Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 2 Martial Soul Awakening

Chapter 2 Martial Soul Awakening
The basic level of Wuhun is really for the sake of commoner soul masters. As for the high level of Wuhun Hall, Su Yu is not very good at evaluating, so I can only say that there are good and bad.

The Spirit Hall held the two great empires hostage, otherwise the two great empires would have gone to war long ago, either the Star Luo Empire swallowed the Heaven Dou Empire, or the Heaven Dou Empire swallowed the Star Luo Empire.

In fact, great unification is good, which can promote the development of civilization, but as soon as a war starts, the entire continent will be in dire straits.

Moreover, Su Yu really had the idea of ​​not understanding the spirit masters of Douluo Dalu, and while receiving the subsidy from Wuhun Palace, he scolded Wuhun Palace. Isn't this a double standard?

If you really feel that Wuhundian is not good, then don't take other people's subsidies.

Anyway, Su Yu feels that the Wuhun Palace is pretty good, at least the Wuhun Palace is shrunk by all those evil spirit masters, and they dare not come out. After Tang San wiped out the Wuhun Palace, the mainland ten thousand years later will be full of evil spirits Master, even many civilians can't awaken their martial soul.

And without the subsidy, it is even more difficult for commoner soul masters to progress, and there is no chance to stand out. Isn't Jiang Nannan just like that, her mother is sick and needs elixir, and she has no money, and she can only get the elixir through her body and Xu Sanshi's consummation. own mother.

After Wuhundian was destroyed, a series of problems arose anyway,
But Su Yu didn't intend to take care of these things, as long as they didn't come to provoke him, he wouldn't provoke them, and he would do whoever provoked him.

"Today I'm finally going to awaken my martial soul, and I've finally taken the first step towards becoming a strong man."

Su Yu thought silently in his heart, thinking of his grandfather's expression after he awakened his martial soul, Su Yu couldn't help showing a smile.

This year, there were only five people who had their martial arts awakened in the village, and Su Yu stood at the back.

Not long after Su Yu waited, Su Yi came over with a young man.

This person looks like he is in his 20s, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a very handsome appearance.He was dressed in a white outfit, with a black cloak on the back, and in the center of his chest, there was a fist-sized word "hun".This is the standard attire for the personnel directly under Wuhundian.

On the left chest, there is a badge engraved with a long sword, and a total of three long swords are interlaced on the badge.

The number of three handles represents the soul master's third-class title Great Soul Master, and the long sword represents that the deacon from the Wuhun Temple is a battle soul master.

"Damn, this person is a little familiar, this is Brother Tao." When Su Yu was still in doubt, the young man spoke.

The young man looked at Su Yu and the others lightly and said, "My name is Su Yuntao, a level 26 great soul master, and I am your guide. Now, I will awaken your martial souls one by one. Remember, no matter what happens, don't worry about it." Fear."

"I'll go, it's really Brother Tao, the protagonist of the flowing water, the iron brother Tao." Su Yu looked at Su Yuntao and gave a low laugh, very lightly, and no one noticed.

Su Yuntao snorted softly: "Martial spirit possessed—Lone wolf".

Su Yu looked at Su Yuntao who turned into a werewolf exactly as described in the original book, and couldn't help showing a touch of surprise in his eyes.

"Is this the Martial Soul? I really have enough expectations." Su Yu thought with some expectation.

"Okay, come on up" The posture was carried out quickly, but when it was Su Yu's turn, Su Yuntao was already sweating slightly on his forehead.

"Master Su Yuntao, would you like to rest for a while?" Su Yu looked at Su Yuntao worriedly, not because he was worried about Su Yuntao, but because he was worried about himself. What if there is a problem with Wuhun?

He is afraid, there is no way not to be afraid, it is a lie if not afraid.

But Su Yuntao didn't have this awareness, he glanced at Su Yu lightly, and said seriously.

"No, I'm fine, come here quickly, I have awakened your martial soul, and I still have another village."

Su Yu walked helplessly to the center of the six black stones in front of Su Yuntao, and then stretched out his left hand a little excitedly.

With the infusion of Su Yuntao's six-path soul power, the pale golden light lit up again.

Su Yu, who was immersed in the awakening formation, was wrapped in golden light.

Pulled by the energy of the formation, Su Yu seemed to have entered a mysterious and warm world.


Su Yu clearly felt that something in his body seemed to be cracked.

The bright golden light enveloped Su Yu in an instant, and an invisible temperament gushed out of Su Yu's body in an instant.

The blue silver grass with a radius of tens of meters rose rapidly and crazily as if it had been drugged.

At the same time, Su Yu's body also began to change. The originally withered and yellow hair instantly turned into long golden hair, the originally thin body became stronger, and the originally dark skin also quickly became Whitened up.

At the same time, a small gold ball with only more than 30 centimeters appeared directly on Su Yu's shoulder.

Xiao Jin Tuan has golden hair, and his whole body is like a translucent crystal, full of strange texture.The overall shape is very similar to a lion, but the four claws are like dragons, and there is a ball of golden flames under each dragon claw.The mouth is also longer than that of lion spirit beasts, and under the hair, it seems that there are fine and dense golden scales.

[Drip, the awakening of the Martial Soul is successful, and three additional fishing opportunities will be rewarded, please keep up the good work of the host! 】

"Come on, test your soul power." Su Yuntao glanced suspiciously at the three-eyed Jin Ni on Su Yu's shoulder.

A martial soul that can cause such a big commotion must have soul power.

Then Su Yuntao took Su Yu to test the soul power, and as expected, just as the system said, it was the innate full soul power.

"It's actually another innate full of soul power. When did my luck get so good?" Su Yuntao looked at the crystal ball full of light, and couldn't help saying in surprise?

"Again..." Su Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he heard Su Yuntao's words, but after a while Su Yu figured it out, probably that again was Tang San who had awakened the Wuhun Blue Silver Grass.

"That's right. Although the beast spirit is a bit petite, it looks like it should be no worse than my lone wolf. Do you want to join the Wuhun Palace?" Su Yuntao looked at Su Yu and said gently.

"Forget it, uncle." Su Yu shook his head. He didn't want to participate in the Wuhun Palace. Even if he had some good feelings for the Wuhun Palace, these good feelings would not make him work for the Wuhun Palace.

"Oh, okay." Seeing Su Yu's refusal, Su Yuntao quickly issued a certificate for Su Yu. Su Yu stared blankly at the certificate in his hand and fell into excitement for a long time.

Deep in the Star Dou Forest

Lake of life.

A black dragon appeared from the lake, breaking the original tranquility of the lake.I saw the black dragon churning endlessly in the lake, and finally fell silent, everything was as calm and peaceful as before.

(End of this chapter)

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