The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 813 Continue to Practice

Chapter 813 Continue to Practice
"Then I won't play with you for a few days. I hope to hear the news of Han Yu's pregnancy in a while." Su Ling joked with a smile.

This made Han Yu blush. Even though she was already a married woman and knew about the relationship between a man and a woman, Su Ling still felt embarrassed when she publicly said these things.

Su Ming replied with a smile, "One month at most."

"Okay." Su Ling smiled, looked at Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran, "Go to another table to toast."

The matter of getting married took a whole day of work before it was finally over.

Zongmen extended the time and held a nine-day banquet.

at night.

The three of Su Ling returned to the yard.

Drinking tea in the yard.

Su Ling took a sip, looked at Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran, "It's getting late, why don't you rest earlier?"

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes at him, "Can you adjust the atmosphere? This way you can feel it."

Su Ling thought for a while, looked at the two of them, "How to adjust the atmosphere?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to Su Ling, "From now on, you can cook the meals, wash the clothes, and bring the baby, how about it?"

"Yes." Su Ling nodded. Cooking is very simple. You can make a hearty meal with just a few breaths.

Laundry just got easier, in the blink of an eye.

As for raising the baby, he has his own flesh and blood, so he naturally wants to stay with the baby and enjoys it.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "How about hammering my back every day?"

"Yes." Su Ling said, it's normal to beat his daughter-in-law's back, if his wife doesn't hurt, then who does it hurt?
Ye Qingxuan smiled and agreed, but she had nothing to say.

She looked at Li Ran, "It's your turn."

Li Ran was speechless, what could she say?
Originally, I wanted to make things difficult for Su Tianling again, but today the elders came, and the mother-in-law expressed her dissatisfaction with their actions.

Of course she won't make things difficult again.

She thought for a while and looked at Su Ling, "I want seven times a day."

"?" Su Ling looked at Li Ran, only to feel that his cognition had peaked, his master, why did he suddenly change!

Didn't you have a fight with him before?

Propose seven times a day now?
He is human! ! !

Even if it's a monster, it's not that scary.

Occasionally seven times a day, every day?
There are only twelve hours in a day!
Isn't half of the time spent on this aspect?

However, he has just got married, so he is still very interested in this aspect for the time being.

He nodded and said, "Yes."

Ye Qingxuan said at this time, "Me too."

"..." Su Ling couldn't help shaking the hand holding the teacup.

Two people, that is fourteen times.


After thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran should only be interested in this matter temporarily.

After a while, it should be fine.

"Okay." Su Ling.

"Then let's go." Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Ling with a smile, the little Wu Zong was not the Lord of Heaven and Earth back then.

Can the body handle it?

I'm afraid it won't last long, and I will be defeated.

ten days later.

Su Ling covered his lower back and frowned, even though he was already Wu Zong, his strength was very strong.

But this kind of constant consumption of vitality was too much for him.

My waist hurts a little.

But thinking of Ye Qingxuan's dissatisfied eyes just now, I feel that my dignity has been damaged.

Is it...

Su Ling raised his head and looked at the pitch-black void, could he just take some pills?

After thinking about it, taking pills can only temporarily make up for it.

You can't eat it all the time.

After thinking for a while, Su Ling raised his eyebrows and said to the room, "Suddenly I feel like I'm about to break through, and I'm going to retreat for a while."

Su Ling's figure disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran were covering their stomachs, their mouths hurt from laughing.

It's no good, and I still find this kind of excuse.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Li Ran with a smile, "Do you think he will panic when he sees us in the future?"

"Maybe they will avoid us." Li Ran said with a smile.

"Hahaha, he should be even more flustered when things about Qingcheng come out after a while." Ye Qingxuan laughed.

Hua Qingcheng is pregnant, and Su Tianling will marry Hua Qingcheng soon.

And then.

Su Ling will definitely become more flustered, and will not dare to go home from now on, so he can only stay outside.


It's very interesting.

Su Ling arrived in the secret realm at this time, and he was relieved. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise, it would be difficult.

"Let's retreat." Su Ling took a deep breath, his body is his capital, his current body is a little weak, he must make himself stronger, only in this way can he not panic.

Su Ling settled down and began to retreat.

At this time, he urgently needs to improve his realm, and he really can't bear the disappointed eyes from Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran at the end, and he still has a bit of complaint.

This kind of look is really shocking.

After practicing for an hour, Su Ling opened his eyes, "It's too slow to practice here, it's better to go to Huazong and practice there."

Without hesitation, Su Ling flew away immediately.

In less than half a day, they arrived at the area where Hua Zonghua Qingcheng lived.

Just when he arrived here, he discovered Hua Qingcheng.

Hua Qingcheng was wearing a long red dress, her figure was proud, her exquisite face faced him, making Su Ling's heart tremble.

Before, he thought that Hua Qingcheng was very good, which made him quite like it.

But after getting married, he suddenly discovered that women are really scary!
Let go of your restraint, like a vicious tiger, wanting to eat people alive.

Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Ling with mist in his eyes, looking very pitiful.

"When did you tell the younger sisters about my pregnancy?"

Su Ling looked at her, and was silent for a moment. He just got married, so he wants to say something?What would happen if Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran found out?
"I don't know what will happen if they find out." Su Ling said.

"It's nothing." Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Ling, "I think they will definitely agree."

"How do you say that?" Su Ling asked doubtfully.

"I know them well. Besides, I and them are brothers and sisters. Now that we have reconciled with them, we will naturally get along with each other." Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Ling, blinked and said, "Otherwise, I will test it out first. some time?"

Su Ling thought for a while and said, "Try it out, if the situation is wrong, don't tell it."

"Yeah." Hua Qingcheng said very considerately, "I won't make things difficult for you."

Su Ling breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Hua Qingcheng would not threaten him either.

Hua Qingcheng blinked and walked towards Su Ling with a special meaning in his eyes.

Su Ling understood this look very well.

Subconsciously took a few steps back, and said to Hua Qingcheng, "You are pregnant now, you can't!"

"What are you afraid of? I'm Wu Zong? How can the child be broken because of this?" Hua Qingcheng laughed.

"Next time." Su Ling said solemnly, "I'm about to break through the realm, so I'll go to retreat first."

Su Ling didn't give Hua Qingcheng another chance to speak, and immediately went to the hot spring pool, sealed the surrounding area, and began to practice.

Hua Qingcheng smiled, and now she knew she was afraid! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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