Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 16 Star Dou Great Forest

Chapter 16 Star Dou Great Forest

A titled Douluo actually wanted to accept his grandson as an apprentice, and even took his grandson out to practice. Su Yi was too happy about this kind of thing, how could he refuse.

As for doubting whether Bi Ji had any bad intentions towards Su Yu, Su Yi never thought about what the dignified Titled Douluo would have for his grandson who had lost his martial soul.

"Hehe, it would be great if you don't mind, sir, but we also want to ask you one thing, sir, this is my friend's child, she is studying at Notting College now, we hope she can be on holiday What do you think of staying here with you during the period of time?"

Bi Ji woke up Xiao Wu in Zi Ji's arms, then looked at Su Yi and said gently.

"That's it, no problem. You can rest assured and let this child stay with me. I will take care of her with the old man, so you can rest assured and don't worry."

Su Yi looked at the pretty Xiao Wu hiding behind Zi Ji, and couldn't help smiling.

"Xiao Wu, come with me." After speaking, Su Yu directly pulled Xiao Wu out of the room, leaving Su Yi with a confused face.

"Who are these two children?" Su Yi looked at Su Yu and Xiao Wu who were leaving, and couldn't help but look at Bi Ji and Zi Ji strangely.

"Maybe it's the children's little secret, old man, we are short on time, and we have to take Su Yu away in a while." Zi Ji smiled at Su Yi, and said in a gentle tone, not at all violently beaten a few hours ago. That look of Tang Hao.

"Just take Su Yu's child and go. You don't need to discuss with the old man. Why don't the old man bring you some of our specialties, and then you can eat them on the way." Su Yi got up and went to get them for Bi Ji and the others. thing.

"No, no, old man, you don't need to bring us anything, we don't lack anything." As he spoke, a bag of gold coins appeared in Brigitte's hand.

"Mr. Su Yu asked me to give this to you, take it away."

Su Yi looked at the gold coin in his hand and couldn't help but fell silent for a long time.

"Xiao Wu, that's how things are. My grandfather will leave it to you. I will definitely come back to you in six years."

Su Yu looked at Xiao Wu with a serious face. After Xiao Wu heard about Su Yu's experience in the Hunting Soul Forest, she couldn't help being moved and sympathized with Su Yu's experience.

At the same time, he felt disgusted with this human named Tang San and Grandmaster.

"Su Yu, it's good that you are fine, so you can rest assured, I will take care of your grandfather, hmph, next time Miss Wu meets that Tang San, I will help you teach him a lesson, you are mine Man, if he dares to bully you, he will slap me in the face, and Miss Xiao Wu's face is not so easy to slap in the face."

Xiao Wu clenched her fist and said fiercely. Su Yu couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw Xiao Wu's appearance, and at the same time couldn't help but mourn Tang San in his heart. He didn't know what it was like to be hated by his original wife so much, but Soon Su Yu shook his head.

Tang San dared to harm himself, not to mention that, even if he cut him into pieces, it would be difficult to solve Su Yu's hatred, and Tang Hao and the master, Su Yu also secretly recorded them in his little book Come on, when he has the strength in the future, Su Yu won't kill them and say what they are.

"Then thank you, Xiao Wu." After saying that, Su Yu led Xiao Wu into the room again.

"Grandpa, let's go then, you must take care of your body." Su Yu looked at Su Yi and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, the old man is still in good health. Grandpa is still waiting for you to get married and have children. After you go out, follow the adults to practice well. Grandpa is waiting for the day when you become a Titled Douluo."

Su Yi seemed to see Su Yu's reluctance, and walked directly to Su Yu's side, patted Su Yu's shoulder, and said gently.

"Well, Grandpa, I will work hard, don't worry, then I'm really leaving." Su Yu was hugged by Bi Ji as he said that.

"Well, let's go." Su Yi waved his hand to signal that Su Yu could leave.

After seeing the conversation between the two of them, Bi Ji showed a smile, nodded to Su Yi, and immediately led Su Yu to the sky.

"Hehe, come on Xiaoyu, you are my pride."

Su Yi looked at the people who were gradually going away, and couldn't help thinking secretly.

Star Dou Great Forest

[Drip, congratulations to the host for punching in the Star Dou Forest and rewarding five times of fishing]

"The system opens the panel" Su Yu said in a low voice. He hasn't opened his personal panel for several days. I remember that in the hunting forest, the system also gave a few reminders, but they were all ignored by him.

After three days, Su Yu finally followed Bi Ji and Zi Ji to the Star Forest.

After being carried and flying for three days, Su Yu was still a little mentally exhausted.

[Drip, successfully opened]

Host: Su Yu

Age: 6 years old

Bloodline: Kirin bloodline

Martial Soul: Three-Eyed Golden Demon (Awakened)
Soul Power: Level 15

Ability: Bright Dragon Body
Warehouse: Barrett, Rust Dan, [-] gold coins, playing cards, instant noodles, toilet paper
Strength: humble

Fishing times: 15 times (2 times for Brigitte, 2 times for Ziji, 3 times for the Three-Eyed Golden Lion, and [-] times for the Star Dou Forest.)
Evaluation: For a rookie who is just starting out, a thousand-year-old soul beast can kill you, but given your bloodline, it should be fine if you don't fight to the death.

"Fifteen fishing opportunities are not bad, but I can still save it. It's useless for me to draw a lottery now." Su Yu looked at the number of fishing times on the panel, and Su Yu couldn't help thinking secretly. ,
"Little guy, you're tired too, right? I knew I wasn't tired alone." Su Yu ate a fruit Bi Ji handed over, and said with a smile, looking at the three-eyed Jin Ni in his arms.

The three-eyed Jin Yan looked at Su Yu who was talking nonsense with a serious face, and couldn't help curling his lips secretly, he had never seen such a shameless person.

Su Yu followed behind Bi Ji, watching the soul beasts passing by one by one, Su Yu couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

These thousand or even ten thousand year spirit beasts will retreat or walk to Bi Ji and bow their heads to salute when they see Bi Ji at the first sight. From this situation, we can see Bi Ji's terrifying appeal in the Star Dou Forest.

"How about Xiaoyu, our Star Forest is beautiful." Zi Ji walked to Su Yu and said with a smile?

"Well, it's really beautiful. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful place, and the air here is also very fresh. Of course, the soul power in the air is also very strong."

Speaking of Su Yu, he took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling the rich soul power in the forest, and Su Yu couldn't help feeling a burst of joy.

Practicing in this environment, Su Yu dare to say that his cultivation can be improved several times at least.

And I don't know why, as soon as Su Yu entered the Star Dou Forest, he could feel a faint power that seemed to bind him.

"Well, it's true that the environment of the Star Dou Great Forest is indeed beautiful, but the place I'll take you to later is even more beautiful."

Bi Ji and Zi Ji looked at each other and smiled, then led Su Yu directly to the Lake of Life.

 Live broadcast of Douluo Raising Spirits, written by a friend, you can take a look.

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(End of this chapter)

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