The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 71 Iron Lock Bridge, the Battlefield

Chapter 71 Iron Lock Bridge, the Battlefield
Know the inner sect of Jianzong.

Mu Changcun had just received a piece of news that made his brows furrowed deeply.

"Su Tianling can crush all the core disciples with one blow, but Li Zong is looking for him now! And he is still wanted for insulting the female disciple of Li Zong."

Mu Changcun patted his forehead, feeling a headache.

Seeing that Su Tianling crushed all the core disciples originally, this directly highlights Su Tianling's potential, and it is possible to reach the realm of Martial Emperor in the future.

It can be said that Su Tianling voted for Su Xiaoke, which was on par with countless disciples of the sect who supported Lin Ziyi.

The next thing is to watch the decisive battle between Su Xiaoke and Lin Ziyi. If Su Xiaoke wins, he will be firmly seated as the young suzerain.

If Lin Ziyi wins, Lin Ziyi will occupy the peace, and she will be able to sit firmly as the young suzerain.

Everything depends on the decisive battle two days later.

The problem is, he originally sent people to other forces to check whether the giants of each force had returned, but unexpectedly found out that Su Tianling was a disciple of Lizong.

Moreover, he is also the servant of Liu Xue, the young patriarch of the Li Sect.

If so, that's fine.

However, Su Tianling was expelled from the Lizong, and the reason for being expelled from the Lizong was because Su Tianling raped Xiao Wanrou, the third beauty of the Lizong.

The person who issued the arrest warrant is Li Ran, the patriarch of the Li Sect!
In this way, it will be troublesome.

If the Great Elder of Zhijianzong knew about this, he would definitely send Su Tianling over to Lizong and in front of Liran.

"How could he be such a person? Rape and humiliate female disciples? Has lust gone to his head?"

Mu Changcun shook his head and sighed, he was really wrong.

Su Tianling is so handsome and arrogant, he is actually a strong criminal.

"Hanging, hanging again."

Mu Changcun sighed, when something like this happened, let alone Su Tianling supported Su Xiaoke, it would be very difficult to even survive.

"What should we do now?" The old man beside him asked with a frown.

"Temporarily block the news, so that no one can know that Lizong is looking for Su Tianling, at least after Su Xiaoke becomes the young suzerain! When Su Xiaoke takes the position of young suzerain firmly, the overall situation will be settled by then, even if Lin Ziyi and others want to It's useless to object." Mu Changcun said.

"Okay!" The old man nodded, and he said: "I will send people to guard the vicinity of Zhijianzong for ten miles, so that no one will spread the news to Zhijianzong."

Mu Changcun nodded lightly, there were only two days left before the decisive battle.

He must let Su Xiaoke sit on the position of the young suzerain!
"When necessary, you can kill some people!"

Mu Changcun's eyes became sharper.

"Are the sect's disciples going to be killed too?" the old man asked with a frown.

"If there is really no other way, we can only kill! For the sake of the overall situation, we can only sacrifice some disciples!" Mu Changcun looked at the old man, and said in a deep voice: "If Lin Ziyi is allowed to sit on the position of the young suzerain, it will be very important for Zhijianzong. Words are not a good thing, if she sits on the position of young suzerain, hehe, I am afraid that Zhijianzong will not be Zhijianzong in a few years, but Lin Jianzong!"

The old man nodded and left immediately.


Time passed gradually, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, countless disciples and even elders of the entire Zhijian Sect came to the iron lock bridge of the sect.

There are hills on both sides of the iron lock bridge, and the bridge between the hills is made of iron chains. The decisive battle between Lin Ziyi and Su Xiaoke this time is on the iron lock bridge.

Many people are already standing on the top of the hill, discussing one after another.

"After this decisive battle, Zhijianzong will also have a young suzerain." A disciple said slowly.

"A year ago, Lizong appointed Liu Xue as the young suzerain. This year, Zhijianzong can also have a young suzerain."

"The five major forces in the ninth-class region, only Zhijianzong has not yet established the strongest young generation. After this decisive battle, they can finally appear!"

Countless disciples said excitedly.

For a long time, the five major powers in the ninth-class region, the Lei family and the Xiao family, are families that have been passed down for thousands of years.

The two major families established the young patriarch a few years ago, and being able to hold the position of the young patriarch means that the person is extremely talented and is the strongest person of his generation.

As for the Great Zhou Dynasty, a prince had already been established, and the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty was very powerful.

Last year, Li Zong established Liu Xue as the young suzerain, and Liu Xue became a benchmark for the younger generation of Li Zong.

However, Zhijianzong has not established a young suzerain for a long time.

After the decisive battle between Lin Ziyi and Su Xiaoke this time, Zhijianzong will also have the strongest young generation, who can represent Zhijianzong to compete with other forces.

At this time.

There is a figure coming, this is the old man in white robe.

When everyone saw him, they respectfully said: "I have met the Great Elder."

Everyone thought in their hearts that Lin Hao's martial soul, the grandson of the Great Elder, was abolished, but it has never been reported who abolished Lin Hao.

Today, Lin Ziyi and Su Xiaoke had a decisive battle.

Is the Great Elder going to watch it in person?

At this time, another figure came over, also an old man.

When everyone saw him, they respectfully said, "I've met Elder Mu."

Mu Changcun nodded lightly to his disciples, glanced at the old man in white robe with his old eyes, and said leisurely: "Who does the Great Elder think can be the young suzerain in this decisive battle?"

The Great Elder looked at Mu Changcun coldly, and said, "Of course it's my granddaughter Lin Ziyi!"

"Hehe, it seems that the Great Elder is very confident in your granddaughter." Mu Changcun said with a half-smile.

"My granddaughter grew up in the sect and was influenced by the sword sect since she was a child. She awakened the six-star sword soul at the age of 16. Now she is 22 years old. She has reached the level of a late general. Living in a barren land, now she is only [-] years old, and her realm is only an early general, how can she cross two small realms and defeat my granddaughter?"

The Great Elder sneered, he was full of confidence in this battle.

Although Su Xiaoke is very strong, he has condensed Jianxin, a six-star sword soul, and his talent is comparable to his granddaughter.

But after her granddaughter awakened her martial spirit, she began to practice the powerful techniques of the sect, and Su Xiaoke had just practiced in the sect for a year. Granddaughter compared?

What's more, his granddaughter Lin Ziyi is a late general, while Su Xiaoke is only an early general.

The same talent, the same strength in the same realm, but there is a difference of two small realms, he is confident that Lin Ziyi will win.

When Mu Changcun heard the words, his expression became slightly dignified. What the Great Elder said was true. After all, Su Xiaoke was two realms lower than Lin Ziyi.

He still has some expectations now, thinking that Su Xiao might win.

It was only because Ye Qingxuan, the suzerain at the time, announced that Lin Ziyi and Su Xiaoke would fight for the position of young suzerain one year later.

At that time, Su Xiaoke and Lin Ziyi's realms were very different. Even if they practiced for a year, normal people would think that Su Xiaoke would still lose to Lin Ziyi.

Normal people can know this, and the Suzerain Ye Qingxuan must also know this, but Ye Qingxuan arranged it like this.

Perhaps, Ye Qingxuan thought that Su Xiao could defeat Lin Ziyi.

These are just Mu Changcun's conjectures.

Mu Changcun prayed in his heart, hoping that Su Xiao might win.

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(End of this chapter)

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