Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 1 Replacing the Qilin Bloodline

Chapter 1 Replacing the Qilin Bloodline

Douro Continent
At the junction of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, Su Yu was lying on a hill.

"Hey, the martial spirit is about to be awakened, and I don't know what will be awakened. It may be the blue silver grass or the sickle with a high probability."

Su Yu couldn't help thinking bitterly that the old man said that the martial souls of his parents who died long ago were blue silver grass and sickle.

Such an opening can be said to make Su Yu full of powerlessness, unless Su Yu's luck is overwhelming, just like Ma Hongjun who may still be playing in the mud in the ravine, the martial soul will mutate, and it is possible to become a strong man.

But how is it so easy for Wuhun to mutate? Thinking about it, Su Yu couldn't help but shook his head bitterly.

"Hey, am I destined not to be a strong man?" Su Yu shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

If you can't make it, you can't make it. Anyway, it's good to live in peace and security for a lifetime, but I'm a little unwilling. I have already crossed over. I can't become a strong person, and I feel really uncomfortable.

"Xiaoyu, it's time to eat." An old voice came from far down the hillside.

Su Yu jumped up when he heard a voice coming from the foot of the mountain. This voice was exactly the voice of Su Yu's grandfather Su Yi.

"Coming" Su Yu responded, and ran directly down the mountain.

"Xiaoyu, the martial spirit will be awakened in a month. If you can't awaken any powerful martial spirit, then grandpa will pass on the position of village chief to you. Then you won't have to worry about food and drink. Don't feel pressured to know. "

There was a touch of love in Su Yi's vicissitudes of eyes, and he stretched out his old and rough hand to pat Su Yu's head, and said with a smile.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely awaken a good martial soul." Su Yu looked at the vicissitudes in his grandfather's eyes, and couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart.

After traveling to the Douluo Continent, his parents died unexpectedly, and he was raised by this old man since he was a child.

Su Yi's only wish is to watch him awaken a good martial soul and walk out of the village.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's mood became even more depressed. Could it be that he has traveled through time, or can't he change his destiny?

The village where Su Yu lives is called Xiaoye Village, and it is just a small village with dozens of households. There is no soul master in the village, and there hasn't been a soul master in decades.

"Haha, then I'll wait for the good news from Xiaoyu." Su Yi stretched out his big rough hand and patted Su Yu's head and said with a smile.

Su Yu, who was lying in the room, was a little bored thinking about things.

[Ding, the system starts to load, one percent, 40.00% nine, 90.00% nine. 】

[Myriad World Fishing System is loaded]

Host: Su Yu

Age: 6 years old

Bloodline: Human
Martial Spirit: Blue Silver Grass
Soul Power Level: 0
Skills: none

Warehouse: None
Strength: weak chicken

Evaluation: You can't even beat Erha from Lao Wang's next door for the vegetable chicken.

"Get up, take off, the system is here, and there is really a system." Su Yu looked at the panel in front of him, but soon Su Yu's face turned dark, what does it mean that he can't even beat the Erha of the old Wang's next door? .

"The system introduces your functions!" Su Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked secretly in his heart with some doubts.

[Ding, this system is the fishing system of Wanjie, which can fish all items in Wanjie. 】The explanation of the system is very clear, it has only one function and that is fishing.

[Ding, the host will get a fishing opportunity every month. At the same time, when the host experiences some special events or arrives at some special places, the system will reward you. Now the host has a chance. May I ask if you want to use it. 】

The system's emotionless voice appeared in Su Yu's mind. Su Yu didn't feel the slightest discomfort, but became ecstatic.

"Use" Su Yu said silently in his heart.

[Drip, start fishing...]

[Fishing is successful, a weakened version of the unicorn blood, please ask if the host can be replaced. 】

"Change, change!" No matter if it's a fool or a unicorn bloodline, it's a fool not to change it.

【Drip, the system is fishing.】

[Drip, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining a unicorn bloodline. 】

"Help me integrate the unicorn blood," Su Yu said silently in his heart.

[Drip, start to merge...]

Su Yu lying in the room instantly felt that his body was filled with a surging force, and this force was constantly transforming his body.

The pain Su Yu imagined did not come, a hot current rushed through, and it was over in just half a quarter of an hour. There was no pain at all, but a tingling and comfortable feeling.

[Drip, the fusion is successful, do you need to open the panel. 】


Host: Su Yu

Age: 6 years old

Bloodline: Qilin bloodline (unawakened)
Martial Soul: Three-Eyed Golden Lion (Because of insufficient blood, he became a Three-Eyed Golden Lion)
Soul Power Level: Level 10

Skills: none

Warehouse: None
Strength: spicy chicken

Comments: Little Spicy Chicken who has left the weak chicken, be happy, you can already beat the Erha of the neighbor Laowang.

"???" This succeeded, Su Yu got up from the bed in disbelief, and looked at himself in front of the mirror without any change.

"System, you're not lying to Dad, right? Dad hasn't changed at all, and what's the matter with the lack of blood?" Su Yu looked at himself in the mirror and asked suspiciously.

[Drip, the bloodline obtained by the host is incomplete, so the orthodox unicorn martial soul cannot be awakened. The bloodline in the body can only be awakened after the host awakens the martial soul. 】

"System, I blamed you wrongly, sorry."

[Drip, this system accepts the host's apology. 】

Su Yu grinned, and jumped up directly from the bed. He didn't insist on exercising because he had no hope in the past, but now he has golden fingers, and he has obtained the blood of Qilin. It seems that this exercise needs to be persisted.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

"Stinky boy, I will take you to awaken the martial soul in a while, remember not to be stressed, you know?" Su Yi stretched out his hand and touched Su Yu's head with a strong smile.

"Understood, Grandpa, don't worry, I can definitely awaken a good martial soul, and I will let you live a good life." Su Yu took a sip of rice porridge, looked at Su Yi and said solemnly.

"Hehe, then I'll just wait." Su Yi smiled, and after Su Yu had breakfast, he took Su Yu out the door and walked towards the village Wuhun Temple.

"Length, the weather is so beautiful today, the sister in front is so pretty, with long black hair fluttering in the wind, seductive red lips slightly parted, long thighs and waist discs, big dumplings are so white, so tempting Man, it's so tempting!"

Su Yu stood outside the Wuhun Temple in the village, with a bright smile on his face, and sang a few words in his mouth.

I have to say that the Spirit Hall treats ordinary soul masters very well. Even Xiaoye Village, a small village with only a few dozen households, has soul masters who come to awaken the children in the village every year.

Su Yu doesn't comment on the high-level of Wuhundian, but the grassroots of Wuhundian is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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