Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 171 Mr. Xiong's Deal

Chapter 171 Mr. Xiong's Deal

"Oh, forget it, you can give it away if you want, but you have to tell him how precious the Golden Dragon Spear is, don't let her lose it, and you can leave when it's done." Gu Yuena shook her head and said helplessly.

Su Yu didn't stay long and left Gu Yuena's room directly. He couldn't stay in a girl's room too long. If that girl found out about it, it would be a disaster.

After Su Yu left the room, he went directly back to the room to sleep.

In the early morning, Su Yu climbed up from the room beautifully, looking at the sky outside, Su Yu couldn't help but feel good.

There is no game today. After Su Yu defeated Huo Wu, no one would dare to fight Su Yu again.

Su Yu's fighting power is too strong, and no one in the entire Tiandou competition area can defeat him. Now the Tiandou competition area has given up fighting Su Yu, because they all know that it is impossible for them to defeat Su Yu.

Su Yu would be happy if he didn't have a game, and wandered around Tiandou City every day.Soon in three days, a group of people familiar to Su Yu appeared in front of him.

"Ditian, you guys are here, and I'm going to trouble you this time." Su Yu looked at the people in front of him and couldn't help but smile, and looked at Ditian with a gentle face and said.

"Forget it, you kid will be nice and obedient, you always tell me to trouble me, but you never call us less.

Ditian looked at Su Yu in front of him speechlessly, and said helplessly.

"Hahaha, since you say that, Ditian, I won't thank you, let's go, Sister Nana has already arrived.

"Su Yu couldn't help but reply in embarrassment when he heard Ditian say this, and then changed the subject.

"You kid, tell us what's going on. Could it be that even Ziji can't solve it." Su Yu couldn't help shaking his head helplessly after hearing Ditian's question.

Su Yu didn't hesitate to tell Ditian and others how he was targeted by the master and others since he was a child.

"What a hateful master, it's too much to want to kill little Su Yu because of the soul bone. This time, I, the old bear, must not let him go." Mr. Xiong became furious when he heard Su Yu's words. A terrifying aura surged out of his body.

Even the dark golden soul power that Su Yu had discovered from him emerged from him.

"Mr. Xiong, can you stay steady?" Di Tian appeared beside Mr. Xiong and directly stretched out his hand to pat on Mr. Xiong's body, directly suppressing the soul power gushing out of Mr. Xiong's body.

"Really, can you be more stable, what should you do if you are discovered by humans." The Wan Yao King also gave Xiong Jun a speechless look.

Although he won't be in trouble if he is discovered by humans, but is it better to have one thing less than one thing more.

He Wan Yao Wang is not someone like Mr. Xiong who always likes to fight.Su Yu smiled and led everyone back to the hotel without saying a word.

And a room was opened for each of them.Su Yu has lived in this hotel for a few months now, and he is considered a big family. It doesn't even take half a minute to open a room, so he just nodded and opened the room for everyone.

Then Su Yu asked everyone to stay in his room.

Sister Nana, Qiu'er, are you all there? Ditian and the others are here, are you going over? "Su Yu stood at the door of Gu Yuena and asked, looking at the two peerless beauties in the room with some doubts.

"Oh, they're here." Gu Yuena's eyes lit up, she followed Su Yu out and headed for Su Yu's room.

Gu Yuena walked quickly, and soon came to Su Yu's room.

"My lord," Di Tian looked at Gu Yuena who walked in and couldn't help lowering his head with a respectful expression.

"Well, I'll leave Su Yu to you this time, I won't make a move this time," Gu Yuena said calmly as she came in and looked at everyone.

Hearing Gu Yuena's words, Su Yu didn't show any expression.Wouldn't it be too easy for Gu Yuena to make a move?

Let Ditian and the others take action, at least let Tang Hao and the others see a glimmer of hope.

Moreover, Gu Yuena's attack was really killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. "Yes, my lord, I understand, I am completely responsible for Su Yu's affairs to the end"

Di Tian nodded immediately when he heard Gu Yuena's words.He never questioned any of Gu Yuena's decisions, and neither will he this time.

"Okay, Su Yu, just tell me how to proceed this time, and I'll listen here."

Gu Yuena turned her head directly and looked at Su Yu with a smile on her face, beckoning.

"Okay, then I'll say it"

Su Yu looked at Gu Yuena's appearance, and walked directly in front of the crowd without hesitation, looking at everyone solemnly.

"This time, my plan looks like this." Su Yu quickly explained his plan to everyone.

Let Tang Hao and the others relax their vigilance in the early stage, and when they do it, they will catch them all.

After Su Yu finished speaking, he looked at everyone around him.

"Well, that's right, let's do it this way, I want to see who dares to touch me." Mr. Xiong patted his face, and said with a solemn and murderous expression.

Seeing Jun Xiong's appearance, Gu Yuena couldn't help shaking her head.

"It's just a few bugs, it can be easily solved." Gu Yuena shook her head helplessly.

In her eyes, Tang Hao is indeed a little bug. If she wants to, she can even directly open a space door, and directly strangle Tang Hao and others to the space.

Gu Yuena is fully capable of doing all of this, even if she sealed some of her own strength, leaving only a level 99 strength, she can still do it very easily.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you just stay here and have a good time, the lake of life doesn't have to go back so soon, the human world is still very interesting. You guys have fun"

Gu Yuena smiled and left with her little follower, Wang Qiuer.

"What about Su Yu's stuff, if you don't give it to us, you won't help us."

Xiong Jun came to Su Yu's side suddenly, pulled Su Yu's clothes carefully and reminded him in a low voice.

Su Yu glanced at Mr. Xiong and couldn't help being speechless. Su Yu's hand slightly flipped dozens of small bottles and appeared directly in his hand.

"Okay, take it away quickly, your eyes are really sharp." Su Yu shook his head and said helplessly.

Su Yu glanced at it and saw that no one was looking over, so he couldn't help shaking his head and threw the thing into Jun Xiong's arm.

"Okay, this should be enough for you for a long time." Su Yu was a little helpless, is it really good to ask for this kind of thing for himself when we meet?
Su Yu sighed helplessly, but he also knew this guy's virtue.

This guy is like this. Since he and Ditian started playing this, Xiong Jun fell in love with this feeling, and would ask Su Yu for that kind of thing from time to time.

Su Yu is almost used to it now, looking at Mr. Xiong, Su Yu couldn't help sighing.

(End of this chapter)

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