The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 804 I want to be quiet for a while

Chapter 804 I want to be quiet for a while
Su Ling said to Su Liyuan in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, "Okay."

"Hmm." Su Liyuan asked, "Although you were imprisoned by Hua Qingcheng, you don't seem to be suffering from it."

"What's so uncomfortable? After all, Hua Qingcheng is the master of a sect, and she is also top-notch, so I don't suffer. If it was placed before her, I would resist her, but since what happened to my master and uncle, I It doesn't matter anymore." Su Ling said.

He really felt that nothing mattered now.

Things have gotten to this point.

It is no longer possible to talk to the master.

As for the uncle, the uncle also resisted him.

Life has already been like this, it is better to enjoy yourself in time.

"Hey..." Su Liyuan sighed, "Actually, this is also good, I don't care about anything, but I feel relaxed."

"Yes." Su Ling nodded lightly.

"However, I think it's better for you to be careful at the moment. Maybe your master and uncle just can't accept it for the time being. After all, you are too young, so you should act according to the method I told you before." Su Liyuan said .

"Try it." Su Ling said.

"Yes." Su Liyuan said.

At this time, Hua Qingcheng came out. She glanced at Su Ling, then sat down, stared at Su Ling and said coldly, "Do you like Jiang Yuyan?"

"It's not like I like it." Su Ling looked at Hua Qingcheng and said indifferently, "I've already lived like this, and I don't expect to get married in the future. It's better to be casual."

"Careless?" Hua Qingcheng said coldly, "Is it okay to be a drunk woman?"

"No." Su Ling shook his head and said, "At least it should be normal."

Hua Qingcheng waved her hand angrily, sweeping Su Ling to the ground.

Staring at him, he said coldly, "Remember! From now on, you can only belong to this sect. If you dare to do anything with other women, you will be abolished."

Su Ling looked at her, speechless.

I don't understand why Hua Qingcheng is so angry, as for?
Hua Qingcheng said coldly, "You go cook."

Su Ling got up and went to the kitchen.

Hua Qingcheng frowned while drinking tea, thinking.

She didn't expect Su Tianling to suddenly become like this.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will be bad.

She sent a voice transmission to Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan who were thousands of miles away, "You have all seen it."

"I see." Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan responded.

"Shouldn't it be forgotten?" Hua Qingcheng said.

"Well, keep an eye on him for the time being, and don't let him have contact with other women. This time I went too far." Li Ran said.

"You two can make up for it." Hua Qingcheng said.

"..." Li Ran.

"..." Ye Qingxuan.


After a while, Su Ling cooked some food and brought it up.

Hua Qingcheng looked at him, "Sit next to me."

Su Ling understood what Hua Qingcheng meant and wanted him to feed him.

But as soon as he sat down, Hua Qingcheng took the initiative to pick up a dish and put it in his mouth.

Su Ling looked at her, momentarily stunned, what's going on.

"Let's eat." Hua Qingcheng said softly.

Su Ling didn't know what to say, but felt that Hua Qingcheng had a nervous problem, and it would be like this for a while, and then like that for a while.


He was eating, Hua Qingcheng picked another dish, he continued to eat, and so on...

until finished.

Hua Qingcheng poured a cup of tea and handed it to him. Su Ling took the cup and drank it.

"What do you think of me treating you?" Hua Qingcheng asked at this time.

Su Ling looked at her, "It's okay."

"Really?" Hua Qingcheng raised her eyebrows and said in disbelief.

"Really." Su Ling.

"Tell me how I treat you well." Hua Qingcheng said.

"Eh..." Su Ling couldn't come up with it for a while, did it count as a matter between husband and wife?
With gentle eyes, Hua Qingcheng looked at him and said, "As long as you don't have anything to do with other women, I will treat you well. If you continue to go on like this casually, you can't afford the consequences."

Su Ling nodded lightly. To him, it didn't matter anymore.

At this time, Hua Qingcheng caressed her flat belly and said, "Actually, I insist on doing that with you. The main reason is that I want a child, and I already have it, two days ago."

Su Ling's pupils contracted, and he glanced at Hua Qingcheng's lower abdomen, then looked into her eyes, "Really?"

"Really." Hua Qingcheng nodded lightly.

Su Ling fell silent, his mind was in a mess.

He never thought that Hua Qingcheng would make him pregnant!
He thought Hua Qingcheng was that kind of woman.

Just playing with him.

I didn't expect to play it for real! ! !

It never occurred to him at all.

pregnant with another...

Su Ling smiled wryly.

Uncle Ye Qingxuan is pregnant with his child.

Well now, from the perspective of seniority, Hua Qingcheng is his uncle, and now the uncle is also pregnant with his child...

However, the uncle and his uncle and master have grievances.

He didn't even know how he should face his master and uncle.

"I've already thought about the child's name." Hua Qingcheng said, "The boy's name is Huachen, and the girl's name is Huahua, how about it?"

"..." Su Ling, what a lousy name!
But he didn't say it...

"Very good." Su Ling said.

"Yeah." Hua Qingcheng smiled and said, "This is my three children."

"The third?" Su Ling looked at her in surprise, "What about the first and the second?"

"The first child is a dragon and a phoenix, and his brother and sister are doing well now." Hua Qingcheng said with a smile.

Su Ling was speechless, and at the same time, the previous doubts were resolved.

No wonder when she was having sex with Hua Qingcheng, she found that Hua Qingcheng hadn't shed any blood.

It turned out that he was not Hua Qingcheng's first man.


Hua Qingcheng is pregnant with his child...

Su Ling was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Ling, "Your uncle Ye Qingxuan is also the first child."

"Uncle Shi is also the third child?" Su Ling recalled what happened with Uncle Shi in the mountains.

Uncle Shi just vomited blood from his mouth...

It turned out that he wasn't the uncle's first man!
"Also, your master was also pregnant with twins." Hua Qingcheng waved her hand, and many portraits appeared in front of her.

In these portraits, Li Ran was holding two dolls, and Ye Qingxuan was holding two dolls.

"By the way, there is also the light curtain that was printed at that time." Hua Qingcheng spread his hands, and a light curtain appeared above it.

In the light curtain.

Li Ran played with a little boy and a little girl.

The pair of boys and girls look a little bit like Li Ran.

There is also the little boy and girl that Ye Qingxuan is playing with, they are also somewhat similar to Ye Qingxuan.

Su Ling's pupils shrank.

The whole person was struck by lightning.

His master had actually given birth to someone else's child!
Didn't you say that you haven't married yet?
They all lied to him?
Yes, yes.

Su Ling smiled wryly and shook his head. His master and uncle have lived for more than 1000 years. How could it be possible that they haven't married the man they are attracted to in these 1000 years?

Turns out there are kids...

No wonder the master didn't agree with him.

No wonder the uncle didn't let him take responsibility.

If he was in charge, wouldn't he have two more children?

It's not the kind of kiss.

"I want to be alone for a while." Su Ling looked at Hua Qingcheng and said.

(End of this chapter)

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