The sword rises

Chapter 1190

Chapter 1190
The first thousand and 190 chapters of life
The old lunatic calculated the various forces and slaughtered thousands of powerful people.

This matter suddenly caused a sensation in all the heavens of the emperor's road, and caused quite a shock.It hasn't been long since the Empress pacified the turmoil in the Underworld, and now such a major event has erupted, making the world feel that the Emperor's Road is getting more and more restless, and trembling with fear.

Not only were many old antiques furious, but even many ordinary practitioners were also shocked.

"Dong Zhixuan, a lunatic, wasn't killed by a peerless existence in the Three Sacred Mountains 5000 years ago? Why is he still alive?"

"Impossible! Logically speaking, the old lunatic should be dead."

"I heard that the peerless powerhouse in the Three Sacred Mountains died 3000 years ago, and publicized that his life span was exhausted. Now it seems that there may be something unknown hidden in it."

With the appearance of the old lunatic, many people's minds became tense all of a sudden.

"Could it be the old lunatic against the Three Sacred Mountains..."

Some people guessed some kind of terrible thing, dare not go on, terrified.

Old lunatic, it's really scary.

You must not provoke him!
Certain forces have already regarded Old Maniac Dong as someone who must not be provoked. He is very vengeful, and as long as the person he cares about, unless it is the Great Emperor, he will die.

The peerless existence of the Three Sacred Mountains is at the very top of Xiantai, and has already touched the threshold of the Nine Dao.This kind of existence, as long as the emperor didn't make a move, it is logically impossible to suppress it.

More than 3000 years ago, the peerless strong man in the Three Sacred Mountains fell, claiming to be a natural sitting.Looking back now, people in the world don't think this matter is simple, and when they think about it carefully, they are terrified and even afraid.

Even though the old lunatic plotted against all major forces this time, no one dared to be the first to say that he would attack the old lunatic.Because, no one wants to be missed by the old lunatic.

As for working together to deal with the old lunatic, don't be kidding.For so many years, the forces of various parties have plotted against the old lunatic many times, but it is still to no avail.

"A lunatic, life is really big!"

The helmsmen of the various forces did not take any practical actions other than yelling and cursing angrily. They did not want to live in that kind of fearful life.

It's just that some strong people died. Although it hurts, I can only grit my teeth and accept it.

Basically, all the major forces have this attitude, as if the matter in the first-line canyon has never happened.

Emperor Road No. 20 Zhongtian, in a cave in a certain star field.

In the depths of the cave, there is a unique view of the sky, winding streams, green grass, and a clear pool of water.

The old lunatic stepped on the stream with a "plop" with his bare black and dry feet, enjoying the comfort of the strands of stream water passing over the soles of his feet.

"What is this place?"

Gu Hengsheng looked around and found that this place was like a small world, with pleasant scenery, quiet and serene.

"The old man's kennel." The old lunatic replied lazily.

"You really enjoy it!"

Gu Hengsheng sighed in admiration.

"Life is alive, after all, you have to have a little interest, otherwise life would be so boring."

The old lunatic followed the clear stream all the way to a boulder, then turned over and stretched.

"Are you still interested?"

Gu Hengsheng sneered.

Of the creatures on the Emperor's Road, who doesn't know that you, Dong Zhixuan, are a complete lunatic. It's hard to imagine what a lunatic's hobbies and interests are.

kill?or what?

"In your previous life, you were also the famous Heaven-hating Sword Immortal. How could you be as pedantic as ordinary people? It's unbearably vulgar."

The old lunatic snorted coldly, very displeased with Gu Hengsheng's questioning tone.

"Then tell me, what do you like to do on weekdays?"

Gu Hengsheng was very curious about the old maniac, he felt that the old maniac itself was a treasure that needed to be excavated slowly.

The old lunatic knows many supernatural powers and mysteries unknown to the world, and his way of thinking is quite different from that of the world, and the origin is even more mysterious.It is impossible to say that Gu Hengsheng is not curious about the true origin of the old lunatic.

"Drink a little wine and sleep late. When I wake up, I will find some people who are not pleasing to the eye to exercise my muscles and bones."

The old lunatic lay on a cold boulder, turned his right hand lightly, and a wine gourd appeared in his hand, and he began to drink heavily.

"Not bad." Gu Hengsheng thought that the old lunatic would say that "killing people" was his only interest, but he didn't expect it to be so comfortable.

The old lunatic closed his eyes and kept pouring wine into his mouth, as if he had forgotten all his troubles.

After a long time, Gu Hengsheng broke the tranquility and asked solemnly, "How are you going to solve my problem?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." The old lunatic replied slowly: "Wait."

Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to find a place to stay, leaned against an old tree, and waited quietly.

Up to now, Gu Hengsheng has no other choice but to trust the old lunatic.

Besides, even if Gu Hengsheng wants to leave now, the old lunatic probably won't let Gu Hengsheng leave.

Reshaping a perfect Dao foundation, such a challenging thing, is enough to make the boring old lunatic excited for a long time.

One hour, two hours...

A slight snoring sound reached Gu Hengsheng's ears, causing Gu Hengsheng to raise his eyebrows.

Gu Hengsheng followed the snoring sound and looked at the old lunatic, with a wry smile on his lips.

The old lunatic fell asleep.

A person with his level of cultivation actually fell into a state of sleep while thinking about problems.

At this moment, Gu Hengsheng seemed to be able to understand what the old lunatic said about his interest, and he was really not joking, he just fell asleep when he said it.

After a long time, the old lunatic still has no tendency to wake up.

Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to take out the real rare wine of the seventh senior brother, and opened the bottle of the jug.

Immediately, the aroma of wine overflowed, permeating every corner of this small world.

A trace of saliva dripped from the corner of the old lunatic's mouth, and his throat couldn't help rolling a few times.Immediately afterwards, the old lunatic opened his eyes and stared directly at Gu Hengsheng: "What kind of wine is this, why is it so mellow? Give it to the old man to taste."

After the old lunatic finished speaking, he grabbed the jug in Gu Hengsheng's hand, his eyes lit up, looking forward to it.

"If you still want to drink in the future, I advise you to slow down and don't waste this fine wine."

Gu Hengsheng felt a pain in his flesh. This is the real rare wine of the seventh senior brother, and there are only five bottles.Each bottle is a rare fine wine in the world, and every bottle you drink is one less.


The old lunatic didn't pay attention to these, and just raised his head and drank.

The old lunatic was extremely satisfied with the delicious wine: "The Xueyun brewed for more than ten thousand years is not bad."

"Old man, stop dawdling, can you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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