The sword rises

Chapter 1189 Damn it!

Chapter 1189 Damn it!

The first thousand and 180 nine chapters, damn it!


Gu Hengsheng turned his head and called the old lunatic.


There was suspicion in the old lunatic's eyes.

"How long do you want to play? My time is precious, there is no need to waste it here!"

When dealing with a lunatic, Gu Hengsheng was not very polite.

The old lunatic pondered for a while, then grinned: "When I figure out how to study your method, I will leave this ghostly place, so don't worry about it now."

In the eyes of the old lunatic, Gu Hengsheng was something to study.The old lunatic didn't care about Gu Hengsheng's identity, he was alone and fearless of death.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng nodded slightly.

Then, Gu Hengsheng stood beside the old lunatic, looking down at Zhu Qiang struggling in the canyon without changing his face.

All kinds of abuse resounded through the sky, and there were bursts of painful wailing.

The old lunatic was very satisfied with his masterpiece, and manipulated the formation with a single thought, treating the powerful men of all major forces as playthings.

Life seems extraordinarily insignificant at this moment.

Even some strong men at the top of Xiantai couldn't bear the big formation, their Dao heart was damaged, and then they were gradually swallowed by the big formation.

How many years the old lunatic lived is an unknown question.

From the beginning of records, the old lunatic lived for nearly 3 years.This is only the time recorded from the day when he became famous. If you really calculate his real age, it will be as difficult as skyrocketing.

No one knew the origin of the old lunatic. It seemed strange that he appeared on the Emperor's Road out of thin air.He is neither a person from the five states of the world, nor a creature born in Dilu, so mysterious and unpredictable.

"Dong Zhixuan, you dare to plot against us, there is no place for you in the whole world."

An old antique was deeply trapped in the formation, raised its head and roared angrily.

"This space is restricted, and the news cannot be spread at all. Do we all have to die here today?"

Many strong men regretted it. They knew that this was the layout of the old lunatic, and they would never step in even if there was an imperial weapon here.

"Senior, please let me live. In the future, as long as the senior has orders, I am willing to be a pawn."

Some people began to beg for mercy, they lowered their proud heads and lowered their dignity.No matter what happens in the future, the key is to overcome the difficulty of eyes first.

It's a pity that the old lunatic didn't seem to notice, and he was in a good mood watching the strong men die tragically.

"Old man, did Fengqin of the Suzaku Clan really fall into the first-line canyon? Or is it all fake?"

Gu Hengsheng was a little interested in the Suzaku Clan.

"If it's fake news, do you think these people won't be able to guess it? It's true and false that can attract so many test subjects."

The old lunatic's messy hair fluttered with the cold wind, and he smiled deeply.

"In other words, the Suzaku Phoenix Qin is in your hands?"

Zhu Qiang searched the entire first-line canyon, but couldn't find any trace of Fengqin.If the news is not all false, then where will Feng Qin fall?
Gu Hengsheng immediately thought of the old lunatic, and he found that the more he came into contact with the old lunatic, the more unfathomable he felt.

"Hey." The old lunatic smiled and said nothing, obviously acquiescing.

Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at the old lunatic and stopped talking.

With the passage of time, more than half of the strong people in the first-line canyon died.Those who are still alive are all strong one against one, with a stable Dao heart.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew past the heads of the old lunatic and Gu Hengsheng.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful momentum descended on the first-line canyon.

"Who dares to harm my Xugu people?"

"Damn you!"

"What array is this? It can block the full blow of the old body."

Ten ancient beings with profound cultivation descended on the cloud. They were blocked by the large formation and could not break through for the time being.

The practitioners who were still alive in the formation vaguely heard the voice of their ancestors, as if they had grasped the last straw, they kept crying for help.

"Old man, some great people have come."

Standing on the top of Yizhu Mountain, Gu Hengsheng was not affected by the formation, so he could naturally see a group of ancient beings standing in the clouds.

"What are you afraid of, it's just a bunch of little dolls."

The old lunatic has lived for so many years, these old antiques are really a group of "children" in his eyes.

"Can you keep them all here?"

Seeing that the old lunatic didn't care, Gu Hengsheng asked curiously and perplexedly.

Even if the old lunatic's strength is terrifying, he can't treat more than ten ancient existences as air!

Could it be that my estimation of the old lunatic's strength is not accurate enough?

Gu Hengsheng thought to himself, staring at the old lunatic intently.

"Although they didn't live as long as the old man, they are still famous figures of the times. If the old man had a way to keep them all here, he would have called the door a long time ago. Will he wait until today?"

The old lunatic replied.


The old madman really has a big heart!

If it were someone else who was facing this kind of battle, they would have been in a hurry, how can they be so calm like the old lunatic?

"I can't take them down, and they can't do anything about me. Don't worry, I'm playing for a while."

The old lunatic was running the formation, intending to kill all the practitioners in the formation.

"Don't forget, I can't expose my identity, I must think of a way out."

Gu Hengsheng was always a little uneasy, and felt that he had to remind the old lunatic.

"Oh! That's right! Now there is one more you, which is indeed a burden."

The old lunatic suddenly realized that the jug in his hand was suspended in mid-air.

If Gu Hengsheng had the ability, he would have suppressed the old lunatic.It's too much to say that it's cumbersome.

Gu Hengsheng remained silent, looking at what the old lunatic had planned.

Since the old lunatic promised to help Gu Hengsheng, he would definitely not let Gu Hengsheng go.

"Oh! It's a pity, the old man wanted to play for a while."

The old lunatic seemed to be not having a good time, and sighed softly: "If you stay here, it's hard to guarantee that you won't be kept, so you can only leave for the time being."

"Let's go!" Gu Hengsheng said helplessly.

The old lunatic stood up slowly and patted the dirt on his body like an ordinary little old man.


With a wave of his right hand, the old lunatic retracted the large formation arranged in the first-line canyon.

The next moment, the old lunatic grabbed Gu Hengsheng's clothes with his left hand, and led Gu Hengsheng towards the distance at a high speed, and escaped into the void.


In just a split second, more than a dozen ancient beings on the cloud recognized the old lunatic, and were shocked and angry.

"Who did he take?"

The strong men only saw Gu Hengsheng's back, but couldn't guess his identity.

"Damn old lunatic!"

All the powers were furious and smashed the entire first-line canyon into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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