The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 78 Strength is more important than votes!

Chapter 78 Strength is more important than votes!

"Hey, I'm old and my whole body is sore. If my sister was here, she would definitely massage my whole body directly."

Su Tianling shook his body and sighed.

Ye Qingxuan held back her anger, gritted her teeth, and said, "Get down on the ground, and I will massage you."

"Why is this so embarrassing? You are a majestic emperor, the master of a sect, I can't bear it." Su Tianling waved his hand, "I can't let you press, I can't let you press."

"Yes!" Ye Qingxuan gritted her teeth, if she didn't want to take Su Tianling as her apprentice, she would have beaten Su Tianling already with her temper.

"Then I will reluctantly accept it." Su Tianling lay down and closed his eyes.

"Shoulders, use more force..."

"Use your waist more..."

"Have you not eaten? Doesn't the dignified Martial Emperor have any energy?"

"And my thighs, my butt."

Ye Qingxuan was burning with anger when she heard that, she was a majestic martial artist, and she was a great beauty, and she gave a massage to a little guy, but she was disgusted.

If this is known by others, I don't know how many people's eyes will be shocked.

"" Su Xiaoke just came back here, seeing her master massage her brother, her eyes were full of disbelief.

Although her master is approachable, but that is only for a very few people, it is not enough to give her brother a massage, right?
Especially... Her master dislikes men very much. He thinks men are dirty and has serious cleanliness.

But now, what's the situation?
Ye Qingxuan immediately let go, she looked at Su Xiaoke, forced a cheerful smile, and said, "Your brother is not in good health, give him a squeeze, don't be surprised."

"Master, don't bother you, I'll just give him the massage." Su Xiaoke said hastily, and walked over to give Su Tianling the massage.

"Alright, I have something to do as a teacher, so let's go first." Ye Qingxuan's figure disappeared in an instant, she stood in the sky above the clouds, looked down at Su Tianling below, gritted her teeth, and said bitterly, "I pressed it for you, and squeeze it too." After that, if you don't want to be my apprentice, I want you to look good!"


Su Tianling waved his hand and said, "No need to press it, it's much more comfortable now."

Su Xiaoke withdrew her hand, looked at Su Tianling and said, "I will massage you when I get tired in the future, but don't let Master do it for you. She is the master of a sect anyway, how can she do this job?"

"Okay, okay, I got it." Su Tianling stretched, yawned, looked at the sky, and said, "It's getting late, go to bed."

"Yes." Su Xiaoke.


Two days later.

Thousands of disciples and elders of Zhijianzong came to the most central square area of ​​the sect.

The square area is large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people without being crowded.

Today is a great joy for Zhijianzong. From today onwards, Zhijianzong will have a young suzerain.

Look at the five major forces in the ninth-tier region.

There is Liu Xue, the young suzerain of Lizong.

There is Xiao Aoxuan, the young patriarch of the Xiao Clan.

The Thunder Clan has a young patriarch, Lei Hao.

The Great Zhou Dynasty had a prince, Zhou Jingze.

These four people, no matter which one they are, are very demons. To be able to become the young patriarch of a clan, the young patriarch of a clan, and the prince of a country means that they are talented and they are expected to become emperors in the future.

And now, Zhijianzong will also have a young suzerain, and this young suzerain is likely to be Su Xiaoke from the current point of view.

With Su Xiaoke's qualifications, there is at least a [-]% chance that he will be able to aspire to the Martial Emperor's Realm in the future.

"Su Xiaoke is going to become the young suzerain, hey." A disciple sighed deeply.

"Why are you sighing?" A disciple asked, shouldn't you be happy on this day of great joy?

"At the beginning, I couldn't withstand the temptation of the spirit stone, so I voted for Lin Ziyi. I thought Lin Ziyi would definitely become the young suzerain, but I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, hey..."

The disciple sighed, "If Su Xiaoke becomes the young suzerain, will she secretly hate those disciples who support Lin Ziyi? If she becomes jealous, she will inevitably wear small shoes for us in the future."


When the disciples heard the words, they became worried. If Su Xiaoke really hated them, their life in Zhijianzong would be difficult.

Most of the disciples are very worried, but there are also very few disciples who are very happy. They supported Su Xiaoke very much at the beginning. If Su Xiaoke became the young lord of Zhijianzong, he would definitely remember them. Will support one or two more.

The one who is more worried is the elders. Compared with many disciples, the elders of the sect are the ones who have more contact with the young sect master.

All the elders who supported Lin Ziyi were probably remembered by Su Xiaoke.

"What should we do? If Su Xiaoke becomes the young suzerain, will she make things difficult for us?" An elder frowned.

"At this point, I can only bow my head and apologize." Some elders sighed. They stood in the wrong team and should bear the consequences.

At this time.

In the central area of ​​the square, there is a tall tower. On the tower, a beautiful woman appears. The woman is dressed in a white robe, and there is a white sword pattern embroidered on the chest of the white robe!

This kind of clothes are specially made clothes, only the young suzerain can wear them.

When everyone saw the woman's face, they all confirmed that the young master of the Sword Sect was Su Xiaoke.

In the crowd, there was an old man with a cold face. He looked coldly at Su Xiaoke on the tower. Did the suzerain finally choose Su Xiaoke as the young suzerain of the sect?
At this time, above Zhijianzong, there stood a woman in white robe, tall, curvaceous, and beautiful, attracting attention.

But everyone present just glanced at it, and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look any further.

Because this woman in white robe is Ye Qingxuan, the suzerain of Zhijianzong.

It is disrespectful to look directly at the suzerain, so everyone can only bow their heads.

Ye Qingxuan stood with her hands behind her back, her face was cold, and her beautiful eyes glanced at everyone present, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

At this moment, she is no longer approachable, but cold.

"The sect has rules. The young sect master who wants to become a sect needs to meet two conditions. First, any disciple who is invincible in the same realm! Second, the number of support votes from the disciples and elders of the sect!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at everyone and said leisurely, "Su Xiaoke has completely defeated Lin Ziyi. Everyone has witnessed this with their own eyes. As the young suzerain of a sect, he represents the face of a sect, the symbol of a sect, and the face of a sect. In the future, the totem will fight head-on with the strongest of other forces, so strength is more important than the number of support votes of sect disciples!"

When everyone heard the words, their hearts trembled.

Ye Qingxuan said that strength is more important than the number of support votes of the sect disciples, that is to say, even if Lin Ziyi has the most votes, Su Xiaoke will still be the young suzerain.

It seems that the suzerain is determined to establish Su Xiaoke as the young suzerain.

Upon hearing the words, Great Elder Lin Ruhai's face was distorted, and he looked a little hideous. Isn't the suzerain saying that he is biased towards Su Xiaoke?
Where does that leave his granddaughter?
Lin Ruhai looked at the sky, and then let out a cold and cruel voice, "I want to see what you guys will do later!"

(End of this chapter)

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