Chapter 812

Ye Qingxuan blinked, and said to Lin Ruoyi, "Actually, we're fine..."

"Tell this to your parents-in-law." Lin Ruoyi glared at her.

Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

To be honest, the two of them really didn't do anything.

It just made Su Ling uncomfortable. Although they enjoyed it at first, Su Tianling's life before his rebirth was too boring and ordinary.

They just wanted to make Su Tianling more entangled in this life, and when he recovered from his previous life, maybe he would cherish the ordinary life even more.

Besides, they also gave Su Tianling a lot of sweetness in this life...

Basically all the advantages that should be taken have been taken, and now she is pregnant with a child.

At this moment, Su Ling looked at Emperor Liu and Lin Ruoyi, and called out respectfully, "Mother-in-law."

Emperor Liu looked at Su Ling and nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "If Ran'er bullies you, just tell me, and I will teach her a lesson for you."

"Definitely." Su Ling laughed and heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that Li Ran's mother was still very friendly to him.

Lin Ruoyi looked at Su Ling with a smile, "If girl Qingxuan bullies you, tell me too, and I will teach her a lesson for you."

"Thank you, mother-in-law." Su Ling responded with a smile, and finally let go of the anxiety in her heart.

"Go ahead and toast." Lin Ruoyi said with a smile.

"Okay." After drinking the glass of wine, Su Ling, Ye Qingxuan, and Li Ran went to the next table.

The other table is where Su Xiaoyao and the others are.

Su Xiaoyao was better, but the eyes of Ling Wan and Xie Yujie were a bit unkind.

Ling Wan looked at Ye Qingxuan, "Give me the child."

Ye Qingxuan obediently gave the baby to Lingwan, "Her name is Su Yu."

Lingwan hugged the baby and shook it gently. Su Yu also seemed to like Lingwan very much, showing a happy smile.

After hugging for a while, Lingwan looked up at Ye Qingxuan, "How long are you going to play?"

"Hey, it's guaranteed to be resolved within one year." Ye Qingxuan said, in the next year, it's impossible to torment Su Tianling any more.

Before Su Tianling was reborn, she said that she wanted to have a friend. She had to test this Su Ming. She hoped that Su Ming and Su Tianling could really become good friends, not because of their status, not because of their interests, but pure friends. That would also fulfill Su Tianling's wish. .

Lingwan looked at Ye Qingxuan, "After one year, if it still hasn't been resolved, the family law will take care of it."

"Promise!" Ye Qingxuan hurriedly said.

Su Ling was stunned when he heard this, why should it be resolved within a year?Why can't you understand?
But looking at the way Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran faced this stunning woman, they were very obedient, as if they were facing dignified elders.

Su Ling touched Ye Qingxuan at this moment, "Give me an introduction."

"Uh." Ye Qingxuan was speechless, how should I introduce it?
Could it be that Lingwan is her mother-in-law?
If so, it would be very troublesome to explain.

Ling Wan glared at Ye Qingxuan, she didn't know what to do now.

Xie Yujie looked at Su Ling at this moment, and said with a smile, "Just call me Aunt Jie."

Su Ling looked at Xie Yujie, and respectfully called out, "Aunt Jie."

"Call me Uncle Feng." Liu Feng said to Su Ling at this moment.

"Uncle Feng." Su Ling looked at Liu Feng.

"Call me Uncle Xiaoyao..." Su Xiaoyao thought for a while, looked at Su Ling and said.

"Uncle Xiaoyao." Su Ling looked at Su Xiaoyao.

"Call me Wanniang." Lingwan thought for a while and said to Su Ling.

"Wanniang." Su Ling called out.

"Yeah." Ling Wan said to Su Ling with a smile, "I wish you a happy and happy future."

Su Ling raised his glass, smiled at them, and drank the wine in the glass.

Then, they went to another table.

There are several people at this table.

Liu Xue, Xia Qingran, Su Xiaoke, Hua Qingcheng...

Su Ling mainly looked at Hua Qingcheng, took a light breath, and asked her, "Why are you here?"

Hua Qingcheng looked at him, "Qingxuan and Liran are my junior sisters, it's normal for me to come here."

Su Ling was speechless, it seemed that they really reconciled.

However, Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran didn't know that Hua Qingcheng had his child.

If Hua Qingcheng had spoken out at this time, the marriage might not be able to continue.

Hua Qingcheng knew the uneasiness in Su Ling's heart, so she couldn't help but smiled and said, "I'm here today just to celebrate, and I have nothing else to do, so don't think too much about it."

Su Ling stared at her for a while, making sure that Hua Qingcheng didn't intend to make trouble, and heaved a sigh of relief, and said to her, "If you have time, let's talk alone."

"Okay." Hua Qingcheng smiled, looked at Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran, "You two junior sisters, I wish you a litter of cubs."

"Senior sister, I also wish you a lot of babies." Ye Qingxuan smiled and looked at Hua Qingcheng.

Hua Qingcheng smiled slightly, "Thank you."

Liu Xue looked at Su Ling, feeling very speechless, extremely speechless, she is Su Tianling's wife...

Now make it... woo~
Su Xiaoke looked at Su Ling, blinked, and deliberately winked.

After Su Ling saw it, she looked away in embarrassment. What's wrong with this woman?Is it too blatant?She winked at him!

After Su Ling drank wine at this table, he went to the next table with Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran.

This table has the most people, more than ten people.

The man is handsome and the woman is extremely beautiful.

Very seductive.

Su Ling looked at them, raised his wine glass and said, "You elders have traveled thousands of miles to come here, you have worked hard."

"..." Su Liyuan.

"..." Su Xuan.

"..." Su Xiaomo.


More than a dozen people have black lines on their heads, elders?

So serious!

"Ahem, it's not hard, it's not hard." Su Ye stood up at this moment, looked at Su Ling, "We are actually younger than you, as juniors, we offer you a toast."

Su Xuan, Su Yi and the others stood up one after another, not daring to sit still.

"Ah." Su Ling looked at them in surprise, younger than him?
Seeing them toasting to him, he couldn't help raising his glass and drinking it in one gulp to show his respect.

Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran drank their glasses of wine in silence.

After drinking, we went to another table.

It was Su Ming who was at the table with Han Yu and other disciples.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran, the people at this table didn't dare to sit any longer and stood up one after another.

"Sect Master, Emperor Li."

"Don't be nervous." Su Ling looked at Su Ming and Han Yu with a smile and said, "The Sovereign and Li Huang are my daughter-in-laws now, and they are of the same generation, at least today."

"What my husband said is true." Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Ming and the others with a smile and said, "Today, I am only Su Ling's wife, not the suzerain."

"Cough." Su Ming and the others dare not really regard Ye Qingxuan as their peer.

Each one is very cautious.

Seeing their uncomfortable looks, Su Ling couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't say anything else, let's have a drink first."

Su Ming looked at Su Ling, "I wish you all the best of luck and prosperity."

Su Ling looked at him with a smile and said, "I also wish you and Han Yu to have more babies. You got married before me, and you don't have any babies yet."

"Go back and get busy." Su Ming thought for a while and said, he felt that it was time for him to have a baby with Han Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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