The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 867 You want to recruit my disciple?

Chapter 867 You want to recruit my disciple?
Even Xiao Zhan, the leader of the clan, changed his expression and sensed the opportunity to break through, which surprised him greatly.

In another courtyard, Xiao Xun'er raised her brows, smelling the fragrance of tea, and also felt the signs of loosening her realm.


Xiao Yan smelled the tea fragrance at a close distance, and felt that a large amount of battle energy was being sucked into his body.

It seemed that he would be able to break through in just a moment!

"Master, this..." Xiao Yan looked at the fairy tea.

Su Ruoruo smiled faintly, "This is the fairy tea of ​​my family, try it and see how it goes."

Xiao Yan sat down and took a sip.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan's expression changed.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Three-star fighter, nine-star fighter...

After half an hour.

Seven Star Fighting King...

Xiao Yan felt suspicious of life at this time, and he was completely stunned. He was already the King of Seven Stars after just one sip?
Yao Lao, who was hidden in Xiao Yan's ring, smelled the fairy tea greedily at this moment, and he felt that his weak soul was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

He was pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, I was shocked, what is He Xiancha?

Just letting Xiao Yan take a sip, he broke through to Seven Star Fighting King!
Yao Lao was silent, he was thinking, should he hug his thigh!

Do not!
Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo are still little girls, hugging their calves!

After a moment of silence, Yao Lao's phantom figure emerged.

He bowed his hands to Su Qianluo and the two of them, "Yao Chen has met your lord."

"You, you are..." Xiao Yan couldn't help being stunned when he saw this phantom figure that suddenly appeared.

Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo looked calm, they glanced at Yaochen, and said calmly, "Yaochen, the best alchemist in this continent, was killed by his disciple."

Yao Chen nodded lightly, "It's right here."

There was a little turmoil in his heart. When he appeared, Su Qianluo and the two looked so calm, which meant that they had discovered him a long time ago, but they just didn't say anything.

"You showed want to hug my sisters' thighs?" Su Ruoruo looked at Yaochen with a smile.

"Hmm." Yao Chen nodded repeatedly.

"Hahaha..." Su Ruoruo stood up, picked up the teacup, and sprinkled it on Yaochen.

Yao Chen's illusory figure instantly became extremely solid, like a soul in its heyday, the only difference being that it has no physical body.

Yao Chen was also shocked by this scene and felt skeptical about his life, this... this... simply broke his cognition.

When he came back to his senses, he immediately bowed his hands to Su Qianluo and the two, "I have seen Master!"

"Hey, why are you so shameless, when did I say I would take you as an apprentice?" Su Qianluo blinked at Yaochen.

Yao Chen blushed, "Then this is..."

Su Qianluo pretended to be thinking about it, and after a while, she looked at Yao Chen, "Okay, as a teacher, I will accept you as an apprentice today."

Yao Chen was busy doing the apprentice ceremony, this kind of great opportunity is hard to come by.

Su Qianluo smiled, and pointed at Yaochen, a ray of golden light shone brightly, covering Yaochen's soul, within a few seconds, Yaochen suddenly had a physical body!
At this time, Yaochen's pupils contracted, and a turbulent sea arose in his heart.


With a single finger on him, he actually has a physical body!

And it was perfectly integrated with his soul!
If this hadn't happened to him, he would never have believed it!
"Drink tea."

Su Ruoruo handed a cup of fairy tea to Yao Chen.

Yao Chen took the fairy tea and knew that this tea was very, very precious, perhaps even countless times more precious than what he had seen in his life.

After Yaochen drank it in one gulp, Yaochen's expression changed in an instant.

He is the pinnacle of Dou Zun, after drinking this fairy tea, he feels that he is about to break through to Dou Sheng!
"Master! Disciple is going to retreat!"

Yaochen said.

"Go." Su Qianluo waved his hand, and Yaochen disappeared immediately.

Xiao Yan looked at all this in astonishment. He looked at Su Qianluo and the two of them, and asked curiously, "Who is this person?"

"He is the reason why the vindictiveness you absorbed for three years disappeared out of thin air. He has been absorbing these vindictiveness and nourishing his weak soul." Su Ruoruo said.

"What!" Xiao Yan's face changed, it turned out that the battle energy he had cultivated through hard work in the past three years was eaten by this old man.

No wonder!

"He will be your junior brother from now on." Su Qianluo said with a smile, "Okay, it's time to go as a teacher, practice hard, and come see you tomorrow."

"Master, go slowly." Xiao Yan said.

Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo hid in the space. There was a yard in the space. They chatted, "What should we do next?"

"Xiao Xun'er, Yun Yun, Xiaoyixian, Medusa, Yafei, these are Xiao Yan's women, we have to help him get these women." Su Ruoruo said.

"Okay, don't let Xiao Yan raise his level during this period, with his current level of Seven Star Fighting King and Yao Chen helping him, it's enough." Su Qianluo said.

"Yeah." Su Ruoruo nodded repeatedly.

At this time, the outside world was in an uproar.

Because Nalan Yanran went to the Xiao Clan to withdraw the marriage, and ended up fighting Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran lost, and exposed Xiao Yan's strength as a nine-star fighter!

For a time, the hearts of all the forces were shaken.

Some powerful forces even gave birth to the idea of ​​​​wanting to recruit.

First of all, the Mittel family was the first to get the news.

The Mittel family's auction houses are located in many places, so they got the news the fastest.

The Miter family sent Yafei to recruit Xiao Yan in person.

Early the next morning.

The Xiao Clan welcomes distinguished guests!
Ya Fei, the chief auctioneer of Mittel Auction House, has arrived here.

Xiao Zhan received him personally.

"Miss Yafei." Xiao Zhan looked at the woman in a red cheongsam with a graceful figure and a beautiful face.

Ya Fei has bright eyes and bright teeth, her beautiful eyes revealed a ray of wisdom, she looked at Xiao Zhan, and said in a pleasant voice, "Patriarch Xiao, I heard that Nalan Yanran came to divorce yesterday, and I also heard that Xiao Yan, the son of Patriarch Xiao, is a nine-star fighter. "

Xiao Zhan nodded lightly, "It is true."

"I want to meet Xiao Yan." Yafei said.

Xiao Zhan nodded, and immediately ordered someone to call Xiao Yan.

He didn't know in his heart that with his son's talent, many forces would want to recruit him. This time it was the Mittel family, and next time it might be the Jia Ma Empire, or even the Misty Cloud Sect.

After a while, Xiao Yan arrived here.

He also came with Su Qianluo and Su Ruoruo.

When Xiao Zhan saw the two little girls Su Qianluo, his attitude immediately became respectful, and he took the initiative to step down from the main seat, and said respectfully, "Two benefactors, please take your seat."

"En." Su Qianluo and the two accepted it calmly, and they sat in the main seat with the appearance of little adults.

This scene made Ya Fei's eyes flash with strangeness. According to the information she knew, there was a little girl who claimed to be Xiao Yan's master!

And also has the means to disappear out of thin air!
Seeing her now, she couldn't help but pay more attention.

Su Qianluo sat on the main seat, looked at Ya Fei, and said lightly, "You want to recruit my disciple Xiao Yan?"

Yafei looked at Su Qianluo with a smile on her face, "If Xiao Yan already has a teacher, then forget it. Today, I'm here to give you a small gift to congratulate Mr. Xiao Yan on his success in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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