The sword rises

Chapter 1181 Pleading guilty to the thorn, the power of the empress

Chapter 1181 Pleading guilty to the thorn, the power of the empress

The first thousand and 180 chapters, pleading guilty, the power of the empress

Who dares to deceive me that there is no one in the Floating Life Tomb?
These words echoed throughout the world, spreading to every corner of the Emperor's Road, shocking the world.

The empress stands alone, looking down upon eternity, who dares to be disrespectful?
She turned her hand to suppress the Forbidden Emperor, and put an end to the conspiracy of the remnants of Minghai.Although this is not the era of the empress, her prestige and strength are far greater than before.

These words have shaken the ancient and modern times, and all the creatures on the Emperor's Road are terrified and trembling.

It turns out that the rumored first female emperor of all ages is really as domineering and youthful as the one recorded in the ancient books.

The world knows that the matter of the dark sea has passed, and the empress is settling accounts after the autumn!

Mr. Nine of the Fusheng Tomb was forced to goug his heart out because of a clear spiritual liquid, his foundation was damaged, and his dignity was completely lost.

Why did the ancient existence of Dilu dare to do such a thing?
Didn't they think that the Floating Life Tomb was overturned, so there was no need to worry about the consequences.

Now, the Empress is here.

She wants to tell all living beings in the world that the Tomb of Floating Life is still there, and no one should bully the disciples of the Tomb of Floating Life.

The empress's icy eyes swept lightly, and many ancient existences felt a chill behind their backs, as if they were about to suffocate, their eyes were full of horror.

Da da da
At this moment, a figure appeared in the starry sky.

This person was carrying a guqin, wearing a gray tattered gown, and his hair was a little messy.

"The phoenix is ​​passed down to the world, and the rose bird shocks the world."

Many old antiques revealed the identity of this person in one sentence, and they were amazed.

This person is a member of the Suzaku clan, and he has lived for an unknown number of years.Rumor has it that the Suzaku clan is extremely mysterious and extremely rare, making it difficult to have children. However, every member of the Suzaku clan is top-notch in talent and strength.

It is precisely because of this that the Suzaku clan was able to rank first among the hundreds of clans in the great world.

And this person is not only a member of the Suzaku clan, but also the great elder of the Suzaku clan who has disappeared for thousands of years. His strength is unfathomable, and it is estimated that he is no less than the old Buddha master of the Buddhist sect.

There are two pieces of Fengqin in total, and the patriarch and great elder of the Suzaku clan control one each.And this one is the Fengqin of the Great Elder of the Suzaku Clan, which can shake the world.

"Liu Banyun of the Suzaku Clan, I have seen the Empress."

The person slowly bowed and bowed respectfully.

Suzaku has seven veins: Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, and Zhen.And this term's Great Elder is from the line of Liu, who has been in charge of Feng Qin for ten thousand years.

The empress remained silent, and looked at the great elder of the Suzaku tribe with cold eyes, as if she was about to freeze the entire starry sky.

"3000 years ago, our Suzaku Clan suffered a catastrophe. If it wasn't for the help of Mr. Fushengtomb San, it would have been torn apart. This kindness, our Suzaku Clan will always remember."

Liu Banyun kept bending over, not daring to look directly into the Empress' eyes.

He was not afraid, but faced the empress shamelessly.


After a while, the empress asked without sadness or joy.

Hearing the sound, Liu Banyun of the Suzaku Clan trembled inexplicably, closed his eyes, and said hoarsely: "Maybe it's a ghost's obsession!"

Gu Hengsheng was brutally besieged and killed by dozens of ancient beings when he cleared the spirit liquid back then.However, apart from the old man in Peach Blossom Forest and the Taoist nun in Buried Heart Valley, there is no one else.

The Suzaku Clan received the great kindness from the Fusheng Tomb, but turned a blind eye to Gu Hengsheng's life and death, what a crime!

"Back then when Sword Immortal Hentian suffered a catastrophe, our Suzaku Clan remained indifferent and did not help. All of this was ordered by me, Liu Banyun, and has nothing to do with the Suzaku Clan. I wish one person to bear the responsibility."

As Liu Banyun spoke, he took off the Fengqin behind him and put it aside.

Afterwards, Liu Banyun inserted his right hand into the heart in front of the creatures of the world.


Immediately, the blood spattered into the void, and the precious blood that belonged exclusively to the Suzaku clan emitted a dazzling glow, shocking and inexplicably terrified the world.

"In the past, the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal cut out his heart and took out the marrow. Today, I would like to take out the phoenix marrow and give it to the Sword Immortal as an elixir to make up for the foundation of the Dao."

After all, Liu Banyun endured the endless pain, forcefully took out the phoenix marrow essence from his body.

The world can see Liu Banyun's bloody heart through the wound on Liu Banyun's chest. Suzaku's blood radiates golden light, which wets Liu Banyun's body and clothes.

Liu Banyun knelt down on one knee, kneeling in front of the empress as a sinner, holding his phoenix marrow in both hands, his face extremely pale: "I implore the empress to spare me the ordinary people of the Suzaku clan. Unaware of the matter."

The empress glanced at Liu Banyun's miserable appearance, her cold eyes remained unchanged.If her heart softens because of Liu Banyun's attitude, then she is no longer an empress, how can she protect the juniors and juniors of the Fusheng Tomb?

"I know that this matter is not your decision. You, Liu Banyun, once had a good relationship with the third child, you can be regarded as a friend, and you haven't the guts to plan my Floating Life Tomb. However, although you are not the leader, you have acquiesced to this matter. "

"The Suzaku Clan received the favor from my Floating Life Tomb, but they didn't repay the favor. I, the Floating Life Tomb, will naturally take back this kind of karma. None of your old fellows from the Suzaku Clan who can only calculate can't get away. However, for the ordinary people of the Suzaku Clan, I will not move the Floating Life Tomb yet."

"As for you, wait until the third child comes back in the future, and make an apology yourself!"

Once upon a time, Liu Banyun and his third senior brother Zhuge Haokong drank wine a few times and talked happily.Now he is afraid that he will be like an enemy, Liu Banyun feels very sad in his heart.

If I had persisted at the beginning, would it have changed everything?

Liu Banyun regretted it.

"Thank you, Empress."

At least today's move gave the Suzaku Clan a chance, Liu Banyun could only kowtow and thank him.

The empress did not collect Liu Banyun's phoenix marrow, and said indifferently: "Just a piece of phoenix marrow is not enough."

Liu Banyun's eyes gradually dimmed, and he completely forgot about his pain.


When the Suzaku Clan was in distress, the kindness of Fusheng Tomb for helping them was not something that could be repaid by a piece of phoenix marrow.This cause and effect is destined to become a catastrophe for the Suzaku Clan.

Do not live by committing sins.

"The sinner, Liu Banyun, is waiting for you from the Fusheng Tomb."

Liu Banyun knew that he couldn't dispel the empress' anger, so he had to leave the starry sky with his bloody body.


Everyone looked at this scene with dumbfounded eyes and parched mouths.

"Feng Qinliu Banyun cut off the roots to get the phoenix marrow, but failed to appease the Empress' anger. The Suzaku Clan will begin to decline from today on."

The eyes of many old antiques gradually became complicated. They thought that the Floating Life Tomb would become a disappearing legend, but it turned out that they were all wrong.

The Floating Life Tomb has always been there, standing at the highest point in the starry sky, overlooking the eternity.

"The old guys who fought against Mr. Jiu back then, counted as one, and all of them ended badly."

Some people were glad that they had never done anything to Gu Hengsheng, gloating at his misfortune.

(End of this chapter)

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