Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 238 Angel Inheritance

Chapter 238 Angel Inheritance
"Brother, you really have to go back"

Although Wang Qiuer didn't want Su Yu to leave, he also understood that Su Yu also wanted to become stronger.

"Yeah, let's go, I'm here to say goodbye to you this time."

Su Yu's tone was gentle, and Wang Qiuer didn't feel any impatience when he asked because he had said it.

The girls looked at Su Yu's serious look, and they also understood that Su Yu was not lying.

"Qiu'er, don't be sad. Su Yu also needs to practice. If he stays here, he won't be able to become stronger. You are not the same, Su Yu keeps standing still, right?"

Shui Binger saw Wang Qiuer's sad look, she couldn't help smiling and walked to Wang Qiuer's side, and directly stretched out her hand on Wang Qiuer's little head.

"Sister Bing'er, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't understand reason, I'm just a little sad"

Wang Qiu'er looked at Shui Bing'er and said with a sad tone.


Su Yu's face didn't change at all, he directly reached out and touched Wang Qiu'er's head, stroking the soft hair, Su Yu's face showed a touch of pampering.

"Little girl, hurry up and become stronger now. When the time comes, after we become gods, we will have an infinite lifespan. At that time, we will have a few babies and be together forever."

Su Yu hugged Wang Qiuer's soft body, quietly moved to Wang Qiuer's side, and said softly.

The warm breath hit Wang Qiuer's ears, and the warm feeling directly made Wang Qiuer's cheeks turn red.

"Brother, don't be lazy, or I won't let you go."

Su Yu narrowed his eyes and secretly bit Wang Qiu'er's ear before he let go of the girl.

"Okay, since I said goodbye, I will leave."

Su Yu shook his head. In the eyes of everyone who was a little bit reluctant, he flew straight into the sky and flew into the distance.

Only Wang Qiu'er and the girls were left with a cute face. The blush on Wang Qiu'er's face was a little obvious, and all the girls present surrounded him.

"What a descendant of Rakshasa God"

A line of blood flowed from the corner of Qian Renxue's mouth, looking at Tang San who was not far away, she couldn't help tightening the Holy Angel Sword in her hand.

"What a descendant of an angel, if I hadn't already reached level 96, I'm afraid I really wouldn't be your opponent."

A hint of ferocity appeared in Qian Renxue's eyes, she flew up directly, and flew towards the distance quickly.

Tang San wasn't very strong, instead his body began to change constantly, and soon became Xue Qinghe's appearance.

After Qian Renxue came to Tiandou Palace, her mental power spread directly, directly connecting her mental power with Snake Lance Douluo.

"Withdraw, today's plan is cancelled."

After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she flew directly into the distance. Her speed was very fast, and she didn't stay long at all. The injuries on her body are really serious now, and she has to go to the Hall of Spirits to repair her injuries.


They didn't dare to stop at Miss's order, although they were a little puzzled, they directly soared into the sky.Go to the sky.

"What exactly is going on"

Dugu Bo's martial soul avatar slowly dissipated, looking at the titled Douluo going away, doubts appeared on his old face.


Bibi Dong looked at the extremely weak daughter in front of her, and there was a hint of anger in her eyes.

But he didn't speak, instead he just sat there, watching Qian Renxue quietly.

Suddenly a figure rushed in from the outside world, his face was old, and there was heartache in his eyes looking at Qian Renxue.

"Xue'er, what's going on?"

The person who came was Qian Daoliu. At this time, his face was quite solemn, and killing intent was constantly pouring out of him.

"Grandpa, I want to take the God Exam"

Seeing Qian Daoliu approaching, Qian Renxue turned her head directly, with an incomparably serious face.

Wuhun City, Elder Hall.

Standing quietly in the center of the elder hall, facing the huge seraph statue, Qian Renxue's whole body was covered with a layer of golden brilliance.

The difference from when she first came here is that now she is no longer a person who can only worship in front of the angel god statue, but has become the core of this hall just like the angel god statue.

"Are you ready?" An old and calm voice sounded.

Qian Renxue slowly raised her head, and she could see that her eyes were completely golden, emitting a light full of sacred aura.

"Yes, I'm ready." Qian Renxue's voice lacked the previous emotions, and seemed indifferent and cold, as if it didn't come from a human mouth.

A figure slowly came out from behind the angel statue, the tall, burly, and old voice became clear with the appearance of himself, "My existence is to wait for this day to come. For this day, I have already Waited 100 years. Come with me."

This person was Qian Daoliu. At this time, Qian Daoliu no longer had the kindness towards Qian Renxue in the past, only seriousness.

There was a flash of light behind Qian Daoliu, his whole body was surrounded by a ball of golden light, nine spirit rings were neatly arranged on his body, and three pairs of pure white wings appeared at the same time.It was his super martial spirit seraph.

Except for the wings, Qian Daoliu's whole body is covered in gold, but compared with Qian Renxue's own gold, it seems that something is lacking, but when his martial soul is released, he replaces Qian Renxue. Renxue and the statue of the angel became the core of the entire elder hall.

On Qian Daoliu's forehead, a rhombus-shaped golden gemstone appeared, and he didn't see how he made any gestures. The next moment, he had already arrived in front of the statue of the angel, and a strange golden light shot out from the rhombus-shaped gemstone on his forehead, shining on the The position between the eyebrows of the angel statue.

Suddenly, a golden swirl appeared between the eyebrows of the angel statue, and the whole statue seemed to tremble slightly.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue, whose eyes were completely golden, was also slightly surprised. Obviously, this was the first time she had seen such a situation.

"Child, come with me." Qian Daoliu turned around, beckoned to Qian Renxue, then suddenly stepped up, and his body hit the huge angel statue like that.

Qian Renxue didn't release her martial spirit, but her body floated up lightly, and followed Qian Daoliu to hit the angel statue.

A strange scene appeared, when Qian Daoliu's body suddenly collided with the huge angel statue, there was no violent collision, but as if he had crashed into a layer of water waves, the light flashed and disappeared.

The situation of Qian Renxue was also the same. Immediately after Qian Daoliu, she submerged into the statue of the angel.

The vortex between the statue's eyebrows slowly disappeared, and the illusory feeling also disappeared. In the flickering light, everything returned to calm, but Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue's grandfather and grandson also disappeared in the restrained golden light. .

(End of this chapter)

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