Chapter 46
"Okay, then let's eat, little greedy cat." Su Yu smiled and the two slid down from the sky. Su Yu stretched out his hand and tapped Wang Qiu'er's forehead gently.

The two walked into the restaurant and threw a few gold soul coins to the boss. Su Yu and Wang Qiuer went to a secluded place and wanted to do it.

"Brother, the taste here is actually pretty good. Is there anything delicious in our house? I want to eat it."

Listening to us, Su Yu couldn't help smiling, then bowed his head and began to meditate.

"Let's go, when the time comes, I'll take you around the village or the city of Notting, I'm sure you can find something delicious, don't worry, and Qiu'er, be careful when you eat, you can see that it's sticking to your face "Su Yu stretched out his fingers and wiped Wang Qiuer's face lightly, wiping off the sauce on Wang Qiuer's face.

"Hee hee, I'm too eager to eat. Be careful next time." Wang Qiu'er took another big bite of the steak as she spoke.

"Oh, you girl" Su Yu shook his head helplessly, why is such a big girl really anxious to eat.

While watching Wang Qiuer eat, Su Yu helped Wang Qiuer cut it and put it on the plate.

"Brother, you can eat too, don't cut it for me, I will do it myself" Wang Qiuer said while looking at Su Yu while chewing on the steak in his mouth.

Seeing the look encouraged, he couldn't help but smiled, "Okay, I'll eat, I'll eat, and you should hurry up to eat too, if it's not enough, it's up to me."

Su Yu smiled and cut a piece of meat and began to chew and eat slowly.

"Master Soul Master, walk slowly." The boss looked at Su Yu and Wang Qiuer who walked out of the restaurant and quickly lowered his head, and said respectfully.

Su Yu glanced at the boss without saying a word, and went straight out of the restaurant, spread his golden wings, hugged Wang Qiu'er, and flew into the sky.

three days later

Su Yu looked at the village that appeared in his eyes, and couldn't help smiling.

"It's finally here, okay, let's go, go home" Su Yu fell to the ground, took Wang Qiuer's little hand, and directly led Wang Qiuer towards the village.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Su? You're back. Behind you is your girlfriend. She's really pretty." As soon as Su Yu entered the village, he was stopped by an aunt who was walking towards him.

"Hehe, Aunt Wang, long time no see. You are out shopping for groceries. Are you in good health?" Su Yu looked at Auntie and said with a smile.

"It's good, it's good, it's all right, come and sit with me when you have time, and my aunt will make you some delicious food, that's all right, I won't bother you young couple when I'm gone."

Seeing Aunt Wang's leaving figure, Su Yu couldn't help smiling.

Su Yu's home is in the center of the village, which is the golden zone. After all, Grandpa Su Yu is the village head of Xiaoye Village, so it should be possible to get a nice house for himself.

"Grandpa, you're lying down." When Su Yu walked into the house, he saw his old man lying on an armchair, with a small table next to it, and a cup of light yellow tea on it.

"Are you Xiaoyu?" Su Yi looked at Su Yu who was already close to 1.7 meters in front of him and couldn't help asking in a daze.

"Grandpa, I haven't seen you for a few years, you don't even know your grandson." Su Yu said with a smile looking at the blank old man.

"Xiaoyu, it's really Xiaoyu, okay, okay, finally grown up and promising, come on, hurry up and get in the house, grandpa will cook something delicious for you." Su Yi straightened his waist and pulled Su Yu Walking to the house, Wang Qiuer watched this scene with a smile.

She followed them into the room together, "Xiaoyu, who is the girl next to you?"

Gu Yi looked at Wang Qiu'er, who was sitting pretty beside Su Yu, and asked with some doubts.

"Old man, this is Qiu'er, she can be regarded as my god-sister." Su Yu said while holding Wang Qiu'er's little hand and looking at the old man.

"Grandpa is good, she is my brother's younger sister." Wang Qiuer showed a bright smile on his face.

"By the way, grandpa, I brought you something. You see, I bought these specially for you, grandpa." Wang Qiuer took out health care products one by one and put them on the table.

"Just come, you little girl, what else do you bring, don't bring anything next time, or I won't welcome you." Su Yi joked with a smile while looking at the health care products covered on the table.

"Okay, girl, are you hungry? I'll cook for you. I'm so happy to have such a beautiful granddaughter today." Su Yi glanced at Su Yu and Wang Qiu'er and couldn't help but smile and walked out of the room with his hands behind his back.

"Oh, sister, let me go to you, I raised you so much, I don't know what kind of thing you are, young people nowadays, alas, I am too old to keep up with the era of young people." Su Yi Shaking his head helplessly, he walked into the kitchen.

"Brother, did I do a good job?" Wang Qiuer asked worriedly as she grabbed Su Yu by the collar not long after Su Yi left.

"It's good. My old man is quite open-minded. He doesn't care about this kind of thing at all. He told you not to bring anything. Then you can just don't bring it next time." Su Yu smiled and patted Wang Qiuer's head, looking at Wang Qiuer With a hesitant expression on his face, he couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

Su Yu directly lowered his head and sucked Wang Qiu'er's pink lips.

2 minutes later
Looking at Wang Qiu'er with a red face, Su Yu couldn't help but smiled and said: "Qiu'er, I just like you, grandpa can't stop me, and grandpa really likes you, he is a bit introverted, don't think too much about it." .”

Su Yu touched Wang Qiu'er's blue-pink hair, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

Listening to Su Yu's words, Wang Qiuer couldn't help nodding cutely.

Looking at the extremely cute little girl, Su Yu's heart was scratching like a kitten, and he was about to bow his head and kiss her.

Su Yu saw his old man walking in with a large plate of food, and when he saw the old man, Su Yu's expression changed instantly, and he prepared it in a proper manner.

Su Yi walked in and looked at Su Yu, who was sitting properly, and Wang Qiuer, who was blushing. He couldn't help but cast a glance at his monkey child, and shook his head speechlessly.

I really thought that the old man didn't understand anything. Back then, he was a well-known prodigal son. I don't know how many girls fell in love with him. My grandson is still a little tender.

It seems that I will remind myself of this grandson in the future.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and eat, my craftsmanship is very good, Qiu'er, you should eat quickly, and tell grandpa about Xiaoyu's past few years." Su Yi looked at Wang Qiu'er with gleaming eyes and smiled. He said, and at the same time patted Su Yu on the shoulder to signal Su Yu to eat quickly.

Su Yu picked up the chopsticks with a smile, picked up a piece of braised pork and ate it into his mouth beautifully.

I used to have no money, and I could only eat meat during festivals every year. Now that I have money, it seems that the life of the old man has improved a lot. At least there is meat every day at home, and there is always meat. Very good, the old man is happy when he is having a good life.

(Recommend a good Douluo novel. I am a fox fairy in Douluo. You can read it. The author is also reading it.)
 Don't raise books, don't raise books, don't raise books, say important things three times
(End of this chapter)

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