Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 3 The Star Dou Forest's Plan

Chapter 3 The Star Dou Forest's Plan
At the same time that the black dragon disappeared, a black-haired man with a cold and handsome face appeared by the lake.

At the same time as the man appeared, a three-eyed golden dragon that was exactly the same as Su Yu's martial spirit also appeared beside the man.

"Di Tian, ​​appeared"

"Well, it did appear. Two auspicious beasts appeared at once. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing." The man, that is, Di Tian, ​​sighed, and his eyes couldn't help showing a look of worry.

"Hmph, Ditian, you're too timid for anything to happen." A burly man walked up to Ditian and said with a sneer.

"Hey, that's all right, Mr. Xiong, don't talk too much. It is true that only one auspicious beast will appear in an era in the records, and now one pops up suddenly. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but we can't let the auspicious beast appear one by one. It's only outside, let me go and bring him back."

A green figure appeared between Di Tian and Xiong Jun, and said with some sadness.

"Well, it's okay, Brigitte, then you can go and bring him back. The blood of the auspicious beast cannot be left outside. The auspicious beast belongs to our Star Dou Great Forest."

Di Tian closed his eyes, thought for a while, then opened his eyes, and said with a serious face.

"I'll go, I'll go, Brigitte, take me and go with you, I'll go find him with you." Ruishou's three-eyed golden beast shrunk down and jumped onto Brigitte's body.

"Come out, Ruishou, you can't go, just let Bi Ji go alone." Di Tian's complexion darkened, looking at Ruishou who had already penetrated into Bi Ji's chest, he couldn't help growling.

"I don't, Di Tian, ​​I'm going, I'm going, I can help Bi Ji, I can feel the blood of that little guy, if it's useful to bring me, tell me it's Bi Ji."

Ruishou raised his head, opened his big eyes and looked at Bi Ji pitifully.

"Ahem, let Ditian Rui Beast go if she wants to go. With my speed, I can come back in a month at most, and with my 50 years of cultivation, there should be no problem protecting Rui Beast. Trust me. ! Di Tian."

Bi Ji looked at the three-eyed Jin Yan who kept selling miserably, and couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness. She reached out her hand lovingly to touch the three-eyed Jin Ni's head, then raised her head and looked at Di Tian with a smile.

"Oh, okay, but you have to let Zi Ji go with you, otherwise I don't feel at ease." Before Di Tian could finish speaking, he saw Bi Ji and the three-eyed Jin Ni both laughing at the same time.

Xiaoye Village

"Master, how is it? Is there any soul master in our village this year?" Su Yi walked tremblingly to Su Yuntao and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, old Su, you guys are lucky this time, you really have one, and you are born full of soul power, come on.

Listening to the old man's question, Su Yuntao couldn't help answering with a smile.

"Is this true? By the way, master, where's that kid from my family?" Su Yi looked at Su Yuntao in surprise, but soon looked at the child who walked out of the Wuhun Temple with some doubts, and saw that there was no one from his family. Cub, I couldn't help but ask a little strangely.

"Grandpa, I'm here." Su Yu had already stood behind Su Yi, and when he heard his old man's words, his face darkened and he said helplessly.

"Um, are you Xiaoyu?" Su Yi turned his head, looked at Su Yu standing behind him, and said in disbelief.

"Yeah, yes, Grandpa, I did this because I awakened my martial soul."

Seeing Su Yu nodding, Su Yi couldn't help stretching out his hand tremblingly to touch Su Yu's soft long golden hair.

"Hehe, old Su, you are lucky. The child who awakens his soul power is your child. Although the martial soul is not big, his future achievements should not be low."

Su Yuntao smiled, didn't clean up the grandpa and grandson, and left after saying hello.

Back home
Su Yi turned his head and looked at Su Yu with a serious face.

"Xiaoyu, if you really awakened your soul power, you won't be lying to grandpa, right?"

Su Yi looked at Su Yu in disbelief. As an old man, he still knew the virtues of his grandson. When others were working hard, his grandson was always lazy on the slope of the back mountain.

Saying that his grandson has awakened his soul power, he couldn't believe it.

Su Yu shook his head helplessly, and the three-eyed golden spirit appeared behind Su Yu instantly. Looking at the little golden dumpling, Su Yi couldn't help showing a hint of doubt on his face.

"This really awakens the martial soul." Although Su Yi has no soul power, he can still feel that Su Yu has the same power as Su Yuntao.

Feeling this power, Su Yi's face flushed instantly, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Okay, okay, okay, Xiaoyu did a good job, grandpa really has no regrets in dying, and grandpa will send you to Notting College in a few days."

Su Yi patted Su Yu on the shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, go to rest, grandpa will cook meat for you tonight."

After speaking, Su Yi hummed a little song and walked out of the room.

"System Open Panel"

[Drip, successfully opened]

Host: Su Yu

Age: 6 years old

Bloodline: Kirin bloodline

Martial Soul: Three-Eyed Golden Demon (Awakened)
Soul Power: Level 10

Skills: none

Warehouse: None
Strength: Rookie

Fishing times: 4 times

Evaluation: For a rookie who is just starting out, a thousand-year-old soul beast can kill you.

"Yes, yes, four chances. You should be able to get several more chances after you get to Notting College." Su Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought after thinking about it.

Now that he has awakened his martial soul, a very serious situation appeared in front of Su Yu.

That is to obtain the soul ring. If it is an ordinary ten-year soul beast, Su Yu can also kill it with the three-eyed golden dragon martial soul, but Su Yu's goal is not the ordinary ten-year soul ring.

If Su Yu absorbed the spirit ring for ten years, I am afraid that Su Yu's talent will be lost a lot.

When I arrived at Notting College, I didn't know when I got the soul ring. Su Yu, a junior college like Notting College, really didn't think they could help him find a good soul ring.

But if Su Yu can catch good things, what kind of soul ring will be simple.

Although there are four times now, Su Yu doesn't plan to use it up now, and Su Yu feels better when he uses it together ten times.

Anyway, playing games in my previous life, I could get good things for the first time in ten consecutive draws, but only once.

Su Yu looked at the big pot of meat in front of him, and couldn't help smiling.

After Su Yu came to Douluo Dalu, the number of times he ate meat was really rare, and he also celebrated festivals.Or eaten when something good happened in the village.

It's really a big bowl now, and Su Yu can finally eat to his heart's content.

(End of this chapter)

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