The sword rises

Chapter 108 Tianxin Yinqi Jue

Chapter 108 Tianxin Yinqi Jue

Chapter [-] Tianxin Yinqi Jue

Gu family
When Gu Hengsheng returned to Gu's house, the sky had already darkened, and everyone in the Gu family must have heard about what happened in Baimenglou.

Gu Hengsheng sent Li Qiurou back to the west wing courtyard to rest, and then came to the deep courtyard room of Mr. Gu.

In the room, Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo sat and drank tea with unconcealable excitement and joy on their faces.

"Grandpa, Second Uncle." Gu Hengsheng pushed the door open, walked straight to Old Master Gu and Gu Youmo, and bowed to greet him.

"Stinky boy, old man, I heard that you kicked Gu Yangyun over at the banquet and boosted my Gu family's prestige." In front of his family, Mr. Gu did not have the domineering aura of a strong man at all, but smiled carelessly like a Ordinary old man: "Hahaha, not bad, not bad, he is my grandson of Gu Cang."

Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly, looking at Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo, he felt very comfortable.

"It doesn't matter if you kick Gu Yangyun. His Gu family doesn't have the courage to wrestle with my Gu family. However, it's really inappropriate for you kid to shame the eldest prince in public."

Gu Youmo also chuckled in relief for a while, and soon looked at Gu Hengsheng with some seriousness, and warned.

"Second Uncle, the stage was set up by the First Prince, and he insisted on forcing me to sing. I have no choice but to sing with them. However, since the play has already been sung, if I give him face, why not?" It's not that everyone in the world thinks that my Gu family is easy to insult."

Gu Hengsheng didn't care about the dignity of the royal family. In his previous life, he trampled down many of the ancient kingdoms that had top powerhouses in the Profound Sky Realm.It's just the crown prince of Tianfeng Kingdom, if it wasn't for the fact that the Gu family is rooted here, Gu Hengsheng wouldn't even bother to pay attention.

"Boy, I understand what you mean, but it's a little too radical. You still have to think carefully about what you do in the future, after all, the eldest prince is the crown prince."

Gu Youmo pondered for a while, and he didn't mean to blame Gu Hengsheng in his words, but just wanted to warn him.

"I see, Second Uncle." Seeing Gu Youmo's solemn admonition, Gu Hengsheng could only nod in response.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. The eldest prince is the heir apparent, so he won't be so shameless." Mr. Gu waved his hand lightly, looked at Gu Hengsheng very gratified and said, "Stinky boy, you and Qiurou What's going on now? Or let's just get married, give birth to two great-grandchildren for the old man and me, and add some excitement to the Gu family. "

Mr. Gu is very pleased with Gu Hengsheng now, and he is also extremely satisfied with Li Qiurou, who is well educated and courteous.Now that Gu Hengsheng is truly a proud and unparalleled person, standing at the top of the younger generation, he only needs to pass on the incense to the next generation of the Gu family.

The important thing is that Gu Youmo's legs are gradually recovering, and he will definitely be able to support the entire Gu family in the future.At that time, Mr. Gu can also retreat behind the scenes and withdraw from the court, so he wants to hug his great-grandson at home.

Thinking of the future full of children and grandchildren, the corners of Mr. Gu's mouth could not help but grin to the corners of his eyes, as happy as an ordinary old man who has learned that the crops are bountiful.

"..." Gu Hengsheng opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to answer, so he could only sneer and say, "Let's talk about this matter after a while! Our most important thing right now is Second Uncle's place. In two months, Yong'an The princess is about to enter Nanyuan Kingdom."

Gu Hengsheng hurriedly changed the subject, not wanting to argue with the old man about the official wedding.

"Well, that's true." Mr. Gu didn't think too much, but turned his head to look at Gu Youmo, and sighed: "Hey... this matter, Mo'er, you can make up your own mind! No matter what your choice is , I have Lao Tzu and the entire Gu family supporting me, let me go and do it."

"Yes, father." Hearing what Old Master Gu said, Gu Youmo couldn't help feeling a warm current in his heart, and bowed respectfully to Old Master Gu.

"Well, your uncles and nephews will go back and have a good time. I'm going to rest too, old man." Mr. Gu patted Gu Youmo's shoulder, didn't stay any longer, turned around and went back to his room to close his eyes and rest.

Gu Hengsheng and Gu Youmo knew what the old man meant, and left the old man's yard tacitly.

So, Gu Hengsheng pushed Gu Youmo, who was sitting in a wheelchair, back to Gu Youmo's courtyard.

Although Gu Youmo's legs have reshaped the meridians of flesh and blood, he still can't get out of the wheelchair completely.Therefore, Gu Youmo could only come back under Gu Hengsheng's nudge.

"Second Uncle, time is running out." Gu Hengsheng and Gu Youmo returned to the attic of the Shenyuan, and solemnly said: "I hope to enter the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm as soon as possible!"

"Yeah." Gu Youmo nodded deeply, then sat cross-legged on the floor, closing his eyes and circulating his profound energy.

"Second Uncle, this exercise is called "Tianxin Yinqijue", which I got by chance. I don't know its grade, but I think it is not low, so Second Uncle, please remember not to leak it out."

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng also sat cross-legged opposite Gu Youmo, and said solemnly.

"Tianxin Yinqijue", a low-level earth-level exercise, is a precious practice exercise that Gu Hengsheng had worked so hard to obtain in his previous life.It can be said that many masters of the Sky Profound Realm in previous lives did not necessarily possess an earth-level cultivation method, which is extremely precious.

If this technique is leaked out, I am afraid it will set off the flames of war in the entire hundred kingdoms.Therefore, Gu Hengsheng could not help but warn Gu Youmo.At least for now, it is absolutely impossible to let others know.

"Don't worry, the second uncle understands in his heart that he will never reveal anything." Of course Gu Youmo understands the importance of this, knowing that if the precious exercises are leaked, it will be enough to start a national war.

"Well, second uncle, listen up." Gu Hengsheng nodded, and then said: "Heavenly Heart draws Qi Jue, Qi travels to Guan Yuan, the sun and the moon faint, the divine tower has no way, all in one breath..."

As Gu Hengsheng's words fell down, Gu Youmo remembered them deeply in his heart, and began to comprehend and operate his profound energy.

In fact, Gu Hengsheng could directly use the power of his soul to convey the formulas of the exercises through Gu Youmo's eyebrows, but that method was too shocking.

Therefore, in order not to attract too much attention and questioning from Gu Youmo and the old man, Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to read to Gu Youmo word by word according to the memory deep in his soul, and passed it to his ears.

Before I knew it, an hour passed.

Gu Hengsheng also passed the entire "Tianxin Yinqijue" to Gu Youmo, and then he sat quietly cross-legged, guarding Gu Youmo who was in the process of practicing and comprehending.

Gu Youmo printed every word in his mind and soul, without missing a single word.Immediately, he began to comprehend the determination of Tianxin Yinqi, and slowly circulated his profound energy...

(End of this chapter)

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