The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 77 Hey, this is how people get old, there are a lot of old problems

Chapter 77 Hey, that's how old people are, with a lot of old problems
Su Xiaoke's eyes flickered.

Will Liu Xue not let her brother touch it?
She doesn't agree!

"I'll go out for a while." Su Xiaoke got up and left directly.

Ye Qingxuan shrugged, she looked at Su Tianling, and said leisurely: "You stay here, I have to go to the sect to have a look."

Su Tianling ignored her and drank tea by himself. After Ye Qingxuan left, Su Tianling put down his cup and said to himself, "I don't have the pretensions of a suzerain, and she is quite approachable. It's not bad that my sister can become her disciple."

Zhijianzong, Dange.

Su Xiaoke entered the Pill Pavilion and found the Pill King of Zhijianzong. Seeing that it was Su Xiaoke, the Pill King appeared immediately.

He still likes Su Xiaoke very much, he is easy-going and doesn't have that condescending and self-righteous temperament.

Moreover, Su Xiaoke will become the young suzerain of the sect in two days, and his status will be much higher than him by then.

"Young Sect Master is here, what's the matter?" Pill King Yaochen asked with a smile while brushing his white beard.

"Grandpa Yao, I'm not the young suzerain yet." Su Xiaoke said with a smile.

"Isn't it a matter of time? I have to change my words quickly, and I'll make it easy when the time comes." Yao Chen said with a smile.

Su Xiaoke was speechless, she approached Yaochen, and whispered: "Grandpa Yao, I ask you to do me a favor."

"What's the matter? Just tell me and it's over. As long as it's about alchemy, I will definitely help you." Yao Chen said, just curious why Su Xiaoke kept his voice so low, as if he didn't want outsiders to know.

"Help me refine the king-level enchanting pill."

Su Xiaoke said in a low voice, her pretty face flushed red after speaking.

"Fairy... Meishen Pill..." Yao Chen was stunned, looking at Su Xiaoke with a strange expression.

This Meishen Pill is a special medicine, if a woman takes it, she will lose her mind and want to sleep with a man.

Moreover, what Su Xiaoke asked for turned out to be a king-level enchanting pill, even if King Wu took it, he would be burned all over his body...

"Young Sect Master, what... what do you want?" Yao Chen was surprised, and reminded in a low voice, "This Meishen Pill is a forbidden pill, Zhijianzong has rules, no alchemist can refine this kind of pill. "

"Hey, Grandpa Yao, of course I know, that's why I came to you quietly. No third person will know. If Master finds out, I will take the blame for you." Su Xiaoke said coquettishly, shaking Yaochen's arm .

Yaochen was dizzy from being shaken, at his age, he couldn't stand Su Xiaoke's acting like a baby, he was simply too cute.

"Okay, I'm going all out, I'll refine the Bewitching Pill for you, but you have to tell me the purpose of the Bewitching Pill." Yao Chen said solemnly, the Bewitching Pill is called the Forbidden Pill because of this kind of pill It can make a woman lose her mind and only think about doing that kind of thing.

Some sinister people like to use Bewitching Pills to harm women. Back then, some alchemists who specialized in refining Bewitching Pills sold Bewitching Pills, which ruined some women in the ninth-class regions.

At that time, all the great Martial Emperors in the Ninth Class region joined forces to destroy these alchemists.

"That's right, my brother, do you know?" Su Xiaoke said.

"I know." Yao Chen nodded, Su Tianling and Su Xiao are brothers and sisters, and now everyone in the sect knows it.

"My brother's wife is very indifferent to that aspect, so I don't let my brother touch her. As a younger sister, I can't let the Su family have no descendants, can I?" Su Xiaoke said slowly.

"So that's the case, it's understandable." After learning the reason, Yao Chen said, "Come to me tomorrow morning to get the elixir."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Su Xiaoke waved away, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

With this king-level Charming God Pill, seeing if Liu Xue still won't let her brother touch it, she might ask her brother to touch it by then.


Ye Qingxuan was in the Elder's Pavilion of the Zongmen at the moment. She asked about what happened recently, and was furious when she learned that all the core disciples of the Zongmen had been killed!
Knowing that Su Tianling killed him, he couldn't help being stunned.

After asking about the cause and effect, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but raise her willow eyebrows after knowing the whole situation.

Su Tianling condensed Jianxin?Killed eighteen core disciples with one blow?
What did Su Xiaoke say before that Su Tianling only had a one-star useless martial soul?

Feeling suspicious, Ye Qingxuan immediately went to find Su Tianling.

Su Tianling was at ease, drinking a small wine, putting something to eat in his mouth from time to time.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly appeared, looked at Su Tianling, and asked, "Do you have the talent for sword martial soul?"

"No." Su Tianling continued drinking.

"Then how did you condense the sword heart?" Ye Qingxuan frowned, looking into Su Tianling's eyes.

"Who said that you must have the talent of the sword martial soul to gather the heart of the sword? You are also the Emperor of Martial Arts, don't you know that someone's understanding is so strong, and you can understand anything you want." Su Tianling said leisurely.

When Ye Qingxuan heard this, she felt a little angry. She was a majestic Martial Emperor, but a general talked about her.

"It's easy to say, could it be that you know something else?" Ye Qingxuan didn't believe it.

"Keep your eyes open and watch it." Su Tianling raised his hand, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, the power of the nine attributes bloomed directly, each of which reached the heart of a sword level.

Wind Heart, Rain Heart, Thunder Heart, Electric Heart...

Ye Qingxuan looked into the air, watching this shocking scene, her pupils contracted rapidly.

Nine attribute powers!
This is already equivalent to having nine martial spirits!
Adding Jian Xin, isn't that ten martial souls?

No, although Su Tianling only has one crippled martial soul, he can have ten kinds of martial soul powers, which is already comparable to ten martial souls.

In this world, to have two spirits is a genius.

If there are three, it is a genius among geniuses.

As for four, five, let alone.

It can be said that a person has only one useless martial soul, but can possess the power of ten martial souls, and all of them have reached a very high level.

This is definitely the evildoer among the evildoers.

"You..." Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Tianling, feeling overwhelmed. Before, she thought that Su Tianling had made a lot of money by marrying Liu Xue, but now she suddenly felt that Su Tianling had lost a lot.

With such comprehension, Liu Xue should not be worthy of it.

"You, be my disciple." Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Tianling with burning eyes, such a monstrous person, she absolutely must be accepted as a disciple.

Su Tianling drank his wine, shook his head lightly, and said, "It hurts a lot to be called useless just now."

" are great, the best." Ye Qingxuan said hastily, regretting secretly, why did she say that about Su Tianling before?

"Shoulders are a little sore. Hey, it's like this when people get old. There are a lot of old problems." Su Tianling sighed and shook his shoulders, seeming to be uncomfortable.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, she naturally knew what Su Tianling meant, but such a wicked person, she had to accept him as a disciple.

Ye Qingxuan walked over, stood behind Su Tianling, and held Su Tianling's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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