Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 172 Tyrannical Tang 3

Chapter 172 Tyranny Tang San
Several days passed quickly, and no one dared to attack her since that battle.

Tianshui also won all games, 24 wins in 24 games. Today Tianshui finally ushered in the only person who dared to fight against them.

"Shrek Academy" Tang San and Dai Mubai finally met Tian Shui again.

"Hmph, I finally met them, this time I will punch all their shit out," Xian Envy said dissatisfiedly, waving her fists.

"Don't swear!" Su Yu stretched out his hand and scratched Xiao Wu's ear.

"It hurts so much, just don't say it next time." Xiao Wu touched the rabbit ears on her head and said to Su Yu crying.

"Bing'er will give you the main control this time, they will definitely rush towards me, you can help me hold them back when the time comes, it's okay even if you can't hold them back, as long as you can hold back as many as you can. "

Su Yu patted Shui Binger on the shoulder with a faint smile on his face.

Now he believes in Shui Bing'er's control very much. She has the ultimate ice. Although she will practice a little slower before reaching the seventieth level, her combat power will be countless times stronger than ordinary soul masters.

Not to mention that Shui Bing'er's martial soul is still a super martial soul like Ice Phoenix. The super martial soul of Ice Phoenix is ​​really strong, even the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is not inferior to Ice Phoenix.

"Don't worry, you can resist as many people as you say." Shui Bing'er showed a faint smile on her face. Her current strength is still very strong. At least there should be no one in the younger generation except the two perverts in front of her. Defeat her at level [-].

Shui Bing'er is really confident in this aspect, after all, she still knows the horror of the ultimate ice.

"Let's go, this is probably our last battle in the Tiandou competition area." Thinking of this, Su Yu couldn't help but smile.

"That's really good, Tang Hao, you are going to die soon, goodbye."

Su Yu walked to the competition venue, and looked slightly at a person in a black robe on the competition stage.

Although he was covered by a black robe, Su Yu was sure that he was Tang Hao.

"The third match, Shrek VS Tianshui Academy, now I announce the start of the match"

The staff said loudly that the game was too strong now, and he jumped down directly after speaking, leaving only the two teams on the stage that seemed to be sparking.

The audience was excited, Tang San was equally excited, master was even more excited.

On the side of Shrek Academy, a woman with a hot figure in black looked at Tang San and the others on the stage with complicated eyes, and turned to look at the master beside her, she couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Come on, die to me, die to me, you are finally going to die." There was a fierce light in the master's eyes, and Liu Erlong, whose murderous aura was the soul sage, couldn't help frowning.

"I'm leaving." Liu Erlong's voice was cold and distant.

The master didn't even look at it and let Liu Erlong leave here. The moment Liu Erlong left, a crystal teardrop seemed to flow down from Liu Erlong's eyes.

"Tang San let's start, don't you want to defeat me, come on" Su Yu came out, golden soul power surged all over his body, and soul power continuously shot up from his body.

The entire arena seemed to be covered by Su Yu's soul power.

The Qilin Wuhun also appeared behind Su Yu instantly, and terrifying energy continued to radiate throughout the ring.

"What a terrifying guy, Xiao San, do you really want to go one-on-one with this guy, he's too strong?" Dai Mubai touched Tang San's shoulder and asked seriously.

"Well, Mubai, don't worry, I know my strength, I definitely can't beat this guy, but I want to know the gap, and don't we have a trump card?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Tang San's mouth.

He believes that the trump card given to him by the teacher can definitely defeat Su Yu easily. No matter how strong Su Yu is, he can't defeat the real body of Wuhun.

The corner of Su Yu's mouth curled up into a faint smile as he looked at Tang San with a provocative look in his eyes.

"Come on." Tang Hao's eyes also revealed a hint of determination.

A huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared directly in his hand.

A terrifying cold light flickered on the pitch-black Clear Sky Hammer, and streams of thick soul power were continuously transmitted from the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Come on..." Tang San roared, and rushed directly towards Su Yu.

The terrifying Haotian Hammer was directly swung by Tang San and smashed towards Su Yu fiercely.

Su Yu and Shui Bing'er smiled with a smile on his face, then stepped out and stretched out his hand directly, and slapped Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.

Looking at Su Yu who was so careless, Tang San couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth. He didn't believe that Su Yu could stop his Haotian Hammer, which was several thousand catties and soon reached ten thousand catties, with his hands.

But soon he showed a hint of disbelief.

Because there is nothing wrong with Su Yu's hand.

Instead, his Clear Sky Hammer was directly stopped by Su Yu.

And Su Yu actually has nothing to do.

"Strength is good, but too bad, fire"

Su Yu let out a low cry, and the terrifying cyan flame burst out directly from Su Yu's hand.

Horrible flames surged towards Tang San's body along the Clear Sky Hammer in an instant.

Looking at the flames emerging from Su Yu's hand, Tang San couldn't help showing a hint of panic in his eyes, and the Haotian Hammer couldn't help falling directly from his hand.

"What a terrifying flame, what a pervert." Tang San took a deep breath and quickly jumped away to avoid Su Yu's flame.

Su Yu glanced at Tang San with a smile, and a lightning flame armor directly appeared on his body.

The moment the armor appeared, Su Yu came to Tang San in an instant.

Ning Rongrong, who had been hiding in the distance, also had three spirit rings appearing on her body at this time, and the three streams of light went directly towards Tang San.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong made a move, Tang San couldn't help but be happy.

The Clear Sky Hammer directly reappeared in Tang San's hands, and Tang San hit out a wide open and close hammering technique in an instant.

One time after another, each time was more powerful, each time it hit Su Yu's head, but Su Yu didn't hide that time, every time Su Yu stretched out his hand and slapped the Haotian Hammer directly.

"The power is really good. This is a chaotic cloak. It's really good, but it's almost impossible to break through my defense."

Su Yu squeezed the center of his brows, clenched his fist and quickly stretched out his hand, and slammed heavily on Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.

The terrifying power erupted in an instant, and the terrifying power immediately blasted Tang San away.

A huge fireball instantly appeared in the hands of "Emperor Yan" Su Yu, and smashed towards Tang San fiercely. The terrifying flame directly raised the temperature of the entire arena by tens of degrees.

(End of this chapter)

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