The sword rises

Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199
The first thousand 190 nine chapters of the vast sea of ​​people
The old lunatic looked disdainful: "You have to know how much energy and money this old man has spent on this crap like your kid. For the sake of your token, the old man's shooting fee is a little cheaper, and you can just pay three or five A hundred bottles of Wannian rare wine would be fine."

Gu Hengsheng gave the old lunatic a supercilious look, three to five million bottles of ten thousand year old wine, you are really embarrassed to speak.

The rare wines of more than [-] years old are rare treasures in the world.

"The meridian is so fragile, is it because of the remodeling?"

Gu Hengsheng stood up from the cold jade ice bed, and checked his body with his spiritual thoughts.

"Don't change the subject, you have to pay the shooting fee, otherwise the old man will not give up. You remember this account yourself, and the old man will definitely come to ask for it in the future."

The old lunatic looked at the treasure tree in the pavilion distressedly, thinking that he had lost so many treasures, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"It's time to talk."

Gu Hengsheng put aside the topic, he didn't want to argue with the old lunatic, he only cared about his current physical condition.

"I would like to remind you that your meridians and Daogen have just been reshaped. If you don't want to leave any hidden dangers, at least don't fight with others during this period. Otherwise, if you hurt your meridians, even if the Master of the Floating Life Tomb personally takes action, it will be useless. "

Speaking of this, the old lunatic reminded me very solemnly.

"How long will it take?"

Once something unexpected happens to his body during this period, Gu Hengsheng is afraid that his life and the road will be hopeless.

"About 500 years!"

The old lunatic pinched his fingers and estimated.

"So long?" Gu Hengsheng frowned, hundreds of years can change a lot of things, he can't afford to delay.

"How long it takes depends on your body's recovery ability. As long as you don't fight during this period, nothing will happen."

The old lunatic took the jade lotus seat from mid-air, and pushed it in front of Gu Hengsheng: "Since the old man lent you this thing, I will leave it to you for safekeeping! If there is something wrong, it can be done." Save your life."

"It's... good."

Gu Hengsheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

This kindness can only be kept in my heart, and will be repaid slowly in the future.

The jade square lotus seat was originally lent to Gu Hengsheng by the existence of Qianluo Waterfall to protect Gu Hengsheng's body. Although the old lunatic was very greedy, he didn't have the courage to occupy it by force.

If that existence knew about it, the old lunatic would probably lose a layer of skin.

"First stabilize the shaky cultivation base, so as not to fall into trouble."

The old lunatic shook his head while walking outside.He did some calculations, and felt that all the treasures he had saved by saving money had been made into Gu Hengsheng's wedding dress, which was a loss.

Gu Hengsheng sat on the ground without wasting any time.

Gu Hengsheng had to stabilize his cultivation in the early stage of the Second Ban on Sendai before he could plan the next step.

A few days later, Gu Hengsheng stabilized his cultivation.

The old lunatic sat on the side with the old god, he glanced at Gu Hengsheng, and said in a deep thought: "I advise you to stay here for a hundred years, be safe."

"I still have a lot of things to solve, so I can't delay."

Gu Hengsheng also thought about staying with the old lunatic, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided to leave.

For hundreds of years, if Gu Hengsheng stayed here all the time, he would definitely be blocked by news, and even miss some opportunities and things.Anyway, as long as you don't easily fight with others, Gu Hengsheng can do it without revealing his identity.

"It's up to you! This is your own way, and the old man will not interfere."

The old lunatic lay on the ground, leisurely.

Gu Hengsheng was not pretentious, and put the jade lotus seat in the space treasure, so that he could protect his Taoist body at critical times.

Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at the old lunatic, slowly bent down, and bowed to him: "Thank you for your help, this kindness must be engraved in my heart, and I dare not forget it."

If there is no old lunatic, Gu Hengsheng probably will spend more time to repair Daogen, even in the foreseeable future.

It is impossible for Gu Hengsheng to forget about this great kindness.

The old lunatic closed his eyes, as if he was asleep, and did not answer Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng stood on the spot and pondered for a moment. He walked out of the secret realm step by step, which meant that the entire Emperor's Road would cause a storm because of his re-entry into the world.

After a while, Gu Hengsheng's half of his foot stepped on the void of the outside world, and he would leave the secret realm in the next moment.

"I hope that in my lifetime, I can witness with my own eyes the coming of a new era of prosperity."

The voice of the old lunatic suddenly reached Gu Hengsheng's ears, causing Gu Hengsheng to pause slightly.

Gu Hengsheng's eyes were firm, and he pondered: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Gu Hengsheng took another foot.


Once Gu Hengsheng's figure disappeared, only the old lunatic was left in the secret realm.

"Finally I can sleep peacefully!"

If he was tens of thousands of years younger, the old lunatic would definitely follow Gu Hengsheng out and stir up the world.Now, the old lunatic doesn't have the arrogance he had before, and just wants to stick to his heart.

The turmoil in the Nine Nether Seas has basically been quelled.

After the war, a wonderful and prosperous age ushered in, and the battle on the emperor's road became more and more tense.

Somebody spread a rumor that Emperor Nangong was seriously injured in the Battle of Fengyou, and it is very likely that he will never recover.If you want to prove the way against the sky in this life, it is definitely the best opportunity.

Therefore, Dilu is more chaotic than before.

Many forces hidden on the emperor's road have sent out elite children, wanting to compete for luck in this life, and are willing to gamble for the ethereal and illusory road to enlightenment.

Gu Hengsheng still hasn't recovered his original appearance, no one can recognize his identity wherever he goes.

"Where are they all?"

Gu Hengsheng crossed the vast sea and thousands of miles of mountains, but he didn't see a single person he knew.

For more than ten years, Gu Hengsheng was very worried about the safety of Guyou Palace Master Li Qiurou: "With Rou'er's ability, there shouldn't be any problems."

Li Qiurou gradually inherited the strength of her previous life, and her reputation became bigger and bigger, spreading throughout the emperor's road, and almost everyone knew it.

Later, Gu Hengsheng learned about Li Qiurou from some practitioners.

Today's Li Qiurou is revered by the world, with a peerless beauty that can only be seen from afar.

Li Qiurou is in control of the Heavenly Emperor's Jidao Emperor Mirror, and with her own formidable strength, it is difficult for the younger generation to find a match.

It was heard that Xu Wentian from the Xu family of the ancient family admired Li Qiurou, the owner of the ancient palace, and invited Li Qiurou to discuss the Tao with a glass of wine at No.

Li Qiurou did not accept Xu Wentian's invitation, she was as cold as frost.

After that, Li Qiurou temporarily disappeared from the public's sight and disappeared.

"He got stronger."

After several months, Gu Hengsheng blended into the vast crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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