The sword rises

Chapter 1182 Who dares to compete with me 1

Chapter 1182 Who dares to compete with me

The first thousand and 180 second chapters who dare to compete with me

Ever since Liu Banyun of the Suzaku Clan broke his foundation and left the starry sky with serious injuries, the empress' reputation and the strength of the Floating Tomb reached an extreme.

From this moment on, everyone in the world has understood that no matter how the times change, the Tomb of Floating Life is still not to be bullied.

"I ask the empress to come down!"

Several figures appeared again, kneeling at the feet of the empress, prostrate and trembling, all ready to die.

"That is the one-eyed old man. It is said that he has entered the realm of the Six Tribulations, and he is only one step away from entering the Nine Realms. His strength is terrifying."

"Green-faced Sword Immortal, didn't you say that he died a thousand years ago?"

"An old guy from the Black Ape Clan."

The creatures on the Emperor's Road quickly recognized the origins of these people, and everyone in the world was shocked and paralyzed, without any consciousness.

Even if it is said that the empress has entered the fairyland, the world thinks it is nothing, and it is taken for granted.

There is no way, the Floating Life Tomb is too scary, and the empress even explained what it means to be the number one female emperor in the ages.

"Retire! Some things cannot be settled with a few words from you. These causes and effects will naturally have a result in the future, and no one can get away with it."

With a big wave of her hand, the empress directly shook the many strong men kneeling in front of her to the side, as cold as frost.

"Follow the imperial order of the empress."

Zhu Qiang's heart was ashamed, they violated the promise with Fusheng Tomb, knowing that they would die, they just wanted to win a little life for their clansmen.

However, seeing the female emperor rejecting people thousands of miles away, Zhu Qiang understood that this matter was not so simple to solve.There is cause and effect, everything can only wait for the Floating Tomb to deal with it, Zhu Qiang has no right to choose.

After a while, an old antique with white hair boldly appeared.

Old Antique's hands are holding a ray of treasure that is glowing with rays of light, which is a ray of Dao rhyme from Yiqing Lingye.

"The little old man offered a piece of spiritual liquid with both hands, willing to apologize with death, and begged the empress to spare the lives of my people."

Old Antique begged for mercy tremblingly, and devoted himself to death, regretting his mistakes.

There seems to be a faint smell of blood in the dao rhyme of this ray of clear liquid.


A killing intent flashed in the empress's eyes, and she injures this old antique with a flip of her hand.This is the reason why the empress stopped, if she used a little more strength, it would be enough to wipe out the old antique.

As for why the Empress didn't kill Old Antique, she wanted to leave those who had done it to Gu Hengsheng.There are some things that need to be retrieved by Gu Hengsheng himself.

Even if the Empress helped Gu Hengsheng pacify the forbidden areas and ancient existences on the Emperor's Road, there was no way to restore the dignity that Hengsheng had lost back then.

This matter must be done by Gu Hengsheng himself, so that he can have a good heart.

Old Antique was thrown far away before he managed to stabilize his figure. He showed panic, and he only wanted to die, and he didn't want to implicate his own people.

"Little old man is wrong! Please let the empress let my family live."

Those who were able to take action against Gu Heng back then were all famous and powerful forces on the Emperor's Road.Don't look at this old antique's pitiful appearance now, his own strength is extremely terrifying, and I don't know how much blood has been stained on his hands.

"Back then I told the world that if he was beheaded in a rivalry between his peers, it would mean that his skills were inferior to others, and I would never show up. However, if the older generation dares to make a move and use their power to bully my younger brother, don't blame me, Fushengtomb Ruthless."

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end!"

"Looking at the world, there are hundreds of millions of people, who dares to compete with me?"

Guang Xing Liu Yunbo circled in the starry sky, wrapping around the willow waist of the empress.


The world trembled and remained silent like a chilling cicada.

Even the taboo emperor of Minghai was suppressed and obliterated by the empress raising her hand. There are countless people in the world, who has the courage to challenge the empress?

Many ancient existences on the Emperor's Road regretted it. They were ordered to snatch the Dao Rhyme of Yiqing Lingye, but they harmed the entire ethnic group because of it.

Even some solitary old antiques were terrified. They dared to make a move against Gu Heng, but it didn't mean they were not afraid of death.It is precisely because they are afraid of death that they will scramble for a clear liquid, hoping to break through their cultivation and even resurrect their lives.

"Your life will be taken by someone."

The empress suppressed the anger in her heart, and did not slap these old antiques to death, but the killing intent in her eyes became more fierce and intense.

Among the vast crowd, the empress seemed to have found Gu Hengsheng's figure, and a soft look flashed in the depths of her eyes.

On a certain day on the Emperor's Road, Gu Hengsheng looked at the starry sky and saw the peerless figure of the Second Senior Sister, feeling happy from the bottom of his heart.He also saw everything that the second senior sister did for him, and a warm current was born from the bottom of his heart.

"Senior Sister, I will recover the dignity I lost back then one by one."

Gu Hengsheng understood the painstaking efforts of the second senior sister for not doing anything, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.


In the depths of the starry sky, the empress took one step lightly, ignoring everyone.

She has been out for too long in order to pacify the remnants of Minghai on the Emperor's Road.If it continues to procrastinate, there is no guarantee that the Heaven Sealing Formation at the end of the Great World Starry Sky will not be loosened, and that will be even more troublesome.

She should leave.

"Empress, please stay."

At this time, the old Buddha Lord of Lei Yao Buddhist Sect suddenly blocked the way of the Empress.

The empress was expressionless, and after glancing at the old Buddha Lord, she knew what was in her mind.

"One Leaf Zen Return and Wugou Fuchen are useful to me, and useful to the world."

The old Buddha Lord naturally wanted to get back Gu Ran Buddha's natal imperial weapon from the empress, but how could the empress give it to the Buddha sect?
Leaving aside the fact that Lei Yao Buddhist Sect has been scheming against the Tomb of Floating Life, this Ye Chan Gui is indeed useful to the living beings of the world, and it is best used to stabilize the formation at the end of the starry sky.

"This thing belongs to my Buddha, please return it to the Empress."

The old Lord Buddha gritted his teeth and insisted.

"You have tarnished the name of the Buddhist sect, how many monks in the world have a pure Buddha heart?"

The empress sneered: "When your Buddhist sect teaches a disciple who is truly proficient in Buddhism, come to me to ask for the ancient burning Buddha's belongings. Otherwise, the Buddha's belongings will only be dusty if they fall into your hands."

"This..." The old Buddha Lord was still unwilling, but when he saw the ice-cold eyes of the empress, he could only nod and agree: "I will obey the empress's words."

The old Lord Buddha was convinced that if he continued to speak, the empress would probably suppress him on the spot.

Now that the empress is deterring the world, it is better not to seek death.

The empress looked down at the world, then slowly withdrew her gaze, directly tore the void, and went straight to the end of the starry sky of the great world.

At the same time, Emperor You's domineering eyes gradually faded away, and then disappeared from the starry sky, and he didn't know where he went.

The Great Emperor Nangong led the remnant soldiers and generals, dragging their seriously injured body, and left the Emperor's Road.

So far, the chaos of the remaining evils in Minghai has completely subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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