The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 832 Seven Lords of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 832 Seven Lords of Heaven and Earth
"Otherwise, what should we do?" Su Tianling asked back, "Could it be possible to beat the child? If you don't want to beat him, then don't beat him."

Liu Xue looked at Li Ran and sighed softly, "In the future, you may suffer a lot."

"It's okay." Li Ran said.

Liu Xue sighed again, she looked at Li Ran and said, "You are pregnant, don't do anything bad for your health this year, you can practice, but don't compete with others."

"Understood, Master." Li Ran nodded.

Liu Xue hummed lightly, and she looked at Su Tianling, "From now on, you have to treat her well."

"My own apprentice, I will treat myself well, can I make it worse?" Su Tianling smiled, and said to Li Ranli, "You two go and play."

"Yeah" Li Ranli nodded and left.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Su Tianling couldn't help shaking his head and smiling. He looked at Liu Xue, Su Xiaoke, and Xia Qingran and said, "This seems to be interesting, and it's enough to pass the time."

Liu Xue smiled and said, "I've played everything that should be played in the world, and there's nothing more fun in the future."

Su Tianling sighed and looked up at the sky, "Invincible is too lonely. If there is pressure or restraint, then he will still think about breaking through the shackles, breaking through the shackles, and becoming the strongest person without restraint. No one can control me, nor People can threaten me, this feeling is very uncomfortable."

At this moment, Su Tianling really hopes that someone can be stronger than him, at least he must be able to draw with him, so that he can be a little stressed, without the feeling of pressure, which is too boring.

Liu Xue gave him a white look, "You haven't found out the reason for the world shock last time? Even you couldn't find out, then something really happened."

"This is the best." Su Tianling said lightly, "If there is someone who can threaten me, I would like it."

"If he kills you directly, what about killing us?" Liu Xue said.

Su Tianling smiled and said, "There is no regret in dying, but I still don't want you to die."

Liu Xue gave him a white look, "If you die, what shall we do?"

"Haha, wear a cuckold." Su Xiaoke looked at Su Tianling, "If you die, the six of us don't want to be widows."

Su Tianling's face darkened, raised his hand and knocked on Su Xiaoke's head, and said, "Look for a beating!"

Su Xiaoke laughed and said, "Whoever tells you to be fine will seek death."

Su Tianling, "..."

"I think it's best to find out about the world shaking." Xia Qingran looked at Su Tianling with a solemn expression, "If something really happens, at least we can be mentally prepared."

Su Tianling nodded, and he said, "I'll go out and check, and I'll leave this to you."

"En." Liu Xue and the others nodded.

Su Tianling's figure disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared at the world barrier.

Standing in the void and looking at the barriers of the world, although he had checked it before, he used his avatar to check it. The strength of the avatar is weaker than that of the deity, so the investigation was not thorough enough.

Now the deity personally investigates.

"At that time, there was a vibration in the world, and the vibration point was the strongest at this location." Su Tianling looked at the barrier, which was intact.

The last shock just shook his world a bit, but it didn't cause any damage.

Thinking about it, even if someone bombards him, his strength is not enough to break through the wall of this world.

"There's nothing to check." Su Tianling shook his head lightly, really don't know what to check, unless the next time the world shakes, then check again.

Su Tianling circled the world again, and nothing abnormal happened.

"Stay here, there's nothing to do anyway." Su Tianling said to himself, pulled out a chair out of thin air, lay down on the chair, and drank some wine.

A month passed in a flash.

This month, nothing happened, Su Tianling wanted to go back, but after thinking about it, let's stay here, there is nothing to do when he goes back.

So, Su Tianling stayed for another month, and Su Tianling didn't want to leave. Suddenly, one day, there was a loud bang from the barrier of the world, which made the whole world tremble.

Su Tianling, who was bored at first, suddenly focused his eyes, stood up and stared at the barrier point that was bombarded.


There was another loud bang, and the whole world trembled again.

Su Tianling took a step, crossed the world, came out of the world, he looked out of the world, and a group of people appeared.

This group of people are all young men and women, all of them are imposing, their eyes are fixed on Su Tianling, looking up and down.

Su Tianling glanced at them, and said in a cold voice, "Are you trying to invade my territory by bombarding it?"

There are seven people in this group, four men and three women.

One of them looked at Su Tianling and said calmly, "I just want to attract the attention of the world lord because of this, not for aggression."

He looked at Su Tianling, and asked lightly, "Are you the lord of this world?"

Su Tianling looked at him and said lightly, "If you have something to say, just say it."

The man looked at Su Tianling and said, "We want to enter your world and live in your world. Is it possible?"

"No." Su Tianling took out a jug of wine, took a sip, looked at them, and said lightly, "If you bombard my territory again, you will bear the consequences."

After all, Su Tianling was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait." The young man hurriedly said, "You don't want to know where we come from?"

Su Tianling looked at him indifferently, "What's the difference between wanting and not wanting?"

The young man looked at Su Tianling, "You are the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and so are we, but they are Lords of different worlds. Our world has already been destroyed, and the one who destroyed our world was the evil race from outside the territory."

Su Tianling looked at the young man and said calmly, "Do you think I believe it or not."

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. I'll just tell you the reason. By the way, I remind you that there is only one pure land in this huge world. Your world is the only pure land. If this only pure land is also invaded by evil races from outside the territory, when the time comes , human beings are like captive food for the evil race to satisfy their hunger," said the young man.

"So, why do you want to enter my world?" Su Tianling said indifferently.

"Using our power to integrate into your world, the will of the world will be condensed. Only in this way, we will have a chance of winning against the evil race outside the territory." The young man said.

Su Tianling took a sip of wine and looked at him, "You mean to integrate each of you's different world wills into my world?"

"Yes." The young man looked at Su Tianling and nodded, "Only in this way can we become stronger and fight against the evil race."

Su Tianling smiled and looked at the young people, "What if I refuse?"

The faces of the young people changed slightly. They looked at Su Tianling and said in a low voice, "If you refuse, we can only occupy your world. We bombarded your world before, just to disturb you, not to destroy your world , if the seven of us join forces, you are no match."

(End of this chapter)

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