The sword rises

Chapter 100 The Marriage of Two Countries Advances

Chapter 100 The Marriage of the Two Countries Advances
Chapter 100 The marriage between the two countries is advanced
Official wedding?

I never thought that Li Tianyuan would be so "bold", but Gu Hengsheng was a little surprised.

The rest of the Li family were also stunned, hesitating to speak but finally did not speak.Because they found that there was no reason to prevent the two families from officially getting married, Gu Hengsheng was no longer the playboy he was back then.

"Master Li, this matter is a little too hasty! After all, Ms. Li is not very familiar with me." After hesitating for a while, Gu Hengsheng replied softly.

Li Tianyuan seemed to have guessed that Gu Hengsheng was evasive, so he quickly turned to Li Qiurou, and asked softly, "Qiu Rou, what do you mean?"

Li Qiurou bit her charming red lips lightly, and wrote a few words out of thin air on the table with her right index finger.That is: everything depends on grandpa.

Li Tianyuan looked down at Li Qiurou's answer, then raised his head and smiled at Gu Hengsheng: "Hangsheng! My Qiurou's meaning is very clear, do you still want to delay?"

Li Qiurou couldn't help lowering her eyebrows, and glanced at Gu Hengsheng who was sitting quietly beside her out of the corner of her eye, wondering what she was thinking.

After getting along with each other these days, Li Qiurou's heart has unknowingly fallen into it.

She is very greedy for the feeling of walking with Gu Hengsheng. She likes to stand on the side and secretly look at Gu Hengsheng's side face. She is used to Gu Hengsheng wearing a white gown, elegant and natural.

Perhaps, even Li Qiurou herself didn't know that she didn't reject Gu Hengsheng as much as she did back then. She had been quietly going deeper and deeper on this road, and she couldn't extricate herself anymore.

" another two months, if Miss Li has no objection to this matter, then follow Master Li's wishes!" Gu Hengsheng pondered while looking at Li Qiurou's charming and gentle appearance like jade.

"Okay, hahaha." Li Tianyuan knew that a little push would be enough, but if it passed, it would be bad.

Afterwards, the Li family held a big feast and prepared various delicacies.

At the banquet, Li Tianyuan became more and more satisfied with Gu Hengsheng, and his old eyes were full of relief and joy.

For so many years, being able to deceive everyone in the world, this character and calmness are definitely not comparable to those of the same generation.Moreover, in the early days of the Lingxuan Realm, he killed all directions at Yanxing Pass, deterred all armies, and was named General Qi Shuang.

Of course, Li Tianyuan wanted to hold on to such a proud and unparalleled grandson-in-law.All the Li family members, including Li Qiurou's father Li Wenhao, could only squeeze out a complicated wry smile and silently accepted.

After drinking for three rounds, Gu Hengsheng was sent off by the Li family and left here.

As for Li Qiurou, she naturally stayed at the Li family and did not follow Gu Hengsheng back home.After all, she is only engaged to Gu Hengsheng now, and has not yet officially married.The reason why she stayed in the Gu family for so long was for her to get along with Gu Hengsheng.

Now, after getting along for such a period of time, Li Qiurou has some feelings and thoughts, so the Li family naturally wants to ask.

In a few days' time, Li Qiurou will still come to the Gu family!
At this time, the Tianfeng Kingdom that had just calmed down was once again in a state of turmoil.

The Crown Prince of Nanyuan Kingdom will officially marry Princess Yong'an of Tianfeng Kingdom!Moreover, four months after the original decision, after sending people to Tianfeng Nation to pick up the relatives, it was suddenly brought forward two months later!

Two months later, Nanyuan Kingdom will send someone to pick up Princess Yong'an.

After the news came out, the entire Tianfeng Nation became lively.All the streets and alleys are discussing this matter.

Gu family
"The crown prince of Nanyuan Kingdom intends to marry Princess Yong'an in two months, why is it earlier?" Elder Gu frowned slightly, deep in thought.

After thinking for a long time, Mr. Gu thought of the bad relationship between Gu Youmo and Princess Yong'an, he couldn't help but let out a long breath, and shook his head secretly.

Gu Hengsheng sat next to Mr. Gu, and said softly, "Grandpa, let me go see Second Uncle!"

"Well, let's go!" Old Master Gu nodded slowly, his eyebrows full of dignity.

After a while, Gu Hengsheng came to Gu Youmo's courtyard.

When Gu Hengsheng saw Gu Youmo's slightly gloomy expression, he guessed that Gu Youmo probably already knew the news.

"Second Uncle, you...understand?" Gu Hengsheng walked to Gu Youmo's side and said.

"Well, I see. Two months later, Princess Yong'an will go to Nanyuan Kingdom." Gu Youmo pondered for a long time before responding.

"Second Uncle, do you really want to give up?" Gu Hengsheng slowly walked to the stone chair on the side and sat down.

Gu Youmo's eyes froze, and after biting his teeth, he sighed and said, "There's no need to force it. What's more, the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom is not something our Gu family can offend."

The one who planned to marry Princess Yong'an was the Crown Prince of Nanyuan Kingdom, not an ordinary person.

"If you really want to, why not fight for it?" Gu Hengsheng said indifferently, "Second Uncle, I see that Princess Yong'an cares about you and has been waiting for you for five full years. You should give her a satisfactory answer." The answer. It’s good for her and you.”

"Hang Seng, you don't know the depth of Nanyuan Kingdom. In their imperial city, there must be strong people from the late stage of the Earth Profound Realm sitting in their imperial city. How can we fight for it? Besides, my Gu family is the head of the Tianfeng Kingdom, so I can't fight because of my sons and daughters. The two countries’ affairs were provoked by private affairs.”

Gu Youmo shook his head with a wry smile.

Tianfeng Nation has been protected by Nanyuan Nation for so many years, which is why it has not been attacked by other powerful dynasties.Gu Youmo is very clear about the pros and cons, no matter how sad and sad he feels, he can only accept it.

It's just a martial artist in the late stage of the Earth Profound Realm, why should you care?
Gu Hengsheng just said these words secretly in his heart, and he didn't take these things to heart at all.

Gu Hengsheng just said seriously: "Second Uncle, I just want to ask you, are you really willing to accept this result? Let Princess Yong'an marry into Nanyuan Kingdom?"

"I don't want to." Thinking of the beautiful figure standing on the city wall five years ago, Gu Youmo couldn't help but tremble, and said in a low voice.

"That's fine." Gu Hengsheng wanted this answer, and said with a chuckle: "It seems that we need to speed up the recovery of our legs, and try to fully recover within two months."

"This..." Gu Youmo seemed to be thinking a little bit, not knowing how to make a choice.

"Second Uncle!" Gu Hengsheng's breath sank, and he called out suddenly.

"What?" Gu Youmo turned to stare at Gu Hengsheng, and responded.

"I, Gu Jiaerlang, can't be cowardly!" Gu Hengsheng said solemnly: "The big deal is to take off the shackles on your body and fight for yourself!"

The shackles on Gu Youmo's body are nothing but the interests of the Gu family and Tianfeng Nation.Removing the shackles means breaking away from Tianfeng Nation. Even if something happens at that time, it will not affect the interests of the dynasty.

"it is good!"

Gu Youmo clenched his fists, and the breath from his body surged out, and he roared: "Then fight for once!"

Regardless of winning or losing, Gu Youmo will not leave any regrets.If Princess Yong'an is allowed to leave, Gu Youmo will definitely live in self-blame and regret all his life.

Gu Hengsheng would not allow this to happen.

Because, Gu Youmo is his second uncle in this life, a real uncle that no one can replace.

(End of this chapter)

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