Chapter 47
"Ahem, Xiaoyu, you should go to Notting College in a while. I will make delicious food tonight. You can also call that girl Xiaowu back. Today our family has a good meal." Su Yi patted He patted Su Yu on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"One family" Qiu'er narrowed her eyes slightly, chewing on this sentence by herself.

"Okay, Grandpa, I'll be there in a while. I haven't been to Notting College for a long time, and I haven't seen Xiao Wu for a long time. She's okay." Su Yu helped Qiu'er hold a piece of meat, smiling Looking at his old man.

"That little girl, although she doesn't like to practice very much, her soul power has reached level 26. By the way, Xiaoyu, what level are you now?" Su Yi smiled and looked at Su Yu with some emotion and asked.

"Hehe, it's level 36, ten levels higher than Xiao Wu." Su Yu couldn't help smiling when he heard his grandfather's question, and three purple soul rings slowly appeared behind him.

Looking at the three purple soul rings, Su Yi couldn't help but fell into a daze.

"Okay, okay, my grandson has really become a soul master, okay, great." Seeing the old man like this, Su Yu couldn't help but help the old man to sit down.

He looked at the old man with a smile and said, "Old man, just watch carefully. When I become a Titled Douluo, I will take you to enjoy the blessings. Also, when I have a child and you have a great-grandson, You still need to bring it."

As soon as Su Yu spoke, he saw a smile on the old man's face.

"Okay, okay, that's it, Xiaoyu, you can eat quickly, I'll go out for a stroll, remember to pick up Xiaowu at night." Su Yi walked out with a smile after speaking.

"Brother, hurry up and eat, I will accompany you to meet that Xiao Wu later." Just as Su Yu picked up the chopsticks, Qiu'er looked at Su Yu and said in a gentle tone.

Su Yu glanced at Qiu'er strangely. If others don't know it, they don't know it. He knows that this girl is the most jealous. What's going on now? It's weird to go to pick up Xiao Wu with him.

Su Yu nodded, thinking while eating, but Su Yu still didn't understand how women think, after all, he didn't understand Wang Qiuer's thoughts.

Sure enough, no matter how old a woman is, Su Yu can't understand it.

After eating, Su Yu and Wang Qiuer walked slowly towards Notting City. The two of them walked not slowly, and arrived in Notting City in more than 20 minutes.

Looking at the buildings of Notting City, Wang Qiuer couldn't help opening her mouth. The last time she came to Notting City was to find Su Yu. Ji left, and now that she is here again, she is quite excited to see so many buildings.

"It's still early in Qiuer, let's go and I'll show you around. After all, I'm quite familiar with Notting City." Su Yu smiled and grabbed Wang Qiuer's little hand, and began to wander around Notting City.

"Qiu'er, Notting City is not a very big city, it can only be said to be a small city. When I have time later, I will take you to Tiandou City or Star Luo City, which is the real city. Big."

Su Yu looked at Qiu'er who was touching this and that with a smile, couldn't help shaking his head, and said with a smile.

"Well, thank you bro," Wang Qiu'er said with a somewhat dispirited voice.

Su Yu looked up at Qiu'er with some doubts, and Su Yu was helpless at a glance. Qiu'er stood blankly outside the store that specializes in women's clothes, looking at the clothes in the store, without moving for a long time.

"Little girl film, if you want to buy it, just say it. If you don't say anything, let's go in and see how many sets we can buy for you. It just so happens that we don't have too many clothes when we come out of the forest." Su Yu glanced at Qiu'er with a smile, Su Yu didn't hesitate to hold Qiu'er's hand and walked into the shop.

"Give this girl a few sets of clothes, don't worry about money, match this girl well." As soon as Su Yu walked into a shopping guide, he greeted him directly. Su Yu glanced at it and said directly with a smile.

"Okay, sir, Miss, come with me." The shopping guide directly led Wang Qiu'er to the fitting room.

5 minutes later
Su Yu's eyes brightened as he looked at Qiu'er who was wearing a white dress in front of him, with big blue and pink waves draped behind him, Su Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Brother, how are you? Are you pretty?" Wang Qiuer narrowed her eyes and looked at Su Yu with a smile on her face.

"Beautiful, very beautiful, my girl has always been such a beautiful girl." Su Yu nodded with a smile, and stretched out his finger to point Wang Qiu'er's forehead.

"Okay, girl, hurry up and try it out. I will buy it today, and I will go to see the clothes later." Su Yu smiled. After buying clothes for Wang Qiuer, he also needed to buy clothes. not much.

"Help me pack a set of clothes suitable for an 11-year-old girl." Su Yu recruited a shopping guide and said with a smile.

"Mr. Good" the shopping guide smiled and walked straight to the not far away and began to choose.

Su Yu didn't buy this set of clothes for Qiu'er, but for Xiao Wu. Speaking of which, he and Xiao Wu have known each other for many years, and Xiao Wu has been helping him take care of his grandfather, so he really didn't give it to him. Su Yu really felt sorry for Xiao Wu for all these years.

After all, Xiao Wu's personality was quite out of the ordinary, and now it's really hard for someone with her personality to help her take care of her grandfather all the time.

"Brother, okay, let's go, brother, I just heard that you packed a set of clothes, is it for Xiao Wu?" Wang Qiuer came out in a white skirt, tilted her head and asked with a smile .

"Well, yes, after all, Xiao Wu has helped me take care of my grandpa for so long. I feel sorry for her. Isn't this a gift for her?" Su Yu smiled and patted Wang Qiuer's little head, watching Wang Qiuer reveal With a comfortable expression, he couldn't help but smiled helplessly.

"Well, brother, what you said is quite right. Xiao Wu has taken care of grandpa for so long, so it is normal to give her a gift. We will meet later, brother, you should continue to take us shopping."

Wang Qiuer was not angry when Su Yu said that he bought it for Xiaowu, but said with a gentle smile while hugging Su Yu's arm.

Su Yu couldn't help shaking his body when he looked at the girl like this, but he knew that his girl was quite jealous and even had a dark belly.

Su Yu now feels that the girl Qiu'er may have some bad ideas, and this girl Su Yu really understands.

"Qiu'er, you don't have any ideas, don't you make trouble, Qiu'er Xiaowu is really my friend, don't make trouble, you know." Su Yu hugged Qiu'er in front of him , whispered in Qiu'er's ear.

"Brother, that would be like this. Do you have to trust him?" Wang Qiuer's ears turned red instantly, and she leaned on Su Yu's arms and glanced at Su Yu shyly.

 Don't raise books, don't raise books, don't raise books, say important things three times
(End of this chapter)

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