Chapter 805 Go back?

"Go home and be quiet." Hua Qingcheng looked at him and said.

Su Ling didn't say anything, and returned to her room.

Hua Qingcheng picked up the teacup and shook it lightly. At this time, she was looking forward to the time when Su Tianling recovered his memory.

Now, what should we do?

For now, don't play it.

Slowly repair Su Tianling's injured heart.


Su Ling closed her eyes and wanted to sleep, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

"Your uncle has lied to you, maybe Hua Qingcheng lied to you too." Su Liyuan said at this time, "For Wuzong and Wuhuang, it is very easy to construct a light curtain, maybe she did it on purpose."

"Wuhuang and Wuzong have such means?" Su Ling asked.

"Yes." Su Liyuan said, "No matter what, you are a man, you can lose anyone, but you can't lose yourself. If you fall, wouldn't you be sorry for yourself?"

Su Ling thinks it makes sense, "But I have no direction in my life now, and I don't know what to do. Because I used a secret technique before, I can't practice within a year, and it is difficult to practice."

"I can help you, so that you can cultivate now, but I want to ask, what did you do for cultivation." Su Liyuan said.

Su Ling pondered for a moment, "I used to cultivate for Master. I wanted to grow up to the same level as Master, or surpass Master. Then I would be qualified to be with Master. But now, I don't know what the purpose of cultivation is."

"Then let me tell you, practice, one of the points is to let yourself not be controlled by others, to be able to do whatever you want, to do what you want, look at you now, being controlled by Hua Qingcheng, but unable to fight back, isn't it very desperate, very Helpless?" Su Liyuan.

"Yes." Su Ling said, "Will you help me?"

"Of course, it's just that I'm a little worried." Su Liyuan was in Su Ling's mind. There was a space in her mind. You will be noticed by Hua Qingcheng, so you have to find a way to allow you to practice naturally."

"It shouldn't be a problem if she noticed it? I'm just King Wu, so I can't threaten her." Su Ling.

Su Liyuan shook her head lightly, she appeared in Su Ling's mind, mainly because she didn't like Li Ran and the others who kept playing with her father, although she also knew that Li Ran and the others were doing it properly.

But as a daughter, I just can't get used to it.

As a junior, it is not easy to accuse the elders of doing something.

This is the only way to help Su Tianling.

Su Liyuan thought for a while, "You go to the hot spring, when you soak in the hot spring, deliberately get bored in the water, drink a few sips, and you can practice."

"The hot spring water is so powerful?" Su Ling asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Su Liyuan said without explaining.

Hua Qingcheng's state is already at the highest level, drinking the bath water that she soaked with her body, the water is already comparable to holy water.

very precious.

It's very easy to just help Su Ling practice.

"I'll try." Although Su Ling was puzzled by the special ability of the hot spring pool, but Su Liyuan said so, he had to try it too.

Anyway, it's fine right now.

Su Ling walked out of the room, took a look at Hua Qingcheng, and went out.

"Where are you going?" Hua Qingcheng asked suddenly.

Su Ling didn't turn her head back and said, "Soak in the hot spring."

"Go." Hua Qingcheng.

Su Ling went to the hot spring pool and soaked in it. After soaking for a while, he submerged himself in the water and drank a few mouthfuls.

In an instant, he suddenly found his body, and some restrictions disappeared automatically.

Surprised, he immediately activated his spiritual power and found that it had recovered to its original state.

"It's really possible." Su Ling said in surprise.

"I can still lie to you? Remember, you don't have to trust your master or uncle, but you have to trust me." Su Liyuan said.

Su Ling was puzzled, why?
He didn't ask.

But he could feel that what Su Liyuan said was very sincere.

Su Ling said, "Remember."

Su Liyuan nodded slightly, and continued to drink tea.

Su Ling started to practice. While soaking in the hot spring pool, he practiced. He found that the speed of practicing here was a hundred times faster than usual!
What's the situation?
If this is the case, wouldn't he be able to break through a small realm in two or three days?

Surprised, Su Ling was immersed in cultivation.

Hua Qingcheng, who was drinking tea in the yard, couldn't help raising her brows when she saw this. After Su Tianling drank her bath water, not only was she able to practice, but her practice speed was also many times faster.

Do you want to stop it?
never mind…

She also wanted to see what Su Tianling would do when he reached the same level as her.

Will you retaliate?

In a flash, a month has passed.

During this month, Su Ling's realm has soared, and he has just broken through to Martial Emperor!
With a smile on Su Ling's face, he continued to practice.

If you don't come to Wuzong, you will never leave the customs!
In a flash, two months have passed.

Su Ling opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of spirits, Wu Zong is here!

At this stage, he is already stronger than his master and uncle.

Already in the same realm as Hua Qingcheng.

"Practice for a while longer." Su Ling said to himself, although it is at the same level as Hua Qingcheng's realm, it is not enough.

He had to be strong enough to easily defeat Hua Qingcheng before leaving the level.

In a flash, another month passed.

Su Ling reached the [-]-star Martial Ancestor, and felt that he was close, so he opened his eyes.

"This is really a holy place for practice!" Su Ling said to Su Liyuan.

"Holy land?" Su Liyuan chuckled lightly, "That's right."

Su Ling felt that Su Liyuan didn't show any surprise at this holy place of cultivation, so she couldn't help asking curiously, "What realm are you?"

"Dozens of realms higher than you." Su Liyuan said.

"Dozens? Isn't Emperor Wudi the strongest realm in this world?" Su Ling.

"Emperor Wu?" Su Liyuan shook her head and said, "Emperor Wu is only the realm of the lower realm, there is also the upper realm, the upper realm..."

"The world is so big?" Su Ling asked in surprise.

"So, you should go and have a look." Su Liyuan said, "Don't always think about the love between your children. If you are not happy with someone, just break up."

"Hmm..." Su Ling got up and walked out, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, "This hot spring pool has such a good practice effect, Hua Qingcheng should not be unaware of it, right?"

"Maybe I really don't know. After all, most people only take a bath in the hot spring pool, and they don't know how to practice in it. She probably hasn't discovered the beauty of it yet." Su Liyuan said.

Su Ling thought it made sense, so he came to the yard.

I saw Hua Qingcheng drinking tea there.

Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Ling, "Are you willing to come out? I'm already four months pregnant, look at my belly."

Hua Qingcheng stood up, her belly was a little round.

Su Ling was speechless. He wanted to clean up Hua Qingcheng's meal, but when he saw Hua Qingcheng's stomach, he couldn't help giving up his thoughts.

"I'm going back." Su Ling looked at her and said.

"Go back?" Hua Qingcheng raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "I didn't agree with you to go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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