Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 165 Ren Xue's Thoughts

Chapter 165 Qian Renxue's Thoughts
"Thank you so much, Brother Qinghe." Su Yu smiled, but he didn't take what Xue Qinghe said to heart.

There are a lot of strong people around him, not to mention that Xuedi is Ziji or Tang Hao, who can be compared.

If Tang Hao did something in Wuhun City, he would be looking for death even more, not to mention whether he wanted to resist Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu, even his own old man couldn't sit idly by.

Although Su Yu doesn't know what level his old man is, he is at least level 97 or above, and even Ziji may not be his opponent.

On the entire continent, Su Yu feels that there should not be much stronger than his background, no, there should be none, and he must know that there is Gu Yuena's protection behind him, and he can contact Gu Yuena at will dragon scales.

"You're welcome, Su Yu, you are a friend I recognize. Although I can't help you because of my status as Prince Tiandou, I can still remind you of this kind of thing."

Xue Qinghe's voice was gentle, with a hint of concern.

"Su Yu, if you need help, you can hide in our Tiandou palace or my prince's mansion first. Even Tang Hao would not dare to do it at will. This is the face of my Tiandou Empire. Haotian Even Zong Zaiqiang would not dare to do anything to us."

Xue Qinghe stared at Su Yu seriously, what she said was really not a joke.

Although Haotianzong is very strong, it really won't tear apart an empire so easily.

"Sorry, no need for Brother Qinghe, you must know that there are people behind me." Su Yu blinked and said with a smile.

Xue Qinghe looked at Su Yu's appearance, and suddenly couldn't help being taken aback. She remembered that when she saw Su Yu for the first time, she wanted to take Su Yu back directly, but was stopped by those strong men behind Su Yu in an instant up.

The beautiful woman in the green robe really fell in love with her and almost scared her, the woman who could easily defeat She Long.

Not to mention that countless strong men far above She Long rushed out from behind that woman, and none of them lost to the strong men in the worship hall.

Thinking of this, Xue Qinghe couldn't help changing his face. If Su Yu really had such a strong man behind him now, let alone Tang Hao, even everyone in the Haotian School would just come to deliver food.

"Tang Hao, it's fine if he dies, so grandpa should be happy." Xue Qinghe secretly thought in his heart that she was still relatively young when Tang Hao killed her father.

But she can also understand that Tang Hao killed her father, that is the enemy for life, now that Su Yu can kill Tang Hao, he is still very happy.

Although it looks like she is taking advantage of Su Yu, it is understandable compared to when Su Yu really knows her identity in the future.

"Brother Qinghe, since I don't have anything to do, I'll leave first. The game is passing day by day, and I need to go back and watch for a while."

Seeing that Xue Qinghe should be fine, Su Yu couldn't help standing up directly, with an apologetic smile on his face.

"It's okay, brother Su Yu, you can go first, I'll drink tea here, remember to work hard for the competition." Xue Qinghe didn't show any expression because Su Yu was leaving, but said with a gentle face.

Su Yu smiled, and walked out directly, and soon Su Yu returned to the competition venue.

"Binger, has our opponent announced?" Su Yu had just returned to Tianshui's lounge and saw Shui Binger holding a white list in his hand.

"Well, it was announced. It's really a coincidence. Blazing Academy, I don't know if someone has operated it behind the scenes."

When Shui Binger heard Su Yu's words, she couldn't help shaking her head slightly, and said helplessly.

"Then it's quite a coincidence," Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head and said with a chuckle.

At the same time, he directly took the list from Shui Binger and began to read it.

Looking at the big word blazing above, Su Yu was really helpless. It seemed that he really wanted to fight that lunatic Huowu, and Su Yu didn't plan to let the water go this time.

If Huo Wu, a lunatic, is not subdued, this woman will keep pestering him. He is really annoyed by this woman.

Thinking of this scene, Su Yu couldn't help but silently apologize to Huo Wu in his heart.

You must know that Su Yu's strength is quite abnormal, even when he was fighting Feng Xiaotian, Su Yu only used half of his strength.

If he used all his strength this time, he might be able to kill Huo Wu in seconds.

I don't know what kind of expression Huo Wu will show after being seconded.

Thinking of that scene, Su Yu couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

"Hmm, it's really good, I really want to see what kind of scene Huo Wu will show that expression."

Su Yu smiled faintly, and suddenly he turned his head and looked at Shui Bing'er as if he had thought of something.

"Bing'er, when is the game time, tomorrow or today?"

There is no time stamp on the list just now.

Now he really wants to see Huo Wu showing that expression.

"The day after tomorrow, we didn't have any competitions these two days. There were originally, but we gave up the competition after knowing that it was Tianshui. We are so strong now that ordinary academies don't dare to fight us at all?"

Shui Bing'er couldn't help saying flatly when she heard Su Yu's inquiry.

She also knows that Su Yu doesn't pay attention to this. As the vice captain, it is her own that she has been paying attention to the game.

Apart from fighting, Su Yu didn't care about anything else.

"Well, I got it, you've worked hard." Su Yu smiled, and went straight to the side and sat down to eat the grapes on the table.

He doesn't pay attention to the game not because he has a big heart, but because he knows that no one can beat him.

Su Yu chatted with Xiao Wu next to him while eating grapes.

"Xiao Wu, you have broken through!"

Su Yu's sudden opening made everyone around him look suspiciously.

"Is the breakthrough really so fast?"

Shui Bing'er walked up to Xiao Wu in disbelief and said.

"Hee hee, I wanted to shock you guys, but I didn't expect Su Yu to have really accurate eyesight."

Just as Xiao Wu finished speaking, she received envious looks from Zhu Zhuqing and the others.

"Xiao Wu, you've cultivated too fast. You're not as good as Qiu'er. This is too fast. I really envy your talent."

Xue Wu looked enviously at Xiao Wu in front of her, her talent was the weakest among the people here, and she was only at level 43 now.

It is simply incomparable with people like Xiao Wu and the others who are so talented.

She is really envious! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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