The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 860 Let's Talk About It

Chapter 860 Let's Talk About It

"It's my father." Liu Xue said at this time.

Hearing the words, everyone couldn't help but glance at each other, it turned out that the one who wanted to marry was actually Liu Feng!

They looked at You Qingqing, this You Qingqing was so young!
The root bone age of only [-] years old...

And Liu Feng, as the ancestor of the first generation, can imagine how old he is...

How do you do this?
By the way, what about Xie Yujie?Will Xie Yujie agree?

You Qingqing felt that everyone in the Su family looked at her strangely, which made her feel unnatural and uneasy.

Now the people of the Su family must be thinking, how could she be with someone as old as Liu Feng at such a young age.

And... the people of the Su family, even the children of a few years old are stronger than her, as if they have crossed many realms right after they were born.

In this way, can these members of the Su family recognize her?
Maybe you don't say it, but you don't know what you think in your heart.

Youqing took a deep breath, managed to calm down, looked at the thousands of people in the Su family, and said, "Hello, my name is Youqingqing."

Everyone looked at each other.

Quiet and clear.

The second wife Liu Feng's ancestor was going to marry was Youqingqing.

Now that Youqingqing is standing here, accompanied by two ancestors, this shows that Xie Yujie's ancestors have recognized the existence of Youqingqing.

Now that it's approved...

"I have met the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty."

The members of the Su family looked at each other, and then said in unison.

Looking at the people of the Su family, her heart trembled quietly. After living for so many years, she has never seen such a scene. A group of people who are stronger than her actually call her ancestors!

She is only 28 years old this year.

"Ancestor Qing Qing, is your root bone age 28? And your realm, it seems to be the realm of the lower realm."

In the crowd, a boy of fifteen or sixteen looked at You Qingqing and asked curiously.

Everyone looked at the boy, looked at each other, and couldn't help looking at Youqingqing. They were also curious whether Youqingqing was really what they saw, 28 years old, and very low-level.

It's also possible that Youqingqing's realm is very high, deliberately concealing her age, and her realm.

Youqing nodded lightly, looked at the little boy, "I am 28 years old, and my realm is indeed the realm of the lower world."

"……"little boy.

"..." Everyone in the Su family.

One by one looked at You Qingqing in bewilderment, it turned out that she was really 28 years old... she was really in the realm of Xiajingtian.

what does this mean?
Liu Feng's ancestor married a 28-year-old girl...

In the eyes of many of them, they are the juniors among the juniors.

Seeing their appearance like this, You Qingqing felt apprehensive, her age and her realm were really flawed.

"Today is just for you to get to know each other first, and we will formally introduce them at the family gathering in two days." Su Tianling said to them, and then said, "What should you do?"

The members of the Su family nodded, but started discussing in low voices.

Su Tianling looked at You Qingqing and said, "Stroll around in the clan, or?"

Youqing looked at Su Tianling, and said softly, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, just idle." Su Tianling smiled lightly.

The three walked and chatted.

Youqing was silent for a while, then lowered her head and said, "I'm with Liu Feng, can you tell me what's on your mind?"

"Emotional matters are generally not involved. When you are with my father-in-law, it mainly depends on the attitude of my mother-in-law. If the mother-in-law agrees, it will be fine, and I will not say anything." Su Tianling said.

Youqing nodded lightly to express her understanding, she raised her head, glanced at Liu Xue on the far left, couldn't help but look back, and said softly, "What about you."

What she cares most about is Liu Xue's thoughts, after all, Liu Xue is Xie Yujie's biological daughter.

Liu Xue didn't look at her, but said, "I will always be on my mother's side."

A simple sentence shows the attitude.

Youqing nodded lightly, understanding in her heart that this matter would do great harm to Xie Yujie.

"I'm sorry." You Qing whispered,
"I never blamed you, you don't have to blame yourself." Liu Xue glanced at her, "When my father was with you, he never said that he had a wife or a family. My father lied to you. In this matter, you and my mother are both victims."

You Qingqing was silent, I thought Liu Xue would blame her, but unexpectedly, Liu Xue just talked about the matter and didn't blame her.

"Thank you." You Qingqing said softly.

Liu Xue didn't say anything, she didn't blame You Qingqing in this matter, she only blamed her father, her father did such a thing, which made her very angry.

On the side, Su Tianling patted her on the shoulder, trying to calm her down.

In the end, Liu Xue gave Su Tianling a cold look, "Speaking of my father, I found that you are just like my father!"

"..." Su Tianling said speechlessly, "Can I compare with my father-in-law?"

"Why can't it be compared?" Liu Xue said coldly, "Don't forget that you married me first, then married Qing Ran in another world, and finally married Xiao Ke."

Su Tianling said in embarrassment, "Then I didn't have any feelings for you at that time. I went to another world by accident. I thought I would never go back again. In addition, I knew Qingran and fell in love with each other for a long time. It's normal. I'm not sorry. you?"

"What about Xiao Ke!" Liu Xue said.

Su Tianling, "Forget my mistake."

"What do you mean you were wrong?" Liu Xue asked.

"Okay, I was wrong." Su Tianling.

Liu Xue looked away, still angry in her heart, she was most worried about her mother now.

Her mother would now agree to let You Qingqing enter the Su family. The reason was that she had various concerns and finally compromised.

Compromising does not mean accepting Youqingqing.

Just a very helpless choice.

She glanced at Youqingqing, this Youqingqing is weak and weak, and dare not do anything.

It will take a long time for her mother to calm down and finally accept it.

You Qingqing felt Liu Xue's gaze, and knew that Liu Xue was angry, she pondered for a while and said, "I know your mother is feeling uncomfortable, I will try my best to help her."

Liu Xue didn't say anything.

The three walked around for half an hour.

Liu Xue sent her back.

In the courtyard, Xie Yujie was sitting there drinking tea, Liu Feng squeezed her shoulders and beat her back, looking flattering.

You Qingqing looked at Xie Yujie, and said softly, "Let me beat your back for you."

"No need." Xie Yujie glanced at her.

"Qingqing, I'll do this kind of work, just sit and rest." Liu Feng, who was beating his back, said to You Qingqing.

You Qingqing didn't insist anymore.

Liu Xue sat down at this time, she glanced at Liu Feng, her eyes were full of anger, she looked at Xie Yujie and said, "In two days, all the descendants of the family will be here, what should we do then?"

"Let's talk about it later." Xie Yujie said, immediately changed the subject, looked at Su Tianling, and reminded, "Tianling, don't be like your father-in-law, because the days are dull, you just want to try something different."

(End of this chapter)

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