Chapter 99

Chapter 99 Returning to Li's House with Li Qiurou

The mysterious energy covered Gu Youmo's legs to prevent the impurities in the air from affecting the recovery.

After Gu Hengsheng rested for a while, he applied the ointment he had prepared earlier on Gu Youmo's legs, and wrapped them with white bandages.

Unknowingly, Tian has opened his eyes dimly, and a beam of faint and warm light shone into the attic.

Today, in Gu Youmo's deep courtyard, there is less sadness and more vigor and prosperity.

Gu Hengsheng's complexion was still pale, but it was much better than before.Gu Youmo, on the other hand, was sitting in a wheelchair, with a completely new look, and the excitement still lingered between his brows.

"Second Uncle, in the days to come, just wait for the flesh and blood to be completely reshaped, and I will come over regularly to change your medicine." Gu Hengsheng said indifferently: "If you recover well, you will be able to fully recover in three months." gone."

"Stinky boy." Gu Youmo looked at Gu Hengsheng very solemnly, and called out.

"Huh?" Gu Hengsheng and Gu Youmo looked at each other.

"This time, Second Uncle owes you, thank you." Gu Youmo pursed his lips very solemnly.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "Family, don't talk about this. Besides, I will still need the support of my second uncle in the future, otherwise I will cause trouble, who to go to?"

"You kid." Gu Youmo's heart felt hot for an instant, pointing at Gu Hengsheng and cursing with a chuckle.

Gu Youmo knew that Gu Hengsheng said this so that he didn't have to take it too seriously, because they were a family.Although he was laughing and cursing, but the thick pampering look in his eyes couldn't help but emerge.

Today's Gu Hengsheng is unparalleled, and he was named General Qi Shuang, which made the entire Gu family feel very pleased.No matter what, Gu Youmo will do everything to protect Gu Hengsheng, because he is Gu Hengsheng's second uncle.

"Second Uncle, I'm going back to rest first, so don't get too excited." Gu Hengsheng cupped his hands at Gu Youmo and spoke softly.

"Okay, let's go!" Gu Youmo knew that Gu Hengsheng was really overworked this time, so he quickly waved his hand.


Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng left Gu Youmo's courtyard and walked towards his own courtyard.

After Gu Hengsheng left, Gu Youmo withdrew his gaze, looked down at his already feeling legs, two lines of tears fell down his cheeks, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

After Gu Hengsheng returned to his residence, he sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated to recover. It took a long time for his face to slowly turn rosy.Next to Gu Hengsheng's bed, there was a black sword box, and the sword box inside was naturally the Jinghong Sword.

Ever since Gu Hengsheng obtained this startling sword, he has never pulled it out in full view.Because this spirit sword is rare in the entire Hundred Kingdoms, it is not guaranteed to attract the attention of others and cause trouble.

That's why Gu Hengsheng kept the Jinghong Sword and didn't use it lightly.

Time slipped away silently for a few days, Gu Hengsheng changed the ointment for Gu Youmo, and accompanied Li Qiurou to paint under the tree.

On this day, people from the Li family came to convey the words of Li Tianyuan, the old man of the Li family.

The general meaning is that Li Qiurou has been in Gu's house for a while, and I want Gu Hengsheng to take Li Qiurou back to have a look.After all, Gu Hengsheng hadn't formally met or had dinner with the members of the Li family yet.

"All right!"

Originally, Gu Hengsheng planned to postpone it, but under the strong request of Mr. Gu, and under the gaze of Li Qiurou's turbulent eyes, Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Thus, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou got into the luxurious carriage together and headed towards the Li family.

Mr. Gu stared deeply at Gu Hengsheng's leaving back, and secretly said in his heart: "Stinky boy, what else are you hiding from us..."

Thinking about it, Mr. Gu already knew about Gu Youmo's affairs, but he didn't go to investigate, and his heart was full of hope.

Tianfeng Country, Li Family
Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou came to Li's house together. They stepped on the stone steps of Li's house, and walked towards the lobby of Li's house step by step.

All the guards waiting at the door looked at Gu Hengsheng with fiery eyes, and they couldn't help puffing out their chests.

Fourth-rank military general, General Qi Shuang, this is Gu Hengsheng from the Gu family, the notorious playboy back then.

The world's wizards are unparalleled, so they are called: Qi Shuang.

Since Gu Hengsheng became famous all over the world, no one said that Gu Hengsheng was not good enough for Li Qiurou, and everyone felt that the two of them were both talented and beautiful, and they were a match made in heaven.

Stepping into the lobby of the Li family, Gu Hengsheng saw Li Tianyuan, the old man of the Li family, and a group of Li family members.

"What an odd pair of generals, I have been waiting for you for a long time, please take a seat!"

Li Tianyuan squinted his eyes at Gu Hengsheng in a sophisticated manner, and stretched out his hand in an extraordinary manner as a gesture of respect.

"Master Li, elders, please be polite." Gu Hengsheng cupped his hands slightly without being humble or overbearing, and found an empty seat at will.

Li Qiurou's biological father, Li Wenhao stared at Gu Hengsheng with extremely complicated emotions.

Li Wenhao tried his best to oppose this marriage at the beginning, but he could not resist Li Tianyuan's decision, so he could only be forced to compromise.However, looking at Gu Hengsheng now, there are countless strands of complicated emotions in my heart, and I can't explain clearly.

Originally a notorious dandy, he suddenly became a genius who frightened the enemy's army, and was named a fourth-rank general by the emperor.Such honors and achievements are enough to crush countless sons of aristocratic families who claim to be extraordinary.

"Qiurou, come and sit with grandpa." Li Tianyuan said to Li Qiurou with a kind face.

Then, Li Qiurou subconsciously glanced at the calm and composed Gu Hengsheng, and moved to Li Tianyuan's side.

In the hall of the Li family, the fragrance of tea was overflowing, and the atmosphere seemed strangely harmonious.

In the entire lobby, only Mr. Li Tianyuan and Gu Hengsheng chatted without saying a word, while the others stared deeply at Gu Hengsheng, as if they wanted to see through Gu Hengsheng.

"Hang Seng, this old man should be able to call you that, right?" Li Tianyuan chatted with Gu Hengsheng for a while, then suddenly looked at Gu Hengsheng softly, and whispered.

"Of course." Gu Hengsheng pursed his thin lips and nodded in response.

In name, he is already the son-in-law of the Li family, and Li Tianyuan is his elder, so he can't act too arrogant.

"Hang Seng, you see, we Qiurou have been in Gu's house for a while, when do you think you can tell your grandfather and second uncle about the formal wedding!"

In the next second, Li Tianyuan squinted his slightly sunken eyes, and said to Gu Hengsheng with a deep smile.

(End of this chapter)

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