The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 859 Who Is So Shameless

Chapter 859 Who Is So Shameless

And on the other side.

Su Tianling stayed in the yard drinking tea while looking at the faces of the clan.

The youngest generation is still young, laughing and laughing, there is only happiness and no worries.

A little older, such as an adult.

But no family yet.

I am also chatting with people of the same clan who have no family, discussing experience.

Those who already have Taoist couples but have not yet married are also chatting this time.

As for those with families, they took their wives and children and wandered around, smiling all over their faces, without any worry in their eyes.

There are also older ones, such as those who have become grandpas or great-grandpas, who are also laughing and laughing without any worries.

And these people are all his descendants.

Passed down from generation to generation, except for the women who marry from foreign races who do not have the blood of the Su family, and those who marry into the Su family and become son-in-laws do not have the blood of the Su family. The rest of them have the blood of the Su family. wife's blood.

Basically, everyone is happy.


There are also those who don't have any smiles on their faces, for example, Xie Yujie, and Liu Feng.

There was a reason for Xie Yujie and Liu Feng's affair, aside from mentioning it, the others were quite happy.

Su Tianling drank a small tea, with a faint smile on his face, seeing that he had so many descendants now, he suddenly felt that he was really old.

Think back to when you were young, passionate, naive, impulsive... Think now, you can't be more stable. Under normal circumstances, no matter what happens, you can still feel calm and steady.

"What are you laughing at?" At this moment, the courtyard door was pushed open, and it was Liu Xue who walked in.

Su Tianling looked at her with a smile, "Don't you feel happy seeing that you already have so many offspring?"

"With so many heirs, my eyes are dazzled." Liu Xue said with a smile.

"No way, there are too many births. As the saying goes, after three generations, don't worry about the fourth generation, let alone there are many generations now." Su Tianling said with a smile,
Liu Xue nodded lightly, and she said, "Aren't you going out to have a look?"

"It's the same everywhere." Su Tianling smiled and hugged her in his arms, "You said, isn't it a bit inappropriate for us to hug each other at such an advanced age?"

Liu Xue tapped Su Tianling's forehead, and said angrily, "It's unseemly, if you are capable, don't touch women in your life."

Su Tianling leaned his head on her and said with a smile, "This is not good, if the last bit of fun is gone, how boring is this life?"

"Why is the monk all right?" Liu Xue asked.

"The way is different." Su Tianling said with a smile, "I follow nature, and what a person possesses, he should give full play to. Killing the nature, isn't it equivalent to cutting off one's own arm?"

"Okay, shall we go out for a stroll?" Liu Xue said.

"En." Su Tianling stood up.

Liu Xue naturally took his arm and walked out. Soon, she saw many juniors, and called them ancestors politely.

Faced with this situation, just nod your head slightly in response.

Many people in the Su family looked at Su Tianling and Liu Xue with admiration in their hearts. The Su family really flourished because of the ancestor Su Tianling.

The wives he married became more and more unfathomable.

Now, it's all the ancestors.

"The old ancestors opened up the territory and expanded the territory, conquered the nine heavens and ten lands, and even the three thousand avenues. It was very difficult at that time. We can have today because of the old ancestors."

A senior said.

"Yes, by the time of our generation, there will be no more disputes, and the world will be united. When everyone outside knows that I am from the Su family, everyone is very respectful and even fearful. We can have today only by letting People know that our surname is Su, so they are cautious, and everything is due to the prestige of our ancestors." Said the younger generation next to us.

"The old ancestor is the strongest in the world."

"In other words, the ancestors who are more ancestors than the ancestors..."

"You mean the first generation of ancestors." A junior smiled and said, "The only bright spot of the first generation of ancestors is the ancestor who gave birth to the Lord of Heaven and Earth."

"It's such a good life..."

Someone glared at him and scolded in a low voice, "It's almost enough. You can say the old ancestor's jokes casually? Are you not afraid of being beaten?"

Hearing the words, the people around shrank their heads subconsciously, looked left and right, and found that no elders were paying attention to this place, so they were relieved.

At this time, Su Tianling and Liu Xue wandered around casually, and went to find Xie Yujie and Liu Feng.

Come to the yard.

I saw Liu Feng, Xie Yujie, and You Qingqing.

Liu Feng didn't kneel anymore at this time, but his back was obviously straighter than before, and now he was really afraid of Xie Yujie.

In the past, I respected my wife, but because of the quietness, I became a little afraid.

"Tianling, Xiaoxue, you guys came just in time. Take Qingqing out for a walk? Qingqing is a little timid." Liu Feng said.

Su Tianling looked at Xie Yujie, and seeing that Xie Yujie didn't say anything, he nodded slightly. He looked at You Qingqing and said, "Come with me."

Youqing nodded lightly, looking at Su Tianling and Liu Xue, her heart was still a little uneasy.

In front of her, one is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and the other is the Mistress of Heaven and Earth.

And she...

Although she was about to become Liu Feng's wife, but...if Su Tianling and Liu Xue were to call her mother, she felt that she would be scared to death.

"Let's go." Liu Xue glanced at You Qingqing, her voice seemed to have a special power that could calm people instantly, You Qingqing, her mind was a little more relaxed, and she was not so nervous.

The three walked out.

This is the first time that Youqingqing faced the people of the Su family, and those who knew about Liu Feng and Youqingqing before were a minority after all.

There were about thousands of people present, and when they saw Su Tianling and Liu Xue were still quiet, their eyes showed doubts.

Discussed in a low voice.

"That woman is so young, and her realm is so low. She doesn't have the blood of our Su family. Could it be... the ancestor married a concubine again?"

A younger brother guessed.

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense." Someone stopped him immediately. Before the matter was clarified, how could he make random guesses?

Many people present thought so.

After all, the entire Su family, except Su Tianling, and the first generation of ancestors are not bound by the ancestral precepts, while the rest of the clan are bound.

One person can only have one wife, or one husband.

Now the ancestor is taking a strange woman, and she is only 28 years old.



Does the ancestor like such a young age?

Su Tianling didn't know that these juniors were guessing randomly, so he coughed, glanced at everyone, and said calmly, "The woman next to me is my father-in-law's wife who has never married, so you understand."



father in law?

An unmarried wife?

How many father-in-laws did the ancestor have, which one was it?
Furthermore... Who is the wife of the ancestor's father-in-law who never married... She is so shameless that she wants to marry a 28-year-old girl.

(End of this chapter)

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