The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 866 I'm about to break through

Chapter 866 I'm about to break through
Nalan Yanran's face turned pale in an instant, and she looked at Xiao Yan in disbelief, how could Xiao Yan be a Nine Star Fighter!
Even if she is only 15 years old, a three-star fighter, in this generation, there are no three people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

Even, she faintly surpassed the other two peers, but this Xiao Yan was actually a nine-star fighter!

At this time.

Xiao Yan took out his pen and ink, wrote vigorously, threw it at Nalan Yanran, and said coldly, "This is a letter of divorce. It's not that I, Xiao Yan, are not good enough for you, but you, Nalan Yanran, are not good enough for me!"

Nalan Yanran took the divorce letter, her pretty face flushed, and there was anger in her eyes, she was actually divorced!
"Get out!" Xiao Yan said coldly.

Hearing this, Ge Ye's face turned ugly. This Xiao Yan's talent is so terrifying, and now he has torn his face with Nalan Yanran. If he becomes an enemy of the Misty Cloud Sect in the future...

"Xiao Yan! How dare you tell me to get out!" Ge Ye raised his hand and slapped Xiao Yan. This palm was not enough to kill Xiao Yan, he just wanted to warn him.

"How dare you!" Xiao Zhan, who was on the main seat, was furious, and shot at Ge Ye.


Ge Ye's strength collapsed immediately, and he slammed into the wall.

"My apprentice told you to go away, didn't you hear?"

A melodious oriole sounded.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Su Qianluo, and their expressions were stunned for a moment. Su Qianluo, Su Ruoruo and Xiao Yan came here together before, they didn't care, after all, they were just two little girls.

But now... she even said that Xiao Yan was her apprentice!
It's just unbelievable!
Su Qianluo crossed her arms and pointed at Ge Ye, and Ge Ye's figure was thrown out.

This scene caused confusion among the people present.

Who is this little girl, and why is she so powerful?

Nalan Yanran stared at Su Qianluo in a daze, momentarily stunned.

Su Qianluo looked at Nalan Yanran, and said calmly, "You want to break the marriage, now my apprentice divorces you, you have nothing to do with my apprentice now, you can go."

Nalan Yanran stared at Su Qianluo, her voice was slightly lowered, "Who are you!"

"I'm someone that the Misty Cloud Sect can't afford to offend." Su Qianluo said lightly, and glanced at Nalan Yanran. Nalan Yanran's pupils shrank, and there was fear in her eyes. She felt the breath of death.

Nalan Yanran turned around and left in despair.

Su Qianluo smiled, glanced at Xiao Yan and said, "Take a step for the teacher, and I will come to you tonight."

After all, the figures of Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo disappeared out of thin air.

Disappearing directly out of thin air, such a scene made the people present stunned again.

Xiao Yan was better, he had seen it before.

Xiao Zhan walked over at this time, looked at the direction outside the hall, and asked Xiao Yan, "Yan'er, whose family are these two little girls? It seems that the background is scary."

Xiao Yan shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but it doesn't matter anymore, they are my masters, and the problem that my cultivation base has not improved but declined in the past three years has also been cured by the master."

"That's good!" Xiao Zhan nodded repeatedly, with a happy smile on his face.

The three elders of the Xiao family looked at each other at this moment, Xiao Yan not only recovered his original talent, but even became even more terrifying!

They don't have to think about the position of the head of the Xiao family!
"Brother Xiao Yan."

The girl in the purple skirt who had been sitting there quietly put down her book at this moment and walked up to Xiao Yan.

"Hahaha, let's talk." Xiao Zhan suddenly laughed, glanced at the girl in the purple skirt, and left here first.

The three elders of the Xiao family didn't dare to say anything, and left immediately.

Xiao Yan looked at the girl with a faint smile on his face, "Xun'er, I can finally cultivate normally."

Xiao Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan, blinked her eyes, "Brother Xiao Yan, what happened to those two little girls just now?"

"..." Xiao Yan was a little confused, "Master won't let me talk about it."

Xiao Xun'er expressed understanding, looked outside the hall, thoughtful, those two little girls...

At the beginning, she guessed that it might be a powerful figure disguised as a child.


She found that Su Qianluo's words, deeds, and temperament were not much different from those of eleven or twelve-year-old girls. She also guessed that maybe Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo were really eleven or twelve years old.

If so.

The backgrounds of these two little girls are really terrifying...

But... how scary is it?

Xiao Yan chatted with Xiao Xun'er for a while, then left first.

Xiao Xun'er came to the yard alone, she sat there quietly, picked up the teacup and took a sip, her eyes were shining with wisdom.

"Those two little girls, can you see through?"

Xiao Xun'er.

Suddenly, a figure in black robe appeared in the yard, he looked at Xiao Xun'er respectfully, like a servant, he shook his head, "I can't see through it."

A strange color flashed in Xiao Xun'er's eyes, can't see through?
Even the people arranged by the family to protect her secretly couldn't see through the strength of those two little girls...



After Xiao Yan had a good meal, he was already learning the fighting skills Su Qianluo taught her in the yard.

After a while, Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo arrived here.

"Master, Master." Xiao Yan hurriedly stopped and called out to the two of them respectfully.

Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo nodded lightly, and said to Xiao Yan, "Apprentice, with a teacher around, practicing is like riding a rocket, so there is no rush to practice, let's chat with the teacher."

A shock flashed in the depths of Xiao Yan's eyes, his cultivation was like riding a rocket...

This... This is the place before he crossed over!Only one thing!
How did his master know how to ride a rocket...

Could it be that, like him, they all come from the earth?
"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have?" Su Ruoruo noticed Xiao Yan's strange look.

"Little master, because, because you just said about riding a rocket..." Xiao Yan.

"Oh." Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo looked at each other, accidentally forgetting that Xiao Yan's soul actually came from the earth!
"Ahem!" Su Qianluo looked at Xiao Yan, "Disciple, I know that you are from Earth."

"..." Xiao Yan was shocked in his heart, he looked at Su Qianluo suddenly with more kindness, he was the same as him, this is a fellow villager!
"Cough." Su Qianluo said suddenly, "As a teacher, I am not from Earth, but have been to Earth."

"..." Xiao Yan looked at Su Qianluo in shock, "Master, me, can you take me back?"

"Are you sure you want to go back?" Su Qianluo looked at Xiao Yan and reminded, "The current earth is very different from the previous earth, let's talk about it."

Xiao Yan was silent...

Do you want to go back?
After thinking about it, he said, "If I have a chance, I want to go back and have a look."

Su Qianluo nodded, sat down with Su Ruoruo, took out her own special fairy tea, poured a few cups, and gave one of them to Xiao Yan.

"Disciple, drink tea." Su Qianluo.

The fragrance of fairy tea not only permeated the entire courtyard, but even permeated the entire Xiao Clan.

Just smelling the aroma of tea...

"I'm going to break through!"

"I'm going to break through!"

The vast majority of the Xiao Clan, when they smelled the fragrance of tea, suddenly couldn't help but said that they felt that their realm had loosened.

(End of this chapter)

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