Chapter 840
The four of them went to a yard, cooked some food, and prepared some drinks.

Hua Qingcheng looked at Li Ran and asked curiously, "Master just agreed? Didn't she say anything?"

Li Ran nodded with a smile, "I was very scared at the beginning, but my wife agreed directly, and she agreed with a smile. She said that when she saw me for the first time, she knew that I was pregnant. At that time, she had some guesses. I may be pregnant with Master's child, maybe she is psychologically prepared, and now that she knows it, she can accept it."

Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan looked at each other. They were spotted by Liu Xue at the first sight when they were in Zangshu Pavilion.

But their master asked them whose child they were pregnant with. Based on their master's guess, they probably also thought that they were pregnant with Su Tianling's child.

If they really thought so, wouldn't they be cold?

Or, their master is not sure yet, so they didn't say anything?What will they think when they are sure that they are pregnant with Su Tianling's child?
"Okay Liran, I asked you before, but you didn't tell me that you were pregnant with another town's child, and it turned out to be your master's!" Li Xin hit Li Ran and blamed, " You kept it from me!"

Li Ran looked at Li Xin with a smile, "Didn't you feel ashamed at the time? After all, the pregnancy was the master's. How embarrassing it is for such a thing to happen between master and apprentice? I don't have the face to tell you."

"Cut." Li Xin glared at Li Ran, "Then how did you know to buy the Heart Fire Pill and do those things to your master?"

"Xinhuo Dan?" Hua Qingcheng looked at Li Xin doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

"Hey, let me tell you, at that time, Li Ran's master was suffering from a disease, and something had to happen to Li Ran to cure the disease. Li Ran sacrificed herself and secretly put a heart fire pill into her master's quilt, I never thought about it, just because of that time, I got pregnant directly." Li Xin said with a smile.

"Amazing!" Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan gave Li Ran a thumbs up.

Li Ran laughed, looked at Hua Qingcheng and the two of them and said, "Speaking of which, is it my master's that you two are pregnant with? After all, you only went out with my master once this month..."

"Absolutely not!" Hua Qingcheng and the two shook their heads, strongly denying it.

"Hehe, is that so?" Li Ran was full of disbelief, "I'll ask him tonight to see if it's true."

Hua Qingcheng lowered her head guiltyly, but quickly calmed down, looked at Li Ran and said, "Don't ask random questions, if Master finds out, we will be miserable."

"Is this an admission?" Li Ran asked with a smile.

Li Xin's eyes widened, and she looked at Hua Qingcheng and Hua Qingcheng with a face full of shock, "You, how could you be with Li Ran's master..."

Seeing that she couldn't hide it anymore, Hua Qingcheng couldn't help letting out a long breath, "We didn't know at the time that we couldn't be like Master, and it was Master who took the initiative to follow us..."

"What!" Li Xin was even more surprised, Li Ran's master took the initiative, this is in the town, isn't such a person just a strange uncle who tricked little girls?

Li Xin's heart tightened, if this was the case, would Su Tianling attack her in the future?
Li Xin looked solemnly, looked at Hua Qingcheng and said, "You two have been tricked."

"We know." Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan said gloomily, they didn't know this before, but now they know, it's too late, the child is already pregnant.

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Xin asked.

"I don't know." Hua Qingcheng and the two shook their heads.

Li Xin, "..."

She was speechless, but thinking about the situation of Hua Qingcheng and the other, it was really difficult.

If Su Tianling's ugly heart is exposed, where will Liu Xue's face be placed?In addition, her good sister Li Ran is also pregnant with Su Tianling's child, and she is about to give birth, so there is no other way.

Thinking of this, she was also helpless, not knowing what to do.

Li Xin looked at Li Ran, "Did you ask him to marry you, or did he take the initiative to say that he wanted to marry you?"

"I asked him to give me a title." Li Ran.

Li Xin nodded, looked at Hua Qingcheng and the two of them and said, "Then let him give you a title as well, this matter can't just be left alone."

Hua Qingcheng and the two wanted to cry but said without tears, "We dare not even say it, we dare not tell Master."

Li has a headache, what should I do?

"Let's do this first." Li Ran looked at them and said, "I will get married in a few days, I will ask him in private to see what his attitude is, don't worry, I will give you an explanation, and I won't let you go for nothing so."

Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan nodded again and again. Right now, they can only pin their hopes on Li Ran.

"Okay, drink." Li Ran said at this time.

Hua Qingcheng nodded to Ye Qingxuan.

After drinking it, Li Ran went back, went to the yard, and glared at Su Tianling, "What else do you want, when will you give Qingcheng and the others a title, and restore their consciousness."

Su Tianling shrugged and said, "What's the hurry, no matter how they made me feel bad before, I have to make them feel bad again."

Li Ran glared at him, sat down and said, "How uncomfortable do you want to be, the two of them are very fragile, and they will shatter when touched."

"I think they are doing well now." Su Tianling said with a smile.

Li Ran, "..."

"Okay, you still feel sorry for me, why didn't you feel sorry for me before?" Su Tianling drank a little wine, smiled and said, "By the way, Xiaoxue and the others have gone back, and now it's just the two of us, why don't you go back first? Shall I tease Qingcheng and Qingxuan again?"

Li Ran, "Don't go back!"

"Really?" Su Tianling waved his hand, restrained Li Ran and said with a smile, "Tell me, how should I bully you?"

Li Ran looked at Su Tianling, "I'll go back!"

Su Tianling smiled, let go of Li Ran and said, "Then you go back."

Li Ran glared at him, and left quickly, just as she was going back to see her child.

Seeing that everyone had left, Su Tianling smiled, walked out of the yard, and came to the next yard, where Li Xin, Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan were all there.

Seeing Su Tianling coming here, Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan's expressions changed slightly, Li Xin remained silent, just staring at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling glanced at Li Xin and said with a smile, "You are the lowest level, practice hard and try to catch up. As a teacher, you have to chat with Qingcheng and Qingxuan."

"Okay, Master!" Li Xin nodded and left immediately.

In the yard, Hua Qingcheng and Ye Qingxuan looked at Su Tianling and said with some fear, "What are you doing here? If Master finds out something, something will happen."

Su Tianling smiled and said, "Don't worry, your master and the others, as well as Li Ran, have just left. They will be going out for a few days, so I will accompany you for the next few days."

"You don't need to accompany me." Hua Qingcheng's expression changed slightly.

"You don't need it if you say you don't need it?" Su Tianling glanced at her stomach, "You two are pregnant."

(End of this chapter)

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