Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 17: Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena

Chapter 17: Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena
As soon as he entered the Star Dou Great Forest, the three-eyed golden lion scanned his territory like a king. Looking at the three-eyed golden bull like this, Su Yu couldn't help being slightly surprised. Su Yu had never seen such a three-eyed golden bull outside. Jin Ni.

"Hehe, don't look at it, let's go quickly, I will introduce you to the Star Dou Forest." Bi Ji took Su Yu around and kept introducing the Star Dou Forest.

The first moment Ziji returned to the Star Dou Great Forest, she went directly to the Lake of Life to inform Ditian of Su Yu's arrival.

Di Tian looked at Zi Ji in front of him with a serious face, "Zi Ji, you and Bi Ji did a good job this time, I will report to the Lord, that's all right, you go down first, by the way, you remember to inform Mr. Xiong and the others. "

Seeing Zi Ji going away, Di Tian turned around and knelt on the edge of the lake of life.

"My lord, Bi Ji and Zi Ji have already completed their mission and brought the newborn auspicious beast back to the Star Dou Forest, but I don't know why this time the auspicious beast is actually a human being."

As soon as Ditian finished speaking, a silver-haired girl about fifteen or sixteen years old appeared above the lake.

The girl looked at Di Tian kneeling in front of her, her red lips parted slightly, and she said calmly: "Auspicious beasts are born of heaven and earth, and human form is also possible. Since you brought them back, you should cultivate them well. With his existence Your strength will also be one step closer."

The girl's eyes seemed to see through time and space, and her eyes fell directly on Su Yu's body, as if she wanted to see through Su Yu completely.

"Well, a good bloodline. It can be said that this bloodline is not weak at all. If it can evolve again, it may not be impossible to reach my level."

The girl couldn't help sighing after she finished speaking, and shook her head secretly in her heart, she is the clone of the Dragon God, the Silver Dragon King, and Su Yu's blood is indeed not weak, but there is still a lot of distance to reach her level.

"Ditian, after he comes, bring him to see me." The Silver Dragon King disappeared directly into the lake after speaking.

"Follow orders" Ditian should arrive.

"Is this the lake of life?" Su Yu stared dumbfounded at the huge lake in front of him.

The lake is full of life breath, breathing these life breaths, Su Yu feels as if all his pores have been opened.

"It's so beautiful." Su Yu smacked his lips, looked at the lake of life in front of him, and couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. The Lake of Life is the most beautiful place in the Star Dou Great Forest. Go down, Brigitte." When Su Yu was still in a daze, a black figure appeared behind Su Yu, and said indifferently .

"Hey, check out Ditian and get 2 fishing opportunities."

"My name is Di Tian, ​​and I'm also the person in charge here. Of course, I asked Bi Ji to bring you here." Di Tian said directly without being careless.

"You are Ditian, Bi Ji told me about you." Su Yu stretched out his hand, wanting to shake Ditian.

"Uh..." Ditian looked at Su Yu's things and stretched out his hand to shake Su Yu in a strange way.

The first moment Ditian held Su Yu's hand, he felt the pure beast blood in Su Yu's body.

"It's really the blood of the auspicious beast, the Lord really doesn't feel wrong." Di Tian thought secretly in his heart, but his expression didn't change a bit, instead he looked at Su Yu and said lightly.

"Su Yu, come with me. I'll take you to meet the lord. The lord wants to see you." After speaking, Ditian walked towards the lake of life.

Su Yu also followed Ditian closely, but as soon as he entered the Lake of Life, Su Yu felt a wave of tiredness, and soon Su Yu was hypnotized by this tiredness.

When Su Yu woke up again, he saw a girl in a white dress.

The girl has long, loose silver hair, which is soft and even has a crystal texture. She has a beauty that cannot be described in words. All descriptions are not enough to describe her stunning face, slightly pale fair skin and purple eyes. eye.

[Drip, punch the Silver Dragon King and get five fishing opportunities. 】

"Is this the Silver Dragon King? It's so beautiful. It's worthy of being the number one goddess and richest woman in the Douluo Continent."

Su Yu looked at the girl in front of him, and couldn't help revealing a touch of surprise, Gu Yuena is so beautiful, so beautiful that people can't believe it.

"Wake up, then sit down, let me introduce myself first, I am Gu Yuena, the owner of the Star Dou Forest, I am looking for you this time because you have the blood of an auspicious beast, and I want you to join our Star Dou Forest, look how."

Gu Yuena looked at the six-year-old child in front of her and said with a smile.

"Of course, as long as you join our Star Dou Great Forest, we will definitely train you to the extreme, but we also have requirements. I hope that your future offspring can be in the Star Dou Great Forest."

Gu Yuena stared at Su Yu, and at the same time, she seemed to have a special temperament that could not be rejected.

"Yes, I can join you, but I also want to be free. I hope you can let me go after I have the strength to protect myself. After all, I can't stay in the Star Dou Forest all the time. What do you think?"

Su Yu nodded when he heard Gu Yuena's words, but he still looked at Gu Yuena seriously and said.

"Is that so, okay, I won't stop you from practicing this kind of thing, that's all right, you can leave, by the way, give me a drop of your blood." Gu Yuena agreed without waiting for Su Yu to finish speaking.

Su Yu nodded and directly used his soul power to force out a drop of blood and handed it to Gu Yuena. Gu Yuena looked at the blood in her hand with a hint of doubt in her eyes, but she still looked at Su Yu.

"Okay, go down, Ditian will arrange a place for you to live in, so go on." Gu Yuena waved her arm while speaking, and the space around Su Yu began to tumbling instantly.

Su Yu's eyes went dark again, and when he woke up again, he was already lying in a cabin.

Looking at the blood in her hand, Gu Yuena couldn't help showing a hint of doubt, and she also muttered to herself.

"Impossible, why do I have a desire for a drop of blood, a desire to swallow." Gu Yuena had a flash of doubt in her heart, but soon this doubt turned into firmness.

Gu Yuena directly raised her hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

"You wake up, you can live here from now on, the lord told me, when you are strong enough in the future, when you get my approval, I can let you go out and let you go out to practice, but your future heirs must To stay in our Star Dou Great Forest, this is what you promised."

Ditian didn't wait for Su Yu to speak, and walked directly into the distance.

"Ditian, what should I do if I'm hungry?" Su Yu asked as he looked at Ditian who had gone away, touching his stomach.

"There are fruits next to the Lake of Life. If you want to eat meat, you can follow the three-eyed golden dragon, and she will go out to hunt." Di Tian disappeared in front of Su Yu immediately after speaking.

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(End of this chapter)

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