Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 166 Shui Wuxin's Admonition

Chapter 166 Shui Wuxin's Admonition
"Sister Xuewu, you are joking. My talent is nothing more than that. Su Yu's talent is terrifying. He reached level 14 and became the soul king at the age of [-]. He is really terrifying."

Listening to Xiao Wu's words, Xue Wu couldn't help sighing deeply.

Now she really feels that her 19-year-old aunt can no longer understand these young people.

"Xiao Wu is right, and sister Xue Wu, you are also very talented." Shui Yue'er seemed to see Xue Wu's loss, and she couldn't help squinting her eyes and said softly to Xue Wu.

"Hmph, don't comfort me. I still understand my own talent. If it weren't for Su Yu's fairy grass, I wouldn't be in my early forties now."

Xue Wu wouldn't listen to the comfort of these guys, she knew her own talent, if it wasn't for Su Yu's fairy grass, how could she have reached level 45 so quickly.

If there is no grass jelly, I am afraid that Xue Wu will be at most level 42 now, not even level 43.

"Hey, really, sister Xuewu, you are too modest."

Shui Bing'er looked at Xue Wu's appearance and couldn't help shaking her head helplessly.

Xue Wu's talent is indeed not as good as theirs, but it is considered strong in other academies, at least Xue Wu's talent can be regarded as the golden generation even in Wuhun Temple.

Although it is not as good as Hu Liena and the others, it is still at the super genius level compared to others.

Moreover, Xue Wu is still an auxiliary soul master, and auxiliary soul masters are more difficult to cultivate than ordinary soul masters, and their cultivation speed is much slower than that of battle soul masters.

"Xue Wu, don't underestimate yourself. Your own talent is destined by the heavens. Although you can't change it, you can definitely change it if you work hard."

Just when Su Yu was about to speak to Xue Wu, a beautiful female voice came in from outside.

Turning his head and looking, Su Yu saw Shui Wuxin standing at the door with a serious face staring at Xue Wu and said seriously.


"Xuewu, your talent is very strong, and it's only a matter of time before you get a title in the future. I don't want you to have this mentality again. You are my student. I believe in you, and your teammates also believe in you."

Shui Wuxin's voice was cold, and she stared at Xue Wu seriously.

Xue Wu's talent is almost exactly the same as hers, she is also born with an eighth-level soul power, and Xue Wu is the same. Back then, I also doubted that my talent was awakened by my teacher.

I didn't expect my students to encounter such a thing now.

What a fate!

"Teacher Wuxin, I understand." Xue Wu couldn't help sighing when she heard Shui Wuxin's comfort, and said silently.

Su Yu couldn't help sighing when he saw this, he didn't know if Xue Wu had listened.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Xiao Wu, you bring everyone up. When I came back, I found a good barbecue restaurant. Today is my treat, and everyone starts to eat."

Su Yu directly pulled Xiao Wu to stand up, waved to everyone, and motioned everyone to follow him to eat.

Time soon came to the day of Su Yu's competition.

"It's finally here, and I can finally see Huo Wu's expression." With a smile on Su Yu's face, he quickly finished tidying up and walked out of the room with Shui Binger and others, walking towards the competition venue together.

"Su Yu, just wait for this competition, I will definitely let you know how good I am"

As soon as Su Yu walked to the competition place, a fiery red figure rushed towards Su Yu in an instant.

When he came three or four meters in front of Su Yu, he barely stopped, pointed at Su Yu and started talking.

"Then let's wait and see." Su Yu said without showing any expression on his face, looking at Huo Wu calmly.

Not only Su Yu's face but also his voice is quite flat.

"Hmph, then just wait." Huo Wu's eyes brightened when he thought about his trump card, but he didn't think that Su Yu could catch it.

Even if Su Yu is the soul king, he can't bear it abruptly.

Thinking of this, the corners of Huo Wu's mouth could not help but curl up.

So excited!

"Hmph, wait, we'll see you later." After speaking, Huo Wu quickly disappeared in front of Su Yu.
Su Yu watched this scene expressionlessly.

"Captain, don't look, let's go." Just as Su Yu was standing blankly thinking about something, Shui Bing'er quietly came to Su Yu's side and patted Su Yu on the shoulder.

"Well, let's go, everyone, be more serious about the game and try to win Blazing without injury"

After Su Yu finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the competition.

"Brother, it seems that we are going to be serious." Wang Qiuer and Xiao Wu walked at the end and looked at Su Yu and said with emotion.

"Well, indeed, Su Yu is going to be serious, he is no longer interested in playing with these guys"

Looking at Su Yu who was walking in the forefront, Xiao Wu couldn't help but said with emotion.

"Well, brother's patience has worn out."

He knows Su Yu's character. She and Su Yu have known each other for nearly ten years. He really knows Su Yu very well, even Su Yu's little tricks.

Now Su Yu has completely lost patience with Huo Wu in the feelings of Wang Qiuer and Xiao Wu.

It is understandable for Su Yu to lose patience with Huo Wu, after all, it is really uncomfortable for a woman to entangle you suddenly.

Anyway, Wang Qiuer felt that if she was Su Yu, she would really be unbearable.

"This Huo Wu is miserable." Wang Qiu'er shook her head, and couldn't help mourning Huo Wu in her heart.

Time passed quickly, and soon came the game time.

"Next, let us welcome the Tianshui of the Five Elements and Blazing Academy."

When the game came to the midfield, the staff stood on the ring and spoke with great emotion.

"This is a civil war at the Five Elements Academy, and it is also a battle of ice and fire"

"This battle will determine the position of Tianshui Zhihuo in the five elements. This battle is a peak duel. Now let us invite our players to come on stage."

"Let's go" Su Yu stood up from his position expressionlessly, and led everyone directly to the competition stage.

"Come on, Huo Wu, didn't you say you want to defeat me, I'm here now, let me come here."

Su Yu stood on the ring and quietly looked at Huo Wu not far in front of him. His face was calm and a terrifying aura emerged directly from him.

Directly locked onto Huo Wu's body, golden lights kept flickering on Su Yu's body, and a breath that made people unable to lift his head kept circulating on his body surface.

"Huh, come on, sister, this game is our fiery battle of face, you must use your skills to deal with Su Yu with all your strength, we believe in you"

Huo Wushuang walked up to Huo Wu's side and patted her sister's shoulder and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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