Chapter 23
Qian Renxue looked at the several soul beasts rushing out of the forest in an instant, and couldn't help changing her expression, but Qian Renxue was too flustered, because behind her was the titled Douluo She Long.

She Long was always behind Qian Renxue, and the moment the soul beast rushed out, She Long appeared in front of Qian Renxue, directly blocking Qian Renxue's body.

"Miss, get out of here quickly, it's dangerous, that kid is weird." As she said that, She Long started to wave the snake spear in her hand, and a terrifying golden storm directly enveloped She Long.

"Roar..." A large number of soul beasts with a cultivation base of 5 years or more bitten towards Yu Long in an instant, and a large number of light bullets were continuously spit out by the white tiger in an instant.

"Bang bang bang" Yu Long kept waving the snake spear in his hand, and a large number of soul beasts were thrown away by She Long in an instant.

"Ruishou, I'm going over there. Something happened to Su Yu." Bi Ji turned her head to look at the rioting forest not far away, with a murderous look on her face.

Someone actually attacked Su Yu. If the gentle and kind Brigitte in the past might break that person's leg and throw him out of the forest, but now Brigitte will crush the human who attacked Su Yu. After all, Su Yu is really serious about the forest now. is too important.

When the three-eyed Jin Ni heard Bi Ji's words, she became anxious instantly, and ran towards the place of the riot regardless of Bi Ji.

"Hey, little guy, slow down." Bi Ji told the three-eyed Jin Yan to slow down, but her speed was approaching the limit, although Bi Ji was not the kind of race that was particularly good at fighting.

But with the blessing of more than 50 years of cultivation, her strength is not bad at all, and it is impossible for an ordinary Title Douluo to deal with him.

Not only Bi Ji, but Zi Ji also moved quickly, and the sleeping and drug-taking beasts in the forest moved instantly, and came towards Su Yu's position one after another.

"No, miss, run away!" She Long roared, and immediately sent the surrounding spirit beasts flying, grabbed Qian Renxue's arm, and flew away into the distance in an instant.

"Uncle She, what's the matter, why are you in such a hurry?" Qian Renxue looked at the anxious She Long with some doubts.

"Miss, there are several powerful auras coming towards us, each of them is much stronger than me, even the weakest one is much stronger than me, that child is really not simple, I am afraid this time we really Hit the stubble."

After She Long finished speaking, she quickly thought about flying outside the Star Dou Forest.

A green light flew out from the depths of the forest in an instant, it was Brigitte.

But at this moment, Bi Ji's face was gloomy, and a wave of pure killing intent was continuously transmitted from Bi Ji at this time.

Bi Ji looked at She Long who kept running away and couldn't help showing a bit of disdain, a terrifying soul power burst out instantly, pressing directly on She Long's body like a mountain.

"No, miss, run quickly, I'll block them." She Long's complexion changed, and he directly resisted Bi Ji's soul power and stood up, blocking in front of Qian Renxue.

"Uncle She, you..." Qian Renxue couldn't help but change her face when she saw She Long standing in front of her.

"Hehe, don't run, none of you can run away, a Title Douluo at level 92, and a soul sect who has not yet advanced to the soul king at level [-], dare to attack my luck child of the Star Dou Great Forest, it is really reckless. "

The terrifying aura emanating from Bi Ji made She Long and Qian Renxue feel as if they had fallen into hell.

The soul power made the two of them breathless as if they were being suppressed by a mountain.

"Your Majesty, this junior is the Snake Spear of the Spirit Hall, please give me a face in the Hall of Spirits, senior, and let Miss leave, this junior is willing to let the senior dispose of me."

Feeling Bi Ji's majesty, She Long couldn't help but look difficult, and directly knelt on the ground, looking at Bi Ji and said with a serious face.

"Hehe, what are you in Wuhundian, and what are you, I said you can't leave."

Bi Ji's face was gloomy, a green goose feather appeared in Bi Ji's hand in an instant, and the feather flew out of Bi Ji's hand in an instant, hitting She Long fiercely with terrifying force in an instant.

"Pfft..." She Long was hit by a goose feather, and immediately spurted a mouthful of blood, and was instantly sent flying a hundred meters away.

"This is the price for daring to touch us. If you touch someone else, I won't say anything, but you shouldn't touch him. He is the Ni Lin of our Star Dou. If a dragon has Ni Lin, he will die if he touches it."

Brigitte instantly appeared on She Long, with a lot of soul power attached to her hand, and directly patted She Long.

"Aunt Bi Ji, wait, don't do anything." Just when Bi Ji was about to kill, Su Yu ran over from a distance holding the three-eyed Jin Ni in an instant, and shouted.

"Well, Xiao Suyu, what's the matter, do you want to do it yourself? These guys don't know how to get your hands dirty. I'll bring them to Ziji later and let her do it."

Bi Ji looked at Su Yu who came to her side, touched Su Yu's head, smiled and said.

Listening to Xinbiji's words, Ziji, who came not far away, couldn't help showing a bit of bewilderment.

What do you mean by being afraid of dirty hands, let me do it, are you afraid of dirty hands and not afraid of my dirty hands?
"Aunt Bi Ji let them go, this woman has no bad intentions for me." Su Yu glanced at Qian Renxue who was lying on the ground under suppression, and couldn't help but smile, and said with a smile.

"No, little Suyu, you are the lucky son of our Xingdou Great Forest, if he dares to touch you, he is slapping our Xingdou in the face, they must not live"

Before Bi Ji could speak, Di Tian and Xiong Jun rushed over, and Xiong Jun looked at Qian Renxue and She Long on the ground and couldn't help but speak seriously.

"This woman really can't be killed, because she and I probably have the martial soul fusion skill." Su Yu shook his head and spread his hands helplessly.

He felt it just now, as soon as Qian Renxue's seraph appeared, the martial spirit in Su Yu's body began to riot.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill" X4
The four Ditian raised their heads one after another, and looked at Su Yu in surprise.

You must know that Su Yu's martial soul is not an ordinary martial soul. This human girl can perform martial arts with Su Yu, so this girl must not be simple.

"Martial soul fusion, Di Tian, ​​then this human girl is indeed impossible to kill. After all, martial soul fusion is not so easy to find, not to mention that Su Yu's martial soul is a three-eyed golden beast."

Bi Ji's complexion changed and she looked directly at the silent Di Tian.

"Oh, that's the only way to go. It's true that martial soul fusion can't kill us, but these two humans have also seen us, this." Di Tian's face showed a hint of distress, and he looked directly at him with murderous intent. Not far away, She Long was silently clutching his chest.

"Senior, I promise that I will never reveal half of your whereabouts to the outside world. If you violate it, then I will be hit with thunderbolts and you will die."

(End of this chapter)

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