed coldly, and his tone was serious: "When Ziyi becomes the young suzerain, I will make sure that you enforcers look good!"

(End of this chapter)

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