Douluo: The soul beast is staring at me

Chapter 42 The Daily Life of Su Yu and Qiuer

Chapter 42 The Daily Life of Su Yu and Qiuer
"Brother" Su Yu felt the softness of his mouth, and couldn't help being a little taken aback, but Su Yu's concentration on this fragrant kiss didn't last long after all.

Su Yu's lips began to counterattack in an instant, and he directly grabbed Qiu'er's soft lips, tasting Qiu'er's soft and fragrant lips.

2 minutes later
Looking at the girl with flushed cheeks and panting heavily, Su Yu couldn't help showing a smug smile.

"Brother, you are too much, I can't even breathe." Qiu'er stretched out her hand and lightly hit Su Yu's chest, and that little flushed face was also pressed against Su Yu's heart.

Looking at the seductive Qiu'er in his arms, Su Yu couldn't help showing a smile, and lowered his head again to grab Qiu'er's soft lips.

After more than a minute again, Wang Qiuer pushed Su Yu away, and looked at Su Yu with some dissatisfaction.

"Brother, stop making trouble, his mouth is swollen, don't believe me, take a look." Wang Qiu'er pouted her red and swollen mouth, and motioned Su Yu to look.

Su Yu looked at Wang Qiuer's red and swollen lips, and couldn't help laughing, then lowered his body and blocked his lips again.

"Brother, I'm really going to be angry if you're messing with me. Well, I've succeeded in transforming. See if she's similar to the image in your memory, whether she's pretty or not." Wang Qiuer pushed Su Yu away, Turning around Su Yu pretty lively, he asked with a smile.

"Well, my Qiu'er is the most beautiful. She is so beautiful now, and she will definitely be the most beautiful in the future." Su Yu took Wang Qiu'er's little hand and said with a smile.

"Hmph, brother, you will tell such lies to make others happy. They are far worse than the master, and the master is really beautiful." Wang Qiuer pushed Su Yu away and said a little unhappy.

However, Su Yu could still see the expression of being praised and satisfied from her face.

"Oh, our Qiu'er has met the Lord, why didn't I know?" Su Yu took a step forward, directly pressed against Wang Qiu'er's body, and directly forced the girl under a big tree.

Su Yu supported the big tree with one hand, looked down at Wang Qiu'er with his head down and said.

Wang Qiuer was also taken aback by Su Yu's sudden effect, but he was also a powerful soul master after all, so Wang Qiuer reacted quickly.

"Of course I've seen it. I didn't die after my transformation. Although I would sleep for a while from time to time, when you broke through level [-], brother, I still saw the Lord. She is really beautiful, and her It's still so powerful."

Su Yu looked at Wang Qiu'er's eyes that were about to burst into light, and couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

That woman Gu Yuena is indeed very strong, but he will definitely surpass her in the future. Seeing his sister adore her so much now, Su Yu feels a little hurt.

"Hmph, Qiuer, just watch, I will surpass sister Nana sooner or later." Su Yu hugged Wang Qiuer's waist and said pitifully.

"Okay, okay, brother will definitely surpass the Lord in the future, and I will believe whatever my brother says." Wang Qiuer looked at Su Yu's chest and said gently.

"Well, hum, that's it. Qiu'er, you have transformed. I'm afraid your aura hasn't been restrained yet, here it is." Su Yu's breath restraining pill appeared in Su Yu's hand instantly, and it was directly sent to Wang Qiuer.

"Brother, this is..." Wang Qiu'er has never seen Lianxi Pill before, but she knows it is definitely a good thing. After all, the Transformation Pill last time was full of terrifying energy, if the Lord hadn't sealed the energy in her body , I don't know how much of this energy will be wasted.

"Lianxi Dan can help you hide the breath of soul beasts. It's not a treasure. Well, don't talk about it and absorb it quickly." Su Yu smiled and directly pulled Wang Qiu'er to an open position.

Seeing Wang Qiu'er sitting cross-legged on the ground and taking his own breath-holding pill, Su Yu couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Looking at Wang Qiuer's beautiful face, Su Yu couldn't help smiling.

half an hour later
Wang Qiu'er opened his eyes, let out a foul breath, and looked at Su Yu with incredible eyes.

"Brother, my aura is actually covered up. You are too strong. This time, I don't have to be afraid of being discovered. I can finally leave the forest with you. This time, even Di Tian might not The society is stopping me, I can finally be with my brother forever, I like him the most."

Wang Qiuer hugged Su Yu's arm and said with a smile, Su Yu couldn't help showing a helplessness when he looked at Wang Qiuer's face.

"Okay, girl, come and get something with me. I need to build a house. The previous house has been broken down." Su Yu took Wang Qiuer's hand and went directly to a forest with thick trees.

Before Su Yu could make a move, Wang Qiuer made a move in an instant, cutting down a lot of trees with three punches and two kicks.

Su Yu and Wang Qiuer carried a bunch of trees alone, and headed directly to an empty place in the Lake of Life.

Throwing the tree out, the bone knife appeared in Su Yu's hand, and Su Yu sat on the ground and started carpentry directly.

"Phew, it's finally ready" Su Yu looked at the two houses in front of him and couldn't help smiling with satisfaction.

The blue one belongs to me, and the pink one belongs to Wang Qiuer.

"Qiu'er, I plan to go home in a few days to see grandpa, do you want to go with me?" Su Yu suddenly turned his head the moment he entered the door, looked at Wang Qiuer and asked with a smile.

"Well, go, I will go wherever my brother goes, and I will be with my brother forever." After speaking, Wang Qiuer came to Su Yu's side, took Su Yu's hand and said with a smile.

Su Yu smiled, "Okay, Qiu'er, go back and rest. My brother broke through today and needs to be stabilized. You just succeeded in transforming, so hurry up and stabilize." Su Yu touched Wang Qiuer's small head gently Said.

Seeing Wang Qiuer return to his room, Su Yu turned his head and went into his small room.

Sitting cross-legged on the new bed, Su Yu ran Fen Jue over and over again.

In the past two years, he has gained nothing. He has integrated the flames of the three-eyed golden ni martial soul into Fenjue, and successfully evolved Fenjue into an intermediate yellow rank.

After evolution, Su Yu's cultivation speed has also increased a lot, but the ultimate attribute is indeed extremely difficult to cultivate. Even under such circumstances, Su Yu still only improved four levels in two years.

It is not so difficult for Su Yu to stabilize his realm now. After only running the Fenjue a few times, Su Yu has completely stabilized his realm.

"Did you notify King Chi, let him protect the safety of Su Yu and Qiu'er." Di Tian looked at Wan Yao King not far away, and asked in a serious tone.

"Notice, the Scarlet King already knows his mission." Wan Yao King looked at Di Tian's serious look, couldn't help smiling, and said in a gentle tone.

"Well, that's fine. If that's the case, go down and let me know when the two children leave."

(End of this chapter)

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