The sword rises

Chapter 109 The Aristocratic Family Makes Apology

Chapter 109 The Aristocratic Family Makes Apology
Chapter [-] The family apologizes, cultivated to the middle stage of the Lingxuan Realm
The sky gradually became clear, and Gu Hengsheng and Gu Youmo were still sitting cross-legged and practicing.

But at this moment, many people came from outside the Gu family, all of whom were housekeepers and important figures from major families.With heavy gifts, they forced a smile on their faces, explaining the disrespect their younger generation showed to the Gu family at the Baimenglou banquet, hoping to be forgiven.

Moreover, even people from the Gu family came, even though Gu Yangyun was still lying on the bed.

Everyone from the aristocratic family grinned and brought the heavy gifts that had been prepared, hoping that the Gu family would not care about the nonsense of a group of juniors.

It's ridiculous to think about it, all the big families wanted to try Gu Hengsheng's depth, but they didn't think about the depth, but they didn't try it out, and even caused a commotion, which was extremely embarrassing.

Mr. Gu didn't say anything about it, and sat on the chair with a stern face.

Yi Bo, on the other hand, received the people from the various aristocratic families who came early in the morning with understanding, and accepted all the important gifts they brought over.Anyway, if you don't accept it for nothing, it's not good for the Gu family to really turn against all the aristocratic families.

Therefore, I had no choice but to fill the Gu family's treasury with the heavy gifts brought by the major families, as an increase in my heritage.

"Alas..." After the members of the major families left, they all sighed helplessly, feeling a little aggrieved.

After the people sent by the major families left, all kinds of precious treasures were piled up in the hall of the Gu family, which was extremely conspicuous.

"A group of old foxes." Mr. Gu said to himself with a smile as he glanced at the mountain of gift boxes in the hall.

Mr. Gu didn't bother to argue with them, and asked Yi Bo to put the apology items in the warehouse.


Gu Youmo sat cross-legged on the floor of the attic, constantly replaying the exercises Gu Hengsheng said in his mind.Slowly, his profound energy became thicker and ethereal, fluctuating like sinking or rising.

Gu Hengsheng was on the sidelines guiding Gu Youmo to comprehend the Tianxin Yinqi Jue: "Second Uncle, Tianxin Yinqi, with the heart as the pulse, the Qi flows through the heavenly spirit, so don't make a mistake..."

Under Gu Hengsheng's frequent reminders, Gu Youmo's aura in the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm became more and more calm, sometimes it roared like the sea, setting off all kinds of turbulent waves; sometimes it was like an ancient tomb, full of sadness.

The profound energy permeating the air came towards Gu Youmo like a trickle of water, as if the stars held the moon in a trance, and exuded wisps of coercion.

Seeing that Gu Youmo had gradually realized something, Gu Hengsheng didn't need him to remind him for the time being, so he quietly left Qingxinyuan and headed towards the courtyard of his residence.

Sun rises and sunsets, time goes by.

Before I knew it, a month had passed through my fingers, and I could never get it back.

During this period, apart from meditating and practicing by himself, Gu Hengsheng went to Qingxinyuan to take care of and give advice to Gu Youmo, and also accompanied Li Qiurou to walk around.

After this period of time, Gu Youmo's legs can already walk normally, and it won't be long before they fully recover.

In fact, maybe even Gu Hengsheng himself didn't know it, but he had fallen in love with the subtle feeling of walking with Li Qiurou, which was very comfortable and relaxing.

After each practice, after spending a few days in Gu Youmo's courtyard, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou would sit under the lush trees and accompany her to grind and write, which was pleasant and comfortable.

Sometimes, when the two of them get along, Gu Hengsheng can't help being greedy for the faint fragrance emanating from Li Qiurou's body, which feels subtle.

Tonight, Gu Hengsheng sat cross-legged on his bed early in the morning to practice, because he felt that after this period of precipitation, the profound energy in his body had reached a limit.

Gu Hengsheng's body has truly harmonized with the soul of his previous life since he experienced the blood baptism last time.Now as long as the precipitation is reached, then a breakthrough in cultivation can be achieved naturally.

After sitting cross-legged for half an hour, Gu Hengsheng's aura suddenly sank, and he broke through to the middle stage of the Spirit Profound Realm.

"After such a long period of precipitation, I have finally returned to the middle stage of the Spirit Profound Realm."

Gu Heng let out a long breath, couldn't help clenching his fists, and said to himself.

Feeling that his strength was gradually recovering, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but feel a surging momentum in his heart.

Gu Hengsheng's cultivation level went a step further, and then he focused on Gu Youmo.

As time went by, Gu Youmo's aura became more and more fierce, as if he might step into the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm in the next moment, but there was another barrier blocking him.

So, while Gu Hengsheng was reminding Gu Youmo to practice, he took time to take a walk with Li Qiurou.

If Gu Hengsheng had the cultivation base of his previous life, he could crush the barrier that prevented Gu Youmo from breaking through with his backhand.But now he can only use words to point Gu Youmo, and he can only let him break through.

Suddenly, another month passed.

And as this month passed quietly, the entire Tianfeng Nation was completely bustling with excitement.

The special envoy of Nanyuan Kingdom is here!
Nanyuan Kingdom is a mid-to-top dynasty, and there are powerhouses from the late stage of the Earth Profound Realm in it, and it also has a certain status in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

Today, the special envoy of Nanyuan Kingdom brought countless rare treasures to Tianfeng Kingdom to marry Princess Yong'an for his heir.

"Look, that is the special envoy of Nanyuan Kingdom!" On both sides of the street, countless people looked at the people of Nanyuan Kingdom who came from the gate of the capital, and whispered with their heads bowed.

"I heard that our Princess Yong'an from Tianfeng Kingdom is going to marry into Nanyuan Kingdom and become the crown prince and concubine." Some girls looked enviously at the formation coming from Nanyuan Kingdom, and whispered softly.

"In the future, the relationship between our Tianfeng Nation and Nanyuan Nation will take a step further. This is a great thing!"

Countless people in Tianfeng Nation are discussing lively.

And the news naturally reached the Gu family.

Gu Hengsheng looked at Gu Youmo, who had fallen into a critical period, and muttered to himself solemnly: "Second uncle, the people from Nanyuan Kingdom have come, I hope you can quickly understand the true meaning of it, and break through sooner! "

At this moment, Gu Youmo has completely fallen into a state of ecstasy, and puts all his heart on the breakthrough in practice.He can't perceive anything in the outside world at all, and he can't hear any sounds.

The ups and downs of profound energy fluctuations are getting bigger and bigger, and Gu Youmo's aura is sometimes surging and sometimes dark.

Now is the most critical time for Gu Youmo, Gu Hengsheng stayed in the Qingxin courtyard without leaving, accompanied by Gu Youmo's side, waiting quietly.

"This matter can only be achieved if you deal with it yourself." Gu Hengsheng stared at Gu Youmo who was sitting cross-legged and forgetting himself indifferently, and whispered in his heart: "Second Uncle, I will accompany you for a while. "

At the same time, the special envoy of Nanyuan Kingdom has already moved into the palace, displayed many treasures in the palace hall, and announced his intention to come...

(End of this chapter)

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