The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 839 I'm Engaged

Chapter 839 I'm Engaged

"Well, don't look for it for now. When there is no one, look for it now. Maybe other people are there."


After the two discussed it, they immediately left here and found Li Xin.

Seeing the preoccupied looks of the two, Li Xin couldn't help asking curiously, "Did something happen to you two?"

Hua Qingcheng nodded lightly, looked at Li Xin and said, "Qingxuan and I are pregnant..."

"!??" Li Xin looked at the two in shock, "What's the situation with you two? Why are you both pregnant like Li Ran!"

"That's right! And Master knew about it." Hua Qingcheng said with a headache.

"Whose child is it?" Li Xin asked.

"I don't know." Hua Qingcheng was in distress, how dare she say that the child belonged to Su Tianling?She was afraid of being beaten to death!

"???" Li Xin was shocked, she didn't even know who the child belonged to?

Ye Qingxuan looked at Li Xin and said with a headache, "Tell me, what should we do?"

"Kill the child!" Li Xin suggested.

"..." Ye Qingxuan hesitated, "Do you really want to fight?"

"Of course, you don't even know who the child is, and you still want to have it?" Li Xin stepped forward, covering Ye Qingxuan's forehead, oh, she didn't catch the cold.

Ye Qingxuan said with a headache, "Look again."

Li Xin is speechless, how can she be as virtuous as Li Ran, if she is pregnant with a child she shouldn't have, she should be decisive and get rid of it directly.

"Li Ran is here." Li Xin said at this time, she waved to Li Ran who was walking, "Li Ran, come here quickly."

Li Ran came over, looked at Li Xin and said, "What's wrong?"

"Qingcheng and Qingxuan are pregnant, and they don't even know who they are pregnant with, so please persuade them." Li Xin said.

Li Ran looked at the two of them, "You two are pregnant, shouldn't it be someone around you?"

Hua Qingcheng strongly denied, "How is that possible! That is my master's husband!"

Li Ran nodded and said to them, "If you don't even know who is pregnant, I suggest you abort the child."

"You didn't kill the child either." Hua Qingcheng pointed at Li Ran's round belly and said,
Li Ran said with a smile, "By the way, there is something I need to inform you officially. I'm getting married."

"..." Li Xin looked at Li Ran in shock, "Who are you going to marry? Why don't I know?"

"I don't want to tell you now." Li Ran smiled, "I want to marry my master. In fact, the child in my stomach belongs to the master. It's just that the master and his wife are going to get married at that time, so I will tell you about this matter." My master concealed it, and now it’s all right, and my wife also agreed.”

"!!!" Li Xin looked at Li Ran in shock, the child in her belly belonged to Su Tianling?
Looking back at the beginning, she had suspected that the child belonged to Su Tianling, but now Li Ran admitted that it shocked her.

Hua Qingcheng, "..." Ye Qingxuan, "..."

The two looked at Li Ran, suddenly they didn't know what to say.

How could this happen, Li Ran's pregnancy turned out to be his!

They are also pregnant with his, and Li Ran is about to marry, so can they too?
No, thinking of the way Master scolded them just now, I felt a burst of fear in my heart.

Li Ran looked at them with a smile, "Aren't you surprised?"

"It's a shock!" Li Xin looked at Li Ran, "Now, your seniority is higher than mine, from now on, shall I call you little teacher?"

"Yes." Li Ran said with a smile.

"..." Li Xin.

At this time, Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan were in extremely depressed and complicated moods.

Li Ran looked at the three of them and said with a smile, "The wedding is only three days away, so come and have a wedding banquet!"

"... Definitely." Li Xin looked at Li Ran, feeling very speechless, "By the way, do you want to tell your parents about this?"

"No." Li Ran shook her head and said, "Just a few of us gathered together, after all, this is not something glorious, and it won't have a good impact if it spreads."

"Hmm..." Li Xin nodded.

"Qingcheng, Qingxuan, don't you two bless me?" Li Ran looked at them and asked with a smile.

"Bless you." Hua Qingcheng said to Ye Qingxuan.

Li Ran rolled her eyes at them, "Whose child are you two pregnant with? I don't believe that with your strength, there is anyone else who can surpass you."

Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan lowered their heads, unable to speak, what did they say?Could it be that the child actually belongs to Su Tianling?

Just thinking about it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it, but I have to remind you that the child is born or not." Li Ran said.

"Well, we will consider it." Hua Qingcheng said.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Li Ran and asked, "By the way, where is your master?"

"He's busy in the yard." Li Ran said with a smile, "From now on, he won't be my master, but my husband."

"..." Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan were very depressed.

Li Ran smiled and said, "When he comes over later, he will announce it himself."

Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan nodded lightly without saying anything.

After a while.

Su Tianling came here, he looked at Li Ran, "Did you tell them?"

"Say it." Li Ran stepped forward, holding Su Tianling's arm, looking like a married couple.

This made Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan frown slightly, why did they feel cheated?
Could Su Tianling be tricking them? ! !
Seeing Li Ran holding Su Tianling's arm naturally, Li Xin suddenly felt that the painting style was not right, which made her stand there in a daze.

Su Tianling looked at the three of Li Xin, coughed and said, "Three days later, Li Ran and I will get married, and we will have a glass of wine together then, and we have to change our words."

Li Ran looked at Su Tianling, "Everyone has their own opinions, if they call me little teacher's wife, I feel weird."

"Well, let's talk about each other." Su Tianling nodded.

Li Ran nodded.

"Good master." Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling, with a flash of displeasure in his eyes, isn't this just playing with them!
"Master, Qingxuan and I are pregnant." Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling and said.

"Cough." Su Tianling coughed, looked at her and said, "How long have you been pregnant?"

"One month!" Hua Qingcheng.

"Take care of yourself!" Su Tianling said,

"Master doesn't want to ask, whose child are we pregnant with?" Hua Qingcheng asked with a smile, which gave off a very special feeling.

"Whose?" Su Tianling looked at them.

Hua Qingcheng didn't say anything, but said, "Master, Qingxuan and I don't understand some things about cultivation. Master has time, so take a moment to give us some advice."

"Okay." Su Tianling nodded and said, "After these two days of work are over."

"Good master," Hua Qingcheng said.

Su Tianling smiled, and said to Li Ran, "You play first, I'll go back."

"Yeah." Li Ran nodded.

After Su Tianling left.

Li Ran looked at Hua Qingcheng and the three of them and said, "The three of us have a meal? Chat while eating?"

"Okay." Hua Qingcheng nodded, just as she also wanted to know how her master accepted Li Ran and let Li Ran marry Su Tianling.

(End of this chapter)

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