The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 803 not allowed

Chapter 803 not allowed

"Okay." Su Ling.

Arrived at Jiang Yuyan's residence.


Jiang Yuyan was sitting on the chair. She looked at Su Ling and said with a smile, "Thank you, Senior Brother Su. In order to repay Senior Brother Su, I would like to invite Senior Brother Su to have a meal, is that okay?"

"Okay." Su Ling looked at her with a smile, "Can you cook?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yuyan smiled, "Cooking is my best skill, I will invite Senior Brother Su to taste it later."

"Okay, by the way, don't call me Senior Brother Su, just call me by my name." Su Ling said.

"Brother Ling?" Jiang Yuyan looked at him with a smile, "Is it okay to call you like this? It looks closer."

"Okay." Su Ling smiled and couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body.

Too numb.

"Hahaha, Brother Ling, you wait, I'll cook." Jiang Yuyan smiled and got up and went to the kitchen.

Su Ling sat here, drinking tea while communicating with Su Liyuan.

"She will probably feed you wine later on. You pretend to be drunk on purpose, half drunk and half awake." Su Liyuan said.

"Okay." Su Ling.

Not a moment later.

Jiang Yuyan brought a sumptuous meal, she looked at Su Ling with a smile and said, "Brother Ling, how does it taste?"

Su Ling picked up a dish, showing a satisfied look, "It's delicious, your cooking skills must be cooking often."

"You can see this." Jiang Yuyan smiled and poured a glass of wine for Su Ling, "This wine is very strong. I found it by accident when I went out for training. After drinking three glasses, even generals will be drunk , drink and see how it goes."

"Okay." Su Ling nodded, and immediately drank it down.

Just had a glass.

Jiang Yuyan couldn't help but blinked, "One sip and one drink will make you drunk, but it's okay, if you get drunk, you can sleep with me today."

Su Ling deliberately smiled at her, and moved a little closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Okay, then I'll sleep with you today." Su Ling's eyes were a little confused, and his words were a little messy.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuyan leaned against Su Ling, "Don't worry about eating and drinking, you carry me back, I will remember this love."

Su Ling smiled, "Drink again."

"I'll feed you." Jiang Yuyan took the wine glass and put it by Su Ling's mouth.

Su Ling took a sip, and his hands became disheartened.


The backyard of Huazong Palace.

Hua Qingcheng's face was ice-cold at this time, and he was staring at the core area below the mountain, Jiang Yuyan's residence!

She never expected that Su Ling would be like Jiang Yuyan whom she just met!

"Broken pot! Not picky eaters anymore?!"

Hua Qingcheng stared down the mountain, and a cold voice came out, "Without my sect's permission, you are not allowed to go down the mountain without permission!"

Her voice resounded throughout the core area.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look in the direction of the mountain top.

Just listen to Hua Qingcheng continue, "Jiang Yuyan, as a core disciple, you don't cultivate well, but drink and have fun in the yard, and you will be fined to face the wall for three years!"

When Jiang Yuyan in the courtyard heard the words, her entire face turned pale.

The suzerain personally punished her!

He actually punished her himself!

Su Ling raised his head, and couldn't help looking towards the direction of the mountain top. His figure was wrapped by a force, and he flew up involuntarily.

Fly straight to the backyard of the palace.

Hua Qingcheng stared at Su Ling coldly, "Did I allow you to go down the mountain?"

Su Ling looked at her, and couldn't help but said, "Sovereign, you gave me a jade token, saying that I can go wherever I want?"

"Huh? This sect forgot." Hua Qingcheng said coldly, "Give me back the jade token, and don't leave here without my permission next time!"

Su Ling took out the jade token and returned it to Hua Qingcheng.

Just wondering.

Hua Qingcheng was obviously angry.


This doesn't mean he cares, does it?

"Go cook! I'm hungry!" Hua Qingcheng said coldly.

"Yes, suzerain." Su Ling said, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

While cooking, he communicated with Su Liyuan in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, "The suzerain seems to be very angry."

"Because she cares about you." Su Liyuan smiled.

"Caring about me?" Su Ling wondered, "I feel like she is controlling me, it's equivalent to being imprisoned, and it can only be her personal belongings."

"For the time being, you can understand it this way." Su Liyuan said.

"By the way, is there any way to help me, I want to leave Huazong and return to Xuehuangzong." Su Ling said.

"I can communicate with the flying monsters through a ray of divine sense, and let them pass on what happened here to your master and uncle, and wait for them to save you." Su Liyuan said.

"However, when your master and the others show up, you must say that this is your method, and you cannot leak my existence." Su Liyuan reminded.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything." Su Ling.

"En." Su Liyuan said, "I have already communicated with the flying monsters. What I disguised was your voice. They have already flown in the direction of the Snow Emperor Sect. Your master will come here within 20 days at most."

Su Ling was a little worried, "My master and uncle joined hands, and they can only draw with Hua Qingcheng..."

"You don't have to worry about this, I will help secretly." Su Liyuan said.

"Thank you." Su Ling.

"You're welcome, I can only live in your mind for the time being, there's nothing to do anyway, and helping you can relieve your boredom." Su Liyuan said.

"Yeah." Su Ling nodded, but didn't say anything else.

After the meal was ready, it was brought to the table.

With a cold face, Hua Qingcheng said to Su Ling, "Go take a bath and change your clothes, remember! This sect has a cleanliness habit! You are not allowed to contact other women. If there is another time, you will die forever." !"

Su Ling was so terrified, so ruthless.

If he doesn't move, he will kill him.

However, his uncle is already pregnant with his child.

Su Ling immediately went to the back of the yard, there was a hot spring pool...

During that time he asked, "You won't peek at me taking a shower, will you?"

"..." Su Liyuan said speechlessly, "I won't peek at anyone, but I won't peek at you."

"Why?" Su Ling asked.

"You will know in the future." Su Liyuan said.

"It feels weird, I always feel that you are staring at me." Su Ling.

"Don't think too much." Su Liyuan was speechless.

"Okay." Su Ling quickly washed and changed her clothes.

This is back to the yard.

I saw that Hua Qingcheng didn't even eat a bite.

Hua Qingcheng stared at Su Ling, "I'm too tired, I don't want to raise my hand, feed me!"

Su Ling was speechless, went to her side, took a spoon, and put the food near her mouth.

Hua Qingcheng ate slowly.

until finished.

Hua Qingcheng looked at him, "It's getting late, let's rest with this sect."

Su Ling looked at the sky, "It's only noon."

"Lunch break!" Hua Qingcheng looked at him, "Come in."

Su Ling followed and communicated with Su Liyuan in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, "You should avoid it..."

"……"so tired.

Su Liyuan said, "Okay, let me know when it's over."

"Hmm..." Su Ling.

until it was getting dark.

Su Ling came out to take a breath.

"Huh..." Su Ling looked up at the sky, only feeling that he was a bit decadent during this period, which was a bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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