Chapter 41
Half a month later
Su Yu couldn't help a smile on Xiao Wu's face looking at Xiao Wu who was getting ready to go.

"Xiao Wu, don't you really need me to see you off? It's a bit dangerous for you to go back by yourself." Su Yu said with a worried expression.

"Well, no need, no need, my strength is very strong, and I ate the breath-picking pill you gave me to cover up the breath of the soul beast, so don't worry, after sister Qiu'er transforms successfully, when the time comes Just go back with Sister Qiu'er, don't send it off, I'm leaving."

Xiao Wu smiled, and waved directly to Su Yu, signaling Su Yu to go back.

Su Yu looked at Xiao Wu who was gradually going away, and couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu, a girl, had always helped him take care of the old man at home. Now, looking at Xiao Wu who was going away, Su Yu felt a little uncomfortable taste.

Su Yu watched Xiao Wu who was gradually going away and couldn't help but secretly made a decision in his heart. He protected Xiao Wu's safety, and whoever dared to harm Xiao Wu would be against him, and if he was against himself, he would be killed.

Su Yu swore secretly in his heart, until Xiao Wu's figure disappeared, Su Yu turned and returned to the lake of life.

Time flies in the blink of an eye and two years have passed.

Host: Su Yu

Age: 11 years old

Bloodline: Kirin bloodline

Martial Soul: Three-Eyed Golden Demon (Awakened)
Soul Power: Level 35

Skills: Bright Dragon Body, Holy Fire Armor, Eye of Destiny, Magma Lava Strike
仓库:巴雷特、发情丹×199、十万金币、扑克牌,方便面、卫生纸、致幻丹x10、百草枯(特殊版)、发情丹(强化版)x66 、辟谷丹x99、精灵球、敛息丹、自行车、封印卷轴、特质发情丹X88
Strength: ordinary

Fishing times: 0 times

Evaluation: You who have mastered the power of luck and destiny are already a qualified soul master, and now you are the protagonist of Douluo Dalu, come on, Sao Nian.

In the past two years, Su Yu got a lot of fishing opportunities, but they were all used by Su Yu, but the fishing things made Su Yu a little helpless. After all, there are so many bigu pills and estrus pills, who used them.

Su Yu definitely won't be able to use it. Su Yu has been honing his body and fighting skills under Ziji's training for the past two years, and even because of this, his soul power has only been raised to four levels in two years.

Level four in two years can be said to be very fast for other people, but it is really slow for a genius like Su Yu who is full of soul power and has a top martial soul.

And Su Yu is staying in the Lake of Life, and the soul power here is much more than ordinary places.

"Booming" a series of terrifying thunderbolts kept falling from the sky, hitting a golden egg fiercely.

Su Yu looked at the lightning that kept falling from the sky, and couldn't help showing a hint of worry in his eyes.

three hours ago

He was still practicing in the house, but suddenly the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a terrifying lightning struck directly, directly criticizing Su Yu's house into scum.

If Ditian hadn't reacted quickly and rescued Su Yu in an instant, Su Yu would have been struck to death by Jielei long ago.

"Little Su Yu, don't worry, Qiu'er will definitely succeed. I knew she was an imperial beast!" Bi Ji was behind Su Yu, looking at Su Yu in a gentle tone.

However, Su Yu still felt a worried look in her eyes, and couldn't help being Brigitte, Su Yu felt a worried look in the eyes of all the beasts around.

Wang Qiu'er was raised by them since she was a child, how could they not be worried, it would be a lie if they said they were not worried.

Seeing thunderbolts strike Qiu'er in the sky, Su Yu couldn't help showing eagerness in his eyes.

The golden egg transformed by Wang Qiu'er is like a solid barrier in the air, and it still doesn't understand in the wind and rain.

A large number of lightning strikes were blown away in no time.

Just when Su Yu was terrified watching, Wang Qiuer seemed to feel that Su Yu wasn't frightened enough.

The golden egg flew towards the sky in an instant, and got into the thundercloud directly.

Looking at this scene, Su Yu's eyes became elliptical in an instant.

"Bi Ji, nothing will happen to Qiu'er?" Su Yu turned his head and looked at Bi Ji dryly and said.

Bi Ji opened her mouth in surprise watching this scene, and Bi Ji couldn't answer Su Yu's question until a long time ago.

"Hehe, nothing will happen. Qiu'er is in the shape of an auspicious beast, blessed with luck from the Star Dou Great Forest. It is impossible for her to have an accident, and it is impossible for the Lord to have an accident with Qiu'er." When everyone was worried, Di Tian quietly appeared behind them and said with a smile.

"En." Su Yu nodded. Although Ditian said so, he was still a little worried. Su Yu raised his head and looked worriedly at the thunder robbery in the sky.

Qiu'er in the air seemed to feel Su Yu's gaze, and the golden egg body trembled slightly, and a terrifying energy burst out instantly.

Under the action of this golden energy, the robbery cloud was instantly dispersed. After the robbery cloud was dispersed, Wang Qiuer's eggshell immediately began to shatter, and a golden light burst out from the place where the eggshell fell.

With the golden light shining, Su Yu felt that his level had begun to slowly improve.

Is the light of transformation really incredible enough, Su Yu felt this light and couldn't help but nodded secretly thinking.

The eggshells fell little by little, and as the eggshells fell, the energy became stronger and stronger, and the soul power in Su Yu's body became more and more violent. Even without Su Yu's mobilization, the soul power began to involuntarily move towards the breakthrough Barriers collide.

"Kacha Kacha" Su Yu couldn't help but sit cross-legged on the ground as Wang Qiuer's eggshell fell, and began to calm down the soul power in his body.

Soon the egg shells all fell off, and the golden light directly covered the entire lake of life.

With the appearance of the golden light, the three drops of golden blood in Su Yu's heart also began to tremble violently, and a terrifying energy gushed out of the blood instantly, directly pouring into Su Yu's eight extraordinary meridians.

"Broken" Su Yu let out a low growl, and a large amount of soul power surged in his body instantly, directly breaking through the barrier of trouble, and went directly from level 35 to level 36.


Su Yu let out a breath, and opened his eyes leisurely, but soon Su Yu was so scared that he almost fell to the ground.

I saw that there was already a girl with blue and pink hair in front of him. The girl was wearing a white dress and had a faint smile on her face. indifference.

The girl looks so beautiful, even if she wants to be better than Gu Yuena, Su Yu can't help but smile and narrow her eyes when she looks at the girl's eyes.

"Welcome back, Qiuer" Wang Qiuer looked at the sincere smile on Su Yu's face, and she smiled too. She was really beautiful, so beautiful that even Su Yu was dumbfounded.

Just when Su Yu was in a daze, a moist line was directly printed on Su Yu's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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