The sword rises

Chapter 1200 Yunjuan Yunshu, the world of mortals refines the heart

Chapter 1200 Yunjuan Yunshu, the world of mortals refines the heart

Chapter 1000 Yunjuan Yunshu, Red Dust Refining Heart

During this period of time, Gu Hengsheng basically understood the situation in Dilu, and also heard about some old friends and friends.

Not long ago, Sword Master Dugu Shang slashed across hundreds of miles of mountains with his sword.Many young people who practice the way of swords rushed to the broken mountains, hoping to comprehend their own way.

And Bailichen of Daoist Dao Sect was plotted by a certain force and almost died.The Taoist nun heard this, walked out of the Valley of the Burial Heart, and destroyed this power with the three-foot green sword in her hand, which was very domineering.

The little princess of the Dragon Carp Clan returned to her ancestors, and gradually showed terrifying talent and strength, as if she had the youthful qualities of Emperor Fulong, and was sought after by countless young talents.

There are also many evildoers and arrogances, all of which showed their talents and gained a great reputation on the Emperor's Road.

For a moment, Emperor Road presented a situation where all the arrogances stood side by side.

This world is many times more brilliant than the previous era, and all kinds of gods and treasures are dazzling, and it is difficult to distinguish between top and bottom.

It is said that the ancient forces on the emperor's road also intend to compete for the luck of this life, and want to seek the position of proving the way.

"It seems that there were still many evildoers hiding in the past, and it is only now that they have gradually emerged."

Gu Hengsheng also heard many unfamiliar names, and these people had gained great fame on the Emperor's Road, and their fame moved a lot.

The Emperor's Road is in the [-]th sky, in an ancient city.

Gu Hengsheng sat alone in a corner of the city, looking at the passers-by like a spectator.

Gu Hengsheng needs to spend at least a hundred years to settle himself, not to fight with others, so as not to cause the foundation to be unstable.Therefore, Gu Hengsheng chose another path, refining his mind in the world of mortals, cultivating the master's way.

Gu Hengsheng has been a beginner for so long, and he hasn't really started to practice the Tao of Three Lives in the world of the world.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Hengsheng can hide himself in the sea of ​​people, watch thousands of red mountains, watch the clouds and clouds, and understand the various aspects of life.

"What happened in the previous life is in the past. Now the most important thing is to take every next step well, so as not to leave any regrets."

Gu Hengsheng was placed in the crowd, no one would notice him at all, let alone someone approached him.

His appearance is very ordinary, and his cultivation base is also mediocre.

"What is that? Why is half the sky turning red?"

In the ancient city, many practitioners looked up at the sky that suddenly became blood-red, as if the sunset had descended, attracting everyone's attention.

"It seems that there is still a trace of the sound of the piano, is it because I am hallucinating?"

Some people squinted their eyes, not sure.

"This is the voice of Suzaku Fengqin. Could it be that someone from the Suzaku clan was born?"

A well-informed man in the ancient city exclaimed.


The strong wind was blowing, and the hearts of everyone in the ancient city were uneasy.

Immediately afterwards, an ancient Suzaku spread its wings from afar, and its blood-red feathers dyed the entire sky red.

Naturally, there are many powerful people hidden in the ancient city. They were all in awe, with surprise in their eyes: "Clan chief Suzaku!"

The Suzaku Clan has two fengqins in total, one is in the hands of the Great Elder Liu Banyun, and the other is of course controlled by the Suzaku Clan Chief.However, Liu Banyun's life and death are unknown now, and the Fengqin he held is also lost.

Fengqin is very important to the Suzaku Clan and cannot be lost.

Therefore, after more than ten years of unsuccessful search by the Suzaku Clan, the head of the Suzaku Clan had to be born.

"This is a living fossil! Even the patriarch of Suzaku has been born, so we must find the lost Fengqin."

The Suzaku clan is extremely sparsely populated.But everyone in the Suzaku tribe is a proud person, and they can all sit in one side, with the demeanor of a strong man.And to become the head of the Suzaku clan, one must overwhelm the entire clan with strength in order to convince the clansmen.

Naturally, there is no need to question the strength of the Suzaku patriarch, he can be called an unrivaled existence under the emperor.

In order to find the lost Fengqin and the great elder Liu Banyun, the Suzaku patriarch had no choice but to come forward in person.

"I have met the Suzaku patriarch."

Many people in the ancient city bowed and saluted, welcoming the arrival of the Suzaku patriarch.

The blood-red flame descended, proclaiming the dignity of Suzaku patriarch.

When Suzaku appeared, he turned into a middle-aged man in a long red coat.

He is the current patriarch of the Suzaku Clan, Jing Mingyu.It means a blockbuster, famous all over the world.

He did not live up to the name given to him by his elders. What he did was not only to be famous all over the world, but also to shock the world, bringing the prestige of the Suzaku clan to a higher level.

With his hands behind his back, Jing Mingyu stood above the ancient city, overlooking the practitioners in the city: "The Fengqin of my Suzaku clan was lost on the Emperor's Road, if all fellow Taoists find it, please return it to my Suzaku clan, I will be very grateful. "

After the Suzaku patriarch said these words, he left the ancient city and went to the next place.

Fengqin cannot be left outside, which symbolizes the majesty and inheritance of the Suzaku clan.Therefore, no matter what the price is, Suzaku patriarch must find Fengqin and find the seriously injured great elder Liu Banyun.

There is not much time left for the Suzaku Clan. If they don't take advantage of the strength of the clan to find Fengqin, they may have no chance in the future.

The head of the Suzaku clan still did not forget the words of the Empress: "The Suzaku clan will pay the price for their own choices, and none of the old guys who made the decision can escape."

As the head of the clan, Jing Mingyu cannot escape the blame.When the gentlemen from the Fusheng Tomb return, it may be the time for the Suzaku clan to pay a heavy price!

Therefore, Jing Mingyu must find Suzaku Fengqin as soon as possible, without delaying for a moment.

Among the crowd in the ancient city, Gu Hengsheng shook his head lightly, and said to himself, "The Feng Qin fell to the old lunatic. If the old lunatic doesn't take the initiative to take it out, the Suzaku clan probably won't be able to find it for thousands of years."

The arrival of the Suzaku patriarch was like a small episode, and soon there was no sound.

The ancient city was restored to its original appearance, with constant noise.

"I heard that Endless Sea recently selected a holy son, and they also want to compete for the luck of this life."

Endless Sea, an ancient force on the Emperor's Road, has a profound foundation.

Now that Emperor Nangong is seriously injured, there are rumors that his emperor Daoji has been irreparably damaged and may be incapacitated.

Then, as long as the evildoers in this life overwhelm their peers, they will have a chance to see the position of emperor.

"Endless sea?" Gu Hengsheng's hearing was astonishing, and he heard the news.

There is a great causal relationship between Endless Sea and Gu Hengsheng.

The Sword Immortal Hentian's former sword attendant died because of the endless sea, and Gu Hengsheng in this life was forced to cut out his heart and soul, and he also has the shadow of the endless sea.

Gu Hengsheng kept this enmity in his heart.

"I want to see what the Holy Son of the Endless Sea looks like and what skills he has."

Gu Hengsheng has no intention of revealing his identity, but the Son of Endless Sea must be his future enemy, so he has to pay attention.

Gu Hengsheng followed the crowd and rushed to another extremely lively place, where many evildoers and arrogance gathered, fighting for hegemony.

(End of this chapter)

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