The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 831 It's Too Boring

Chapter 831 It's Too Boring

"Hey, when will you be back?" Su Xiaoke said, "Otherwise, Qingran and I will look for you? We haven't seen you for a long time."

"Okay, then you guys come, in name, you are my junior sister and Xiaoxue." Su Tianling said.

"Okay, wait a minute." Su Xiaoke said.

After a while, Su Xiaoke and Xia Qingran appeared in the yard.

The two sat down and looked at Su Tianling, "How does it feel to coax a child?"

"Very good." Su Tianling smiled.

"It's so easy to be deceived, so you have to protect it." Xia Qingran smiled, "So as not to be deceived by others."

"No one." Su Tianling smiled, looked at Xia Qingran and the two, and asked, "Why have you two been there recently?"

"What can I do, I just eat, drink and play every day." Su Xiaoke said with a smile, "And what's more, I secretly watch how you perform."

Su Tianling gave her a blank look, "Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Su Xiaoke suggested with a smile, "Do you want to cheat again next time? Trick them to eat."

Su Tianling thought for a while, "That's exactly what I meant."

"You are so bad." Su Xiaoke gave him a blank look.

"Being bad to my wife." Su Tianling said with a smile.

Su Xiaoke got up at this moment, sat beside Su Tianling, looked at him with a smile, "Are you tired?"

"Think about it?" Su Tianling looked at her and smiled.

"Nonsense, I haven't been with you for almost a year." Su Xiaoke complained a little.

Su Tianling blinked, "I thought you didn't need it."

"Cut!" Su Xiaoke stood up, grabbed Su Tianling's clothes, "Come with me."

"By the way, Qingran, do you want to come with me?" Su Xiaoke looked at Xia Qingran.

"You guys first." Xia Qingran said with a smile.

"En." Su Xiaoke nodded, grabbed Su Tianling's clothes, and pulled them into the room, fearing that Su Tianling would run away.

Xia Qingran stayed in the yard, drinking tea, and was no stranger to such a scene.

Just listening to the voice inside, Xia Qingran's desire to drink tea became a little weaker.Like Su Xiaoke, she hasn't seen her for a year.

It is very difficult for a normal woman, especially herself and her husband, to endure for a year.

An hour passed.

Su Xiaoke came out, she looked at Xia Qingran and smiled, "I'll quench my thirst, it's your turn."

Xia Qingran gave her a blank look, and then walked in.

Su Xiaoke didn't stay in the yard, but went to another secret place, where she saw Liu Xue.

"Why are you here?" Liu Xue looked at Su Xiaoke in surprise, she hadn't paid attention to Su Tianling before.

With a sweep of his divine sense, he realized that Xia Qingran and Su Tianling were doing that kind of thing.

Su Xiaoke clapped her hands and looked at her, "It's too boring."

"Boring?" Liu Xue smiled, "Is it really boring? I think you think too much."

Su Xiaoke rolled her eyes at her, then turned her eyes to Li Ran and Li Xin who were practicing martial arts not far away.

"Xiao Ranran is pregnant." Su Xiaoke said with a smile, "How many children do you plan to have? She is already the fourth one."

Liu Xue nodded and smiled, "Qingxuan is about to have her fourth child, and Qingcheng is about to give birth to her third."

Su Xiaoke was speechless, "There are so many births, and if the mother's love is spread out equally, there won't be much."

Liu Xue smiled, "Anyway, I'm not going to give birth."

"I don't have a baby either." Su Xiaoke nodded, "It's boring to have a baby."

At this moment, Liu Xue looked into the distance, and said to Li Ran Li Xin, "You two come here."

Li Ran and Li Xin came here immediately, they had noticed Su Xiaoke a long time ago, but Liu Xue didn't tell them to stop, and it was hard for them to stop.

"Master." Li Ran.

Liu Xue glanced at Su Xiaoke, and then said to Li Ran and Li Xin, "This is my junior sister who is my teacher, her name is Su Xiaoke, you should call me uncle."

"I've seen Master Uncle." Li Ran and Li Xin yelled.

Su Xiaoke nodded, looked at Li Ranli Xin, "You two are not bad, hey, are you pregnant?"

When Li Ran heard this, her face suddenly turned pale. Did the uncle see that she was pregnant?
Li Xin's face changed slightly, and she immediately said, "Return to Master Uncle, Li Ran is not nice to people, she is pregnant, but that man is unwilling to take responsibility."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoke frowned, and said angrily, "Who? Take my uncle to find him, and I will kill him."

Li Ran lowered her head, "Uncle Hui, he is already dead."

"Dead?" Su Xiaoke asked.

"Yes, I only found out some time ago that he fell off the cliff, his body was smashed to pieces, and his ashes had been washed away by the sea." Li Ran said immediately.

"Hateful! But it's okay to die." Su Xiaoke looked at Li Ran and said. "Then why don't you kill the child?"

Li Ran lowered her head, "I can't bear it, after all, this is a life."

"Hey." Su Xiaoke sighed, "How will you marry after this? I'm afraid even if you can marry someone, you won't be able to marry a good one."

Li Ran was silent.

Liu Xue said at this time, "You are pregnant with another man's child, your master didn't take good care of you, it's because he didn't take good care of you, I will go find him, and I must teach him a lesson!"

"Follow me!" Liu Xue turned and left with a cold face.

Li Ran clenched her fists slightly, feeling nervous in her heart, come on!

Why is it like this all of a sudden?

Another secret place.

Liu Xue broke the door, looked at Su Tianling, and asked, "Li Ran is pregnant, do you know?"

Su Tianling pretended not to know and said to her, "I don't know."

Liu Xue snorted coldly, "Your disciple is pregnant with someone else's child, and that person fell off a cliff and died, what should I do?"

Su Tianling looked at Li Ran at this moment, and scolded with a straight face, "Why are you having an affair with other men? Why don't you know as a teacher?"

Li Ran lowered her head, knowing that Su Tianling said that on purpose.

Su Tianling said, "Come with me, and see how the teacher can teach you."

With a flick of his sleeve, Su Tianling took Li Ran to another secret place.

"Master." Li Ran looked at Su Tianling and said in a panic, "Won't you be discovered?"

"What are you afraid of?" Su Tianling shook his head lightly and said, "As long as we can keep it a secret for a while, if it is discovered one day, the teacher will not ignore it."

Li Ran nodded, but felt a little uneasy.

"Don't be afraid." Su Tianling looked at her, then immediately picked her up and looked at her tenderly, "Master, I miss you."

Li Ran blushed slightly, but was afraid in her heart, "It's not good, if my wife and uncle know about it."

"Don't worry, I've sealed the secret realm, they can't get in." Su Tianling said, and then brought Li Ran into the room.

It took half a day.

Su Tianling finally unlocked the blockade.

As soon as it was untied, Liu Xue, Su Xiaoke, and Xia Qingran all arrived here. They looked at Li Ran worriedly, "Are you okay? Your master didn't beat you too hard, did he?"

Li Ran, "No, it's fine."

Li Ran lowered her head guiltily.

"That's good." Liu Xue glared at Su Tianling, "Tell me, what should we do now? We already have children, and we can't get rid of them yet."

"That can only happen." Su Tianling.

"Born without a father?" Liu Xue asked.

(End of this chapter)

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