Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 24 The Leaving Renxue

Chapter 24 The Leaving Qian Renxue
If She Long still can't see the form clearly, then he is really a fool.

These people are obviously because of the boy who just came out, and the lady and the boy have some martial soul fusion skills, so these people probably won't hurt the lady, but I'm afraid I'm not so lucky, even if those people don't kill me, I'm afraid it will directly cause myself to lose consciousness, or even be directly abolished.

"Yes, we won't say it, I swear in the name of the believers of the God of Angels." Qian Renxue raised her finger and looked at Ditian's group of people with a serious face.

"Oh, God of Angels." Di Tian pouted, but still nodded lightly.

"Okay, let's go, leave Star Dou Great Forest, you are not welcome here, Zi Ji sees you off." Said Bi Ji and looked at Zi Ji who was always cheerful by her side.

Zi Ji also nodded, and took a step forward, planning to make a move.

"Let's go on our own, and don't bother seniors. This time it's our fault, but that boy and I have martial soul fusion skills, and we will definitely be entangled in this life. I hope that the seniors will not stop it." .”

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue bowed deeply to Di Tian and the others, and then helped the limping She Long to leave.

"Okay, let's leave, everyone." Di Tian waved his hand and left directly with Xiong Jun.

"Miss, I'm sorry I didn't protect you well. If I caught that child directly, you wouldn't be humiliated." She Long pursed his lips and said dryly.

"It's okay, Uncle She Long, if it wasn't for my willfulness, we wouldn't have been hurt. Let's hurry up and hunt the spirit rings and leave. Please don't tell anything about this place. That boy really treated me Very important."

Looking at Qian Renxue's firm eyes, She Long nodded casually.

After experiencing the incident between Qian Renxue and She Long, Ditian worked harder to teach Su Yu.

half year later

Bi Ji hugged the three-eyed Jin Yan and watched Su Yu fly away with a punch from Di Tian, ​​she couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

"Yes, Su Yu, you are indeed a genius. You have broken through to level 20 in just half a year. Your talent is simply the most powerful I have ever seen among human beings. You are worthy of being the son of luck with the spirit of auspicious beasts." Brigitte smiled He helped Su Yu up and said.

"Well, it's really good. Although the actual combat experience is still a little weak, it's not bad." Hearing Bi Ji's words, even Di Tian nodded. He saw Su Yu's progress, and indeed he made rapid progress. Can't help being shocked by Su Yu's progress.

"Bi Ji, I entrust Su Yu's second soul ring to you. Find a fire-type soul beast with a strong bloodline or a soul beast with a holy light attribute." Ditian rubbed his hands at Su Yu after speaking. He looked at Su Yu expectantly.

"Here" Su Yu rolled his eyes, glanced at Ditian unhappily, and casually took out a heat pill and threw it to Ditian.

I don't know what's going on, since the last time I used the estrus pill on Ditian, Ditian became addicted, and ran to Su Yu's side every day, begging for it.

In half a year, Ditian took at least hundreds of estrus pills from Su Yu.

It's not that Su Yu has never experimented with the estrus pill. I remember that one day when Su Yu was on vacation, he directly found a ten thousand year soul beast and threw the estrus pill over.

The estrus pill exploded in the air, and the soul beast's eyes turned red instantly after absorbing it, and then the whole forest fell into a terrifying roar.

Hearing that roar, even Su Yu's body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Seeing Ditian holding the elixir, Bi Ji couldn't help but hold her forehead. She really didn't realize that Ditian, a person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, likes to use this kind of medicine.

"Let's go, Ruishou, come with me. Just this time, we can also experiment. Can Su Yu help Ruishou to practice when you break through the big realm? You didn't succeed in breaking through the small realm before. This time we are trying the big realm .”

Bi Ji looked at Su Yu and said in a gentle tone.

"Bi Ji, let's go tomorrow, I'm a little tired now, I want to go back and rest." Su Yu forced a smile at Bi Ji.

"Well, well, then Su Yu, you can go back and rest." Bi Ji nodded. She had no plan to take Su Yu to get the soul ring today. Every soul ring of Suning is the most important thing. He has to think carefully.

Su Yu nodded, then greeted Bi Ji, and went straight back to his room.

The three-eyed Jinyi is also practicing rapidly these days because of Su Yu.

"System Open Panel"

[Drip, successfully opened]

Host: Su Yu

Age: 7 years old

Bloodline: Kirin bloodline

Martial Soul: Three-Eyed Golden Demon (Awakened)
Soul Power: Level 20

Ability: Bright Dragon Body
Warehouse: Barrett, Estrus Pill x 123, 10 Gold Coins, Playing Cards, Instant Noodles, Toilet Paper, Hallucination Pill x[-], Paraquat (Special Edition)

strength: low
Fishing times: 10 times (once a month, three times for Qian Renxue, and one time for She Long)
Evaluation: You are a newcomer, although you have lost some combat power, you still cannot deny the fact that you are a weak person.

"The system is all fishing," Su Yu said silently in his heart.

[Drip, start fishing]

[Drip, congratulations to the host for successfully fishing]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a bottle of Super Estrus Pill (10 pieces)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a bottle of Super Estrus Pill (10 pieces)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a bottle of Super Estrus Pill (10 pieces)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Transformation Pill]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining three thousand thunderbolts]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Poke Ball]

[Congratulations to the host for getting the fat house happy water x999]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Bigu Pill x10]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a system patch]

[Congratulations to the host for getting an ordinary bento. 】

Fighting world
A cheat book made of special materials disappeared instantly in an auction house, and a golden elixir in Najie, an unknown alchemist in Danta of Zhongzhou, disappeared instantly.

eternal world

Hei Daxu looked at the elixir that disappeared again in his storage ring, and couldn't help falling into silence.

"Hehe, what a weird senior!"

Hei Daxu shook his head and couldn't help laughing. There were many powerful pills in his storage ring, but the only pills that disappeared were the estrus pill and the hallucination pill.

This can't help but make Hei Dashou a little speechless. At the same time, he wants to see the senior who stole the medicine more and more, and he doesn't know how that senior used it. He feels that this estrus pill still has a lot of room for improvement.

"You're lucky, Sanqian Leidong, and He is in heat, not the Transformation Pill, so lucky." Su Yu looked at the pile of things that appeared on his bed, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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