Chapter 237 Combat
Qian Renxue quickly resisted, but it was only with some strength, she still flew upside down.

Tang San's face didn't change at all, the blue silver grass surged in his hand, it seemed that he wanted to use the method to deal with Yu Yuanzhen.

But just as his blue silver grass gushed out, Tang San's expression couldn't help but change. A powerful flame surged from Qian Renxue's body. Although the flame was not as terrifying as Su Yu's flame, it was also the ultimate fire, and the ultimate fire burned These blue silver grasses are just like a joke.

Tang San let out a deep breath, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand immediately began to grow bigger, and the aura on his body also began to increase, and soon, this aura reached a peak.

"Hammer of the Clear Sky, you are a disciple of the Clear Sky School. You are really unbeatable cockroaches. Unexpectedly, Su Yu didn't kill all of you, but that's okay, I'll kill you now."

Qian Renxue slowly jumped out of the ruins, her body was filled with golden extreme fire, and the space around her began to be burned and distorted.

Qian Renxue's flame temperature was very strong, but the two people present didn't hesitate at all, even Tang San just frowned on Qian Renxue's flame before completely regaining his composure.

Compared with Su Yu's flame, Qian Renxue's flame is really insignificant. One in the sky and one in the ground are completely incomparable, but even in this state, Tang San did not relax his vigilance at all. Trained vigilance.

When a lion fights a rabbit, Yi has to use all his strength, let alone alone.

"Wuhundian is really a good plan. It was able to replace His Highness the crown prince of the empire without anyone noticing. It is really a terrifying force. Even I have to admire you for what you have done."

Tang San's words were full of appreciation, but the killing intent in his eyes did not change at all.

Qian Renxue looked at the young man in front of him, with a look of sudden realization on his face, he already knew who the person in front of him was.

"It turned out to be Brother Tang San. You didn't die. Your father died. You didn't die. I still remember the scene where you and Su Yu fought in the big competition. You were easily defeated by Su Yu, and then you were defeated by your father." Save me, I thought you were dead at first, but now it seems that you are recovering well, it's just a pity that your father died, and there is not even a scum left of him."

Qian Renxue saw Tang San.There was a smile on her face, her language was not restrained, and her tone was full of sarcasm.

"click click"

The fist was squeezed by Tang Shan, and his face became extremely ugly.

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't bear it anymore, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand directly turned into a hundred meters and ruthlessly went towards Qian Renxue. .

Qian Renxue didn't panic at all, she slashed down with the holy angel sword in her hand, and there was a terrifying holy aura on the holy angel sword.

The moment it collided with the Clear Sky Hammer, the upgraded holy aura began to continuously purify the evil aura on the Clear Sky Hammer.

Spirit world
As soon as Rakshasa's expression changed, a deep aura appeared in his hand, and he went straight to the lower realm.

The energy broke through the barrier and went directly to the lower realm.

At this time, the God of Angels also directly opened her beautiful eyes, and the corners of her mouth slightly evoked a smile. She felt that her descendants were actually fighting against the descendants of that guy Rakshasa in the lower realm.

It's really unexpected that Luo Sha still wants to use the back hand, but since Luo Sha has used it, she can also use it.

The golden light flickered on the forehead of the God of Angels, and the angel mark on Qian Renxue's forehead also flashed quickly, and he also began to break through quickly.

The level increased rapidly, and even the spirit ring behind Qian Renxue slowly appeared.

Looking at this scene, Tang San not only changed his complexion, but then he was shocked, a divine weapon appeared in his hand, it was Rakshasa God's divine weapon.

Rakshasa Sickle
A powerful demonic energy shone on the Rakshasa sickle, making it obvious at a glance that it was not a good weapon.

However, Tang San didn't care, as long as he could become stronger, he would be fearless.

"Come on, let's fight"

With a loud roar, Tang Shan directly took the artifact and headed towards Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue didn't speak, but her body reacted very quickly, she quickly walked towards Tang San.

The two artifacts collided, and the surrounding space immediately began to twist violently.

In Heaven Dou Palace

Snake Lance Douluo sent Dugu Bo flying, he looked at Dugu Bo with disdain on his face.

"Poison Douluo, your strength is indeed good, but you are still a little bit behind in front of our three titles. You have no chance of winning at all."

Snake Lance Douluo's face is full of confidence. Although Poison Douluo is good in strength, it is difficult to deal with them all, let alone a group of them.

Poison Douluo's Lai Naser at this time was also a little ugly, the poisonous gas on his body also began to spread, but the bloody face that had been staying beside Snake Lance Douluo remained unchanged, and he ate all of Dugu Bo's poisonous gas in one bite go down.

Poseidon Island

Su Yu opened his eyes leisurely and sighed. He raised his fist, feeling the power in his body that hadn't been strengthened for a long time, Su Yu just sighed.

"Should I really go back to the mainland? On Sea God Island, I probably won't get much enhancement. Let's go find the old man once."

Su Yu sighed, and he walked directly to the deepest part of Sea God Island.

"Old man, I'm planning to leave, do you want to go back to the mainland together?"

Su Yu looked at the old man in front of him with some doubts. It is also possible to have someone to accompany him.

"Forget it, I only have two old friends left here, let's stay, you kid can leave by yourself."

Su Yi shook his head, but he still decided to stay.

"Is it like this?" Su Yu sighed, and he walked directly into the distance. Since the old man won't leave, he won't leave. Anyway, as long as he is safe, he will help the old man find a god to inherit after he becomes a god in the future.

Anyway, the old man's talent is also in the ranks of perverts, so I will be relieved at that time.

Su Yu didn't leave directly, he came directly to the assessment site of Seagod's Light.

Silently watching the girls continue to climb, Su Yu didn't walk over until the girls came down.

"Let's gather together, I know everyone is very tired, but I still want to say, I plan to go back to the mainland, my strength has reached the bottleneck, so I have to go back."

Su Yu's voice was so loud that everyone could hear it.

Listening to Su Yu's words, Wang Qiuer couldn't help clenching her small fists together, and she raised her small head directly, looking at Su Yu in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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